-Sinatra's "That's Life" has been my karaoke song for years. "Summer Wind" if I need to slow things down a bit. It's important to have 1 or 2 you can always deliver. I wouldn't say I "practice" either, but I definitely try and stay in tune with crooning (in general) because I love doing it. You'll find me randomly belting out lyrics to "It Was a Very Good Year" while working around the house often.
Sash loves this.
-F Tennessee as a staff, record label, and as a MF crew.
-Big one for the Cards this weekend with a home night game against Pitt. Pretty much a pick em. I'd really like for them to drop a heartbreaker, obviously. They're starting to prepare themselves for CROD and the Kentucky Wildcats curbstomping Thanksgiving weekend. I enjoy.
-Huber's last Friday with the kids. Fresh apple cider is really the first taste of the Holidays for Dad. Stuff's the GD best, man.
-Few are going to admit it, but deep down UT fan's little ass is puckering about the Kentucky game. Physical defense with a workhorse RB in the backfield? After you squeaked by last year in Lexington? Not much else to play for this season but ruining yours? K.
Agree with Geese. Would be the greatest UK football win of my lifetime.
-2 weeks off for the baby, but back to work tomorrow. It's been pretty great tbh. I love my family, contrary to popular perception. Just really damn lucky CONSIDERING.
-The gruesome murder of the mom and daughter in Bardstown is what keeps me up at night. We all know who did the others and can speculate why, but that entire slaughter scene is just creepy/scary, and is hard to reconcile.
-Brought the elephant ears in for the season last night. I secretly prefer having them indoors tbh. Just a nice accent. I'm in the process of saying goodbye to two Boston Ferns that have just been spectacular all season long. Tough tbh.
-Planned a buddy's 40th stag birthday dinner for Pat's on the 28th. Food is what it is, but for a men's dinner/roast, tough to beat a private room there. Will be a blast.
-Any expecting parents, do yourself a favor and buy/rent the Snoo bassinet. It's like a cheat code for babies. Usually have to wake her up for feedings... Amazing advancement in the tough early go of parenting. We rented btw, because I'm never doing this shit again (vasectomy scheduled for 12/7).
-Lass made a wise crack about it, saying if something ever happens to her she's glad I won't be able to start another family with another woman. I replied that I don't think she thought that one through enough as far as what it'll
*actually* mean for Dad if she's not around.
She wasn't amused. Enjoy, babe.
Trust I will.