I've got a handful of items in good condition and of nice value (espresso machine, yeti, printer, etc) that I'd rather not give away. It's nice stuff, so I'd prefer to sell it for hard earned cash and put that $$$ to work -- beer money, of course. But cot damn, CraigsList is a gd disaster. You immediately get 15 straight texts.......
is the yeti still available?
where are you located?
how do you prefer payment?
cash only
is it available today?
would it be okay to come by today and pick it up?
im available in the afternoon. would that work for you?
ok.isend you SiX dIGIt code to prove youareareal pErSoN can you please send to me. you. venmo. or paypal and bank account INFO TO CONfirm
nope. f*** off.
What an incredible waste of time.