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If we truly love college basketball and truly enjoy watching our University of Kentucky Wildcats, why would we want to "scorch the college basketball earth" ? I mean scorching something would be to burn it fiercely, and to me, I would not want to harm something I care so dear about ?? Odd.
You really are 53.
So I was updating my laptop and decided to play Candy Crush on my laptop instead of my phone while I was waiting. It started me at level one, even though I have been playing for years. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

The first levels are so easy (Duh) and I am obsessed with seeing how far I can go without losing a life. Currently level 30 and counting.

Do I know how to live the wild life or what?! Yes, that’s right, I’m a wild woman and it’s totally understandable if you are a little jealous.
Hey Pretzel, how do you determine all the weird contraptions you're going to use for lifting each day? Do you have a plan, or do you just randomly select from a box of platforms, ropes, rubber-bands, chains, whips, etc.?
Just as I successfully fought ridiculous school closures last fall. I'm going to continuously remind Greg Fisher apologists, all perched in their fancy East End country clubs, the truth behind 25 years and billions of dollars of investment being pissed down the drain because their god like city leaders are terrified of another incident.

If you're OK with Whiskey Row and real downtown turning into Cincy circa '09 that's on you. If not, speak up.
This evening I mowed my yard, my neighbors bank, because he really shouldn’t, and as I was finishing up my other old lady neighbor asked if I would mow her yard. Her son lives next to me and directly behind her. I did it because I’m a good guy but informed her I wasn’t going to do it all summer. Been there, done that, not going to commit to that shite. Got me in a world a hurt back in the day with another old lady neighbor and her yard. I guess I am a glutton for punishment.
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I grew up a Lakers fan...loved Magic, Kareem, Worthy, Rambis, Cooper..Showtime ....all those guys. But I’ll be damned if IGAF about them now. LeBron acts as if he doesn’t GAS and “Street Clothes” has been a real disappointment. Not just this year but ole boy has been “hurt” for years.

Down 27 and LeBron is barely looking to score. Can’t stand that guy.
Just as I successfully fought ridiculous school closures last fall. I'm going to continuously remind Greg Fisher apologists, all perched in their fancy East End country clubs, the truth behind 25 years and billions of dollars of investment being pissed down the drain because their god like city leaders are terrified of another incident.

If you're OK with Whiskey Row and real downtown turning into Cincy circa '09 that's on you. If not, speak up.

Nobody sticks up for Fischer, Junior.

Good gracious, somebody needs to yank your arrogant ass out of that snobby cow town full of penny millionaires and drop you back off in Shively for the summer. It would honestly do you some good.
Both myself and the kid up in the night with diarrhea. We have a swim lesson at 10am. This could get murky. Good thing they require 2 layers of diapers protection.
Nobody sticks up for Fischer, Junior.

Good gracious, somebody needs to yank your arrogant ass out of that snobby cow town full of penny millionaires and drop you back off in Shively for the summer. It would honestly do you some good.
Cow town? Pshht...

Horse capital of the world, bitch. Our city has it's crime, budget, and school board under control. You might want to look within before you lash out.
I love Lex.Always have and have several good friends from there including you and Anth. The horse country is beautiful and unique to Central Kentucky.

But let me tell you something, I will never take shit from anyone regarding this state’s largest city and biggest economic engine.

It’s a been a wild ass year and I’ve been right in the middle of it working downtown through a pandemic and stupid ass riots for a bank that pumped over 700 million dollars into the local economy through PPP loans to save local businesses. There were days last spring when we didn’t know as much about Covid that I wandered about my health and those around me but I kept on.

Louisville’s population is 25% black and there’s real issues West of 9th St that need to be addressed but NOT through rioting. The vast majority of rioters were not from Louisville and were bussed in.

This city will bounce back and the state should cheer it’s resurgence on as everyone in this Commonwealth will benefit from it.
My cousin plays football at Highlands and his dad just posted a fundraiser for their football program, one of those $20 coupon card things. WTF. Like those cake-eating MFers need $$$. Pisses me off.

Related - in Newport, their football team goes door-to-door selling these same coupon cards and I buy one every year ... because, Firefighter Bell rivalry with New Cath or not, they actually need the money and I appreciate these kids actually knocking on doors over in the East Row.

F Highlands. Can’t wait til I send my daughter there in 14 years and my dad gets pissed off at me and I am haunted by self-loathing the rest of my miserable cake-eating bitchass life.
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I love Lex.Always have and have several good friends from there including you and Anth. The horse country is beautiful and unique to Central Kentucky.

But let me tell you something, I will never take shit from anyone regarding this state’s largest city and biggest economic engine.

It’s a been a wild ass year and I’ve been right in the middle of it working downtown through a pandemic and stupid ass riots for a bank that pumped over 700 million dollars into the local economy through PPP loans to save local businesses. There were days last spring when we didn’t know as much about Covid that I wandered about my health and those around me but I kept on.

Louisville’s population is 25% black and there’s real issues West of 9th St that need to be addressed but NOT through rioting. The vast majority of rioters were not from Louisville and were bussed in.

This city will bounce back and the state should cheer it’s resurgence on as everyone in this Commonwealth will benefit from it.

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Just sitting over here in my picturesque small town with its low crime rate and zero traffic and beautiful horse farms and a castle and world-renowned distilleries and easy access to larger cities.

Good because guys like you and Anth couldn’t handle a worldclass city like Cincinnati, New York or Chicago. No offense but too fast for you guys.
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Good because guys like you and Anth couldn’t handle a worldclass city like Cincinnati, New York or Chicago. No offense but too fast for you guys.
I only mention it once every two weeks, so you may have forgotten that I used to live in Los Angeles, where I was friends with the half of the city that '73 didn't sleep with.

So get pumped with Uncle Al's accordion, bub.
Just sitting over here in Newburgh, Indiana (vomits) surrounded by non-violent, somewhat-wealthy white people.

---> Because my life is really weird and I guess unique, I found myself in a small town in southern Mississippi that was hosting a high school playoff game that would end up being Devin Booker's final game at that level... He single-handedly took the eventual one loss state champs into overtime on a dogshit team that had a .500 record.

Came in here to tell my story and how good he was and I got shouted down that he was going to be the two and likely three year player UK needs. That's when I lost faith in the basketballs in here and the group think.

-------> Shew

Friday Five:

Grum: U
MGMT: Electric Feel
Kendrick Lamar: MAAD City
Ben Folds Five: Smoke
Simon and Gfunk: Scarborough Fair

---> Have a good weekend you rascals
- First time to Vegas planned for the end of the month.

- Also a stay-on-the-boat yacht trip in the BVI booked for February with three other couples. Missed our 10th anniversary last year and I’m 40 this year, so minus.

- In short, we’re back, people.

- Looking forward to trying a real Painkiller from the original source.

- Not one to worry too much about getting older; “enjoy the seasons of life,” atkot. But realizing someone born the day you graduated high school can now legally buy alcohol is weird.

- Memorial is one of my favorite tournaments every year, Muirfield one of the best tracks on tour. Strong Augusta vibes.

- Watching Adam Scott putt makes me irrationally annoyed.

- Tournament starts tomorrow. Whatever the result, it’s been a fun season coaching alongside Coach Tony. A little sad that this crew will be broken up next year via the draft. Been together a long time, and most are good friends outside of baseball.

- Definitely feels like summer of 2009 all over again. You don’t know exactly what the team will do, you just know the next few years will be fun.

- As excited as I am about basketball, though, even more excited about football to a level I can’t even describe.

- Looks like three days of pretty perfect summer weather. Enjoy it, gang.
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Hey Pretzel, how do you determine all the weird contraptions you're going to use for lifting each day? Do you have a plan, or do you just randomly select from a box of platforms, ropes, rubber-bands, chains, whips, etc.?
I have a coach and he sends me a training block with all that laid out. It's "conjugate," which is a system a guy at Westside Barbell in Columbus (Louie Simmons) essentially stole from the Russians/Bulgarians. The chains, bands, boards, blocks etc. are all accommodating resistance, which is basically adding additional weight at one end of the lift. So, for example, chains increase top end weight but deload at the bottom, which allows you to get practice picking up/holding a weight you maybe can't do full range yet. Westside v. the World is on Netflix and is the best meathead doc next to Pumping Iron, but with way more dudes wearing jeans and work boots to lift.

/lifting stuff

- 28 days til beach vacation. Can. Not. Wait. I haven't had a real vacation since 2019 and haven't gotten to the beach since 2018. Way overdue. My apologies in advance to everyone else in South Carolina. Anyone in my vicinity will need additional sun/eye protection because I'm so pale I reflect the sun back to the sky.

- Cold brew coffee szn.

- Time expands during short work weeks. Yesterday felt like a 56-hour-long Monday. Similarly, I thought I had been at the office 6 hours already, but somehow it's only 10:20.


- We had a summer intern start and she is delightful, but I wanted to hurl when I realized "WAP" released while she was still in college. I am an old.

- Friday 5:
Gojira - Stranded
Rage Against the Machine - Sleep Now in the Fire
Steely Dan - With a Gun
Ramin Djawadi - The Night King
Tedeschi Trucks Band - Misunderstood
My cousin plays football at Highlands and his dad just posted a fundraiser for their football program, one of those $20 coupon card things. WTF. Like those cake-eating MFers need $$$. Pisses me off.
Agree. Almost as bad as some 8 year old selling stuff so his AAU team can go play in Texas in some hoops jamboree. Stop it. I know who your dad is.
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