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My old man has always been of the opinion that all nondesirables/derelicts/criminals/etc should be sent together to a secluded island with a cache of automatic weapons and crack cocaine, to sort out their own differences.

Seems like a fairly avante garde approach, but I haven’t studied the data or the literature on the subject, so I’ll withhold opinion for now.
Substitute cocaine with booze and you have the British colonies in Australia.
According to PTI “The Bet” currently stands “up my ass” which makes absolutely no sense.

I guess my satirical political posts have the poor thing in a bit of a dither, which is silly, because they’re meant to provoke dummies, and PTI might be morally reprehensible, selfish, and contrarian to the point of absurdity, but he’s never impressed me as a dummie. Quite the opposite actually.
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Etta May lmao. That brings back some memories. #LaughTrackLive

Speaking of Laugh Track Live, I Google’d “Miachaslov comedian,” and the top Wiki was for a guy named Michael McIntyre. Evidently that dude was the highest grossing comedian in the world in 2012. So definitely not the same guy.
My old man has always been of the opinion that all nondesirables/derelicts/criminals/etc should be sent together to a secluded island with a cache of automatic weapons and crack cocaine, to sort out their own differences.

Seems like a fairly avante garde approach, but I haven’t studied the data or the literature on the subject, so I’ll withhold opinion for now.
Beat me to it, but that’s EXACTLY what Britain did at one point and it became one of the coolest places on earth.

Eddie Montgomery is a friend and one of the coolest laid back dudes ever.

Working bar tonight at the Sammy Hagar concert. Should be a blast.
What isn't back is the business area between 2nd street and like 7th. I don't think the problem there is the protests as much as it is the business community just hasn't returned. Its especially an issue around the Yum Center as that was the area that had improved the most and it is a shell of itself. The amount of homelessness has increased exponentially although it seems as if the city has basically ceded the areas around the bridges to be the congested areas. Driving through there is terribly sad and I am not sure what the answer truly is.

There are more people around the areas of downtown that need uplift, but still not enough. I am not sure how exactly that is going to change but if it hasn't by this fall and winter, the city will really have some issues.

Why don't you think the business community hasn't returned? Your answer is above but you fail to recognize this....same as the brilliant leaders in NYC, Chicago, Minneapolis, Seattle, etc.....

Typical liberal ignorance. Unbelievable.
According to KSR, the following people were involved in last nights OVW match:

Eddie Montgomery
Scott Davenport
Etta May
Kash Daniel

[laughing] [laughing]

Fellas I think this thing is gonna work after all. That’s quite a lineup.


Cantlay/Woodland/Fatrick/Bryson, and maybe the 1-unders....there’s a 65 out there today that’s gonna make the leaders sweat.

Pop open some brewskis, soak up some Vitamin D, fire up a little Savage Garden/Alanis remix — can life get any better, boys? Leggo!
Some of you are trying WAYYYY too hard.

Better to be seen and not heard.

It's a fun final group followed by a bunch of guys.

Not even in top leaderboard of this month.

OH DAMN! Oosthuizen and Streelman in the top 5! WHAT A TOURNEY!!!!
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  • Haha
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