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Felt awful about 28 hours after my second shot, crashed hard with chills, fever etc. but woke up the next morning feeling awesome. Maybe it was the vaccine’s super powers but more likely it was getting about 12 hours of hard sleep.
So Matt and Drew have both implied that it's unlikely that Dontaie will be back next year.

Why would he be? Dude balled out instantly when finally given a real opportunity, and then had his minutes diminished back down to essentially zero. Sure, he had a few rough games after his first several heaters -- but who TF didn't on this damn team?
I dont understand why he wouldnt just come back and not play. Is getting a front-row seat to watch another younger, "highly rated star" struggle along for 5 months not enough to keep someone devoted to the program anymore? We could get him on a team in the middle east after graduation right before he quits to come back and do medical device sales- but whatever.
- Treme is one of the most underrated premium cable series out there IMO. Great writing about a great city with more culture than anywhere else in the US. John Boutte is a famous musician from the Treme, probably why they had him do the theme song. I dig it myself.

- skipping my scheduled gym visit for the first time since getting back into it. The cold weather just zapped my desire and I have a bunch of stuff I need to knock out for work. Plan to do some yoga stretches and light dumbell work in the living room.

- Thinking about doing a McD's fish filet double for lunch today #fat

- I don't care what anyone wants to do behind closed doors. I don't care for some of those things becoming public domain and trying to achieve tax dollars for their agenda though. Both sides are hypocrites on this issue.

- A couple of dudes on the rugby team were world class badasses with all the stories. One of them was teammates with SAE in HS I think, dude loved to fight but was also as cool as they came once you got to know him. My favorite story on him wasn't fighting though. He got blueballed by a chick one night after a rugby party. Once he realized they weren't having sex despite a naked makeout session in his bed, he wacked off on her leg and told her to GTFO.

- I'm looking forward to the Soprano's prequel, surprised it hasn't gotten more talk in here.

Friday 5
Little One - Highly Suspect
Ray of Light - Madonna
Hungry Like the Wolf - Duran Duran
Spill the Wine - War w/ Eric Burden
Fooled Around and Fell In Love - Elvin Bishop
Euro-nymphing is not as cool as the name indicates.

Spent a couple years in Colorado and got into fly-fishing while there. Moved back this way in 2012 and haven't done it since. Same goes for skiing. Both are always in the back of my mind as something I'm going to do again "this year"
One day after hiking for 10 miles I stopped at McDonalds and ordered my stuff...probably involved some combination of a mcdouble, fries, maybe nuggets, LARGE DIET COKE....well, what I received was not that.

I dove in the bag like a starving Syrian child and pulled out TWO GD DOUBLE FISH FILET SANDWICHES WITH CHEESE. I've never been close enough to see one of these things in person, dont' associate with anybody who would eat such bullshit, but on that god awful day my hungry ass tried that fish sponge thing with cheese. It was awful. The cheese didn't help. The single honkiest piece of white trash food I've ever eaten. Whoever ordered this awful meal also ordered a...Sprite. It's hard to f up a trip to McDonalds that bad.
-Little bro's wedding last summer in Brooklyn was canceled out of an abundance of caution. Really sucked at the time, but they just punted for a year to salvage their parties, bachelor/bachelorette parties, etc. which are all now scheduled and in motion. Same venue, roughly the same date, and fairly confident to be on track like anth promised.

Originally scheduled for Austin, we're now doing the BP here in Louisville in May. Distillery tour, group dinner at Porcini, pool drinking, night racing. His buddies from NY and other parts of the country are coming and are pretty pumped, actually. Cool excuse to take in the Bluegrass State. A lot of his local buddies can make it now, or at least participate a la carte. Glad it's worked out. Will be a great weekend (sending the lass and kids to Lexington, of course).

-I'd like to dig deeper into 80's London rock but am not finding much on spotify. Recs appreciated.

-Fish House for Dad. Planning to hit Passtime Fish House in J-Town next week because I keep hearing about it. Rye. Cold beer. Fries. Pups. Could make a compelling argument that's my last meal request *if* a brat sidecar could be negotiated.

-Spring sweaters to the dry cleaners. Time. My favorite wardrobe item.

-I like a signet ring, and as a man recently got over my own insecurities relating to things like that. Plus, as I read on twitter the other night it's important to emphasize that presenting as traditionally masculine is not inherently bad.

-If you can't gladly smack a QP w cheese meal, large Diet, then GTFO.

-Chris Kolb and his ilk having no say over my children's education really makes that tuition a bargain. God bless the Archbishop.

-Now that the lass is working again our spending has gone down immensely but now I have to hear every GD thing about every GD thing with her work, co-workers, etc. GD. Everything has a trade off. Learn internalize.
Little dude already back to birth weight after a week, he likes his milk.

I’m gonna raise him to treat everyone with respect and how he’d like to be treated.

Haven’t seen much on Soprano’s prequel but obviously super interested. Please elaborate.

The super badass friend guy, we’ve all had a few. Not really worth the baggage imo, and they aren’t bulletproof.

Did a little enhanced frozen pizza for lunch. Jack’s sausage for the base, add pepperoni, garlic salt, Napoli drizzle, extra layer of cheese, top with mushrooms and profit. Can’t wait for my Ooni to finally get here.

Ordered a MacBook Pro today. Laptop on it’s dying legs. Time to take the full Apple plunge.

Barrel pick with Krazy tomorrow, can’t wait.
-Little bro's wedding last summer in Brooklyn was canceled out of an abundance of caution. Really sucked at the time, but they just punted for a year to salvage their parties, bachelor/bachelorette parties, etc. which are all now scheduled and in motion. Same venue, roughly the same date, and fairly confident to be on track like anth promised.

Originally scheduled for Austin, we're now doing the BP here in Louisville in May. Distillery tour, group dinner at Porcini, pool drinking, night racing. His buddies from NY and other parts of the country are coming and are pretty pumped, actually. Cool excuse to take in the Bluegrass State. A lot of his local buddies can make it now, or at least participate a la carte. Glad it's worked out. Will be a great weekend (sending the lass and kids to Lexington, of course).

-I'd like to dig deeper into 80's London rock but am not finding much on spotify. Recs appreciated.

-Fish House for Dad. Planning to hit Passtime Fish House in J-Town next week because I keep hearing about it. Rye. Cold beer. Fries. Pups. Could make a compelling argument that's my last meal request *if* a brat sidecar could be negotiated.

-Spring sweaters to the dry cleaners. Time. My favorite wardrobe item.

-I like a signet ring, and as a man recently got over my own insecurities relating to things like that. Plus, as I read on twitter the other night it's important to emphasize that presenting as traditionally masculine is not inherently bad.

-If you can't gladly smack a QP w cheese meal, large Diet, then GTFO.

-Chris Kolb and his ilk having no say over my children's education really makes that tuition a bargain. God bless the Archbishop.

-Now that the lass is working again our spending has gone down immensely but now I have to hear every GD thing about every GD thing with her work, co-workers, etc. GD. Everything has a trade off. Learn internalize.

- Had my bachelor party in Lexington just so I could get as many of people as I could there, including Dad. That was the right move. Going somewhere like Vegas would have been awesome but not as cool as getting 30 of my buddies across friend groups in the same place for 48 hours. Because God knows you don’t get quality time with them at the actual wedding.

- My wife’s complete inability to compartmentalize work is mind boggling to me. I guess that’s a female thing?
Yeah I think Wcc’s bachelor party was awesome, and done on a much more realistic and manageable scale.

My Vegas excursion was pretty insane and cost prohibitive for a lot of my friends. Yeah sure it was dope, if I had to do again prob something like Keeneland or a crab island trip.
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Also knew a guy in high school that would light up people at any moment. I did my best to stay on his good side. One of the funnier things I saw was at a party one night (of course in a field). There were about 5 of us standing around in a circle, and for literally no reason whatsoever, this guy takes a swing and just barely clips another guy. Another guy in the circle says if you want to fight someone, fight me (cliche but he said it). The actual tough guy says not a single word, just punches this volunteer directly in the face. Just one punch. I have never, not in boxing, MMA, streetfights on Youtube, nothing, ever seen a guy get knocked out colder than this guy. It was literally lights out in an instant and he was a dead person standing on his feet. He fell backwards like he was a chopped down tree. Some other guys ended up taking him to the hospital because he wasn't really waking up much.

I, of course, quietly backed out of the circle and got the f*ck out of there.

Unrelated, but same party, a guy I went to K-12 with, was laying down in the field and a truck ran over his stomach. He was a pretty big dude, but still, unbelievably, wasn't really hurt. All he did was scream OH MY BELLY then got up to go drink some more.

Further unrelated note, the OH MY BELLY guy ended up "allegedly" murdering two girls a few years after high school. It was an "unsolved mystery" for a few years. They had found the bodies of two girls in a car in the bottom of a pond IIRC. He ended up later arrested, charged with murder, and then hung himself in the county jail. Growing up he was one of the funniest people I knew. Not sure what happened with him, but obviously not good.
~5:30 gym regimen for nearly a year now, minus the sporadic closures. Much stronger, muscle added, clothes fit different (3 sportcoats thrown out) but damn the weight is tough to get off. Of course...57 is hell on losing LBS unless you starve. PR this morning w/ a 230 bench. Haven't benched much overall due to bad shoulder from yrs on the diamond.

~Chicken scramble bowl at CFA is a new staple for breakfast.

~Forgetting about wet golf shoes in the shoe bag from a golf trip in December is not good...they used to be white.

~Mayor Gorton continues to be a church mouse when she should be pushing hard for Lex to be at full bore open. 7 day avg of less than a 100 cases w/ vaccines rolling out. #puppet

~The Dan Rather interviews are sneaky good.

Friday KISS 5....
Rock Bottom
Nothin' to Lose
Makin' Love
I Stole Your Love
Cold Gin

TGIF and get inoculated....
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Burger King surprisingly has a good fish sammich. The Big BK Fish. It is the ONLY thing I order once a year from there. Well that and the little onion rings with the fire ass dipping sauce.

Our bad ass back in the day, David Austin from Hanson. He actually fought Golden Gloves. He had a nice little rivalry with the sheriff's at the time son, David Lantrip. Jim the dad owned a karate studio and David tried to use it against David Austin. It did not end well for him. His sister Lori doh, man. She was smoking hot, and really good at Karate. Ranked #2 in the US at one time. Bad *itch, and in more ways than one.
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Friday 5
Little One - Highly Suspect
Ray of Light - Madonna
Hungry Like the Wolf - Duran Duran
Spill the Wine - War w/ Eric Burden
Fooled Around and Fell In Love - Elvin Bishop

Went years without realizing Mickey Thomas from Jefferson Starship sang lead.

Friday 5
Oh Atlanta- Little Feat
Pump It Up- Elvis Costello
These Eyes- Guess Who
Bargain- The Who
Against The Wind- Seger
-english Jay set up my bachelor party. Golf theme 9 "holes"/pub crawl...made a little scorecard complete with a "back 9" photo collage (they were ladies rumps, lmao). Carried around a ball and chain he made for me as well.

^at hole 3(lynaughs) a pan handler was out front(henry earl, iirc) so we added him to the party bus/bought him drinks all night...i like to think he had a nice time.

-not a strip club guy...but a few in the party insisted at end of the night. So me being me...i said lets go to thumpers (an hbsc). Bunch of giant white rugby dudes (and a homeless black guy)roll into the place: music stops(think needle scratch)/dancer stops whilst inverted on the pole and the bouncer says...something to the effect of "not sure you guys want to be here." My boys collected me and we walk across the street to paradise city. Good times.
- Class rings are a big thing at Texas A&M. College class rings. That's just a weird bunch.

- Not sure I root against anyone in golf more than Billy Horschel. Stop trying to sneak up on putts.

- Played as the #1 seed in tennis for 3 years back in the day but my hs team was beyond awful so it says more about them than it does me.

- CFA was cash only this morning and let's just say there were a few 34 year old women driving off in a huff.
- Treme is one of the most underrated premium cable series out there IMO. Great writing about a great city with more culture than anywhere else in the US. John Boutte is a famous musician from the Treme, probably why they had him do the theme song. I dig it myself.

- skipping my scheduled gym visit for the first time since getting back into it. The cold weather just zapped my desire and I have a bunch of stuff I need to knock out for work. Plan to do some yoga stretches and light dumbell work in the living room.

- Thinking about doing a McD's fish filet double for lunch today #fat

- I don't care what anyone wants to do behind closed doors. I don't care for some of those things becoming public domain and trying to achieve tax dollars for their agenda though. Both sides are hypocrites on this issue.

- A couple of dudes on the rugby team were world class badasses with all the stories. One of them was teammates with SAE in HS I think, dude loved to fight but was also as cool as they came once you got to know him. My favorite story on him wasn't fighting though. He got blueballed by a chick one night after a rugby party. Once he realized they weren't having sex despite a naked makeout session in his bed, he wacked off on her leg and told her to GTFO.

- I'm looking forward to the Soprano's prequel, surprised it hasn't gotten more talk in here.

Friday 5
Little One - Highly Suspect
Ray of Light - Madonna
Hungry Like the Wolf - Duran Duran
Spill the Wine - War w/ Eric Burden
Fooled Around and Fell In Love - Elvin Bishop

Yes, please elaborate.
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