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Took our first real family vacation since summer 2019. Headed out west for a week to ski. Older two kids went from never putting on skis in their life to crushing blacks and doing jumps in the terrain parks by the end of the week.

In the terrain park they had these two 8’ tall humps back to back with a ramp on each of them. Some of the skiers were getting huge air off it (360’s, flips, etc). You can slow it down and just kind of pop off the top of if you want, but what’s the fun of that? So to impress my girls, I got some speed and hit the first one just fine. Second one, however, my skis spread apart like I was intentionally doing a spread Eagle (real name of the trick). Problem is, I touched down like that and ended up face planting with a full yard sale. My girls then just gave me a disapproving glance as they headed to the halfpipe.

After that, it was on to steep mogul skiing the rest of the day, which I didn’t want any part of, but if your nine year old just sort of darts off into it you kind of have to follow her. My legs feel like rubber now and I’m pretty sure all the cartilage in my knees are damaged, but man, totally worth it to see kids pick up something that they really enjoy.
"Crushing Blacks"...

FFS Wayne.

I had “blacks” in lower case, so under today’s language guidelines it was obviously not referring to American members of the African diaspora. Jeez, it’s 2021.

That said, Wayne D, who truly wishes ill on no man other than perhaps Chris Kolb, did help a Black man down Aspen mountain this week. I don’t know what the hell he was thinking as it is the absolute worst mountain for beginners, but this dude was sliding on his back down the steepest, iciest blue I’ve ever seen. Watching from afar as the dickhead locals passed him by, I skied down to him, helped him collect his skis, and then guided him to where he could at least start walking down the rest of the mountain.
Oh PTI, please remember that your lack of athleticism that led you to endurance sports is not the situation for all.

Plus, it was 7 days including ski school. And on the first day of ski school, the instructors take them on blues if they are doing well.
Black or Double Black Moguls on a real ski mountain your first week? No chance. Got on a steep mogul run in Park City once that was WAY above my pay grade and I ended up taking off my skis and walked down the mountain. Shit was terrifying.
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- Never fails when you have a vacation on the horizon, all hell breaks loose at work. The Hans Gruber drop the market took this week didn’t help. Ass in the sand or floating on the calm Domesto waters for the next 5 days. Yacht rock and melanoma are the skipper and first mate.

- 4 year swimming letterman at X. State finals junior year and the folks insisted I memorialize it with a letterman jacket. By the time it arrived senior year I’d found extracurricular nefarious activities and the fairer sex more appealing than two-a-days and knew I’d go pro in something other than 500 freestyle. Haven’t worn it since senior pictures. Sure it still looks great filled with moth balls.

- Does another unnecessary early departure constitute a corner turned?

- Regardless, things are clicking on the hardwood. Don’t think the pause midweek is going to slow down their mo. Cats dominate in fact and have us asking what if...

going to make March a bitter pill to swallow not having the tournament last year and no vested interest in the most glorious sports weekend on the calendar this year :chairshot:

- Speaking of, huge :rolleyes: at the Friday- Monday schedule. How does starting it a day later and playing on a Monday make it safer? Please say it’s not that and some logistics thing? Can’t think the 2A is dumb enough to neuter the opening weekend Thursday / Friday bonanza of hoops that should be a national holiday. Never mind, those dopes could eff up a wet dream..

- “I want to be in Kentucky when the end of the world comes, because it's always 20 years behind.” Could also apply that Twain quote to TSAPre, thankfully. Ridiculous cattle call through genpop while nary a soul utilized the pay-for-play line.

- Thanks to the south Floridians affinity for agave and clear libations, have always had success finding a few brown water gems in South Florida.

- ‘Hard to Handle’, ‘Remedy’ and ‘Twice as Hard’ were stables in the high school garage bands rotation. Fantastic band. And a sound you don’t hear anymore. Guess you could include any guitar, bass and drum featured band in that obituary.

- 77-65 Kayts.

- Only place you’ll see Allen is on the back of a milk carton :mad:

- Glad to hear a lot of friends and family getting the needle, especially those who’ve lost loved ones or have had this lockdown mentally break them. We’re close. With J&J set to deploy I think most rational folks will be expecting a concerted push to “Go” come April. The Royal We needs it.

- [laughing] at Wodie asking for one word to describe WandaVision.Pretty sure he chucked his phone in the Ohio after the third or fourth response.

- What’s your go-to inflight audio? I usually burn through a few podcasts, but if we hit bad weather it’s a Zeppelin shuffle. The familiarity helps me block out I’m in a metal tube with wings 30,000 ft. off the ground with zero control over life/death.
Helluva randos set, Bonzo.

I always zone out ago and turn on my personal grunge era rock playlist on all takeoffs and landings, and prefer Smashing Pumpkins at lift off and touchdown, specifically “Tonight Tonight.”

Don’t know why - find it comforting.
Texas Tech and Wisconsin just sitting so pretty today, can’t wait to watch myself miss out on more obvious bets!
Learning that auto mechanics have to be part savant/part surgeon as I’m doing Youtube research on the complexities of a standard timing belt & water pump change. Mercy.

Much respect for these dudes and other trades.
Too bad the auto industry over the next 5 years will be abandoning the combustion engine alot of talented dudes are gonna be lost.

College need not be a required path for kids not suited. Plus starting out not being In a $300k hole with interest is a big bonus.

so very hungover.
Don’t know how prices translate to NJ but I replaced the timing belt on a Volvo S60 a few years ago. I think it was $900

An old truck or car is one thing but I don’t think I would mess with the timing belt on most vehicles.

Sucks that it went out on you. They say to replace them at 100K as preventative maintenance. I replaced mine and wound up selling the car a few months later
Interference engine, there is no bad timing belt... either it works or your engine cams are seized and destroyed.

Cost is similar. $830 for the C30. At a trusted 5* euro mechanic. After looking at two separate vids, I determined that my local shop may not be best-suited for this work.

Conversely, The Volvo dealer has a book rate of $158/hr, so my quote was like $1700. Eff them.
Timing belts/chains aren't something an amateur should do. The risk of bad work is a ruined engine. As long they are an ASE certified mechanic, I wouldn't trust them for that job.

Water pumps aren't fun to change, but that is something an amateur can tackle.
These road blues work, although you can barely see them lol.

They didn't have it on their highlights here, but there's a play in that game where Walker blocks a shot so hard it winds up in that elevated section of seats above the court. He was playing out of his mind that season. That team really had no business in the tournament but got hot at the right time.
- “I want to be in Kentucky when the end of the world comes, because it's always 20 years behind.” Could also apply that Twain quote to TSAPre, thankfully. Ridiculous cattle call through genpop while nary a soul utilized the pay-for-play line.

Of course the actual quote is Cincinnati, not Kentucky.

Regardless, I miss my man Bonzo. We shall share Blackhaus and beer soon, you handsome devil.

* I don't feel good at all about the game today, which usually means we win.

* Been working like a mad man the last few weeks. Should get somewhat back to normal after this upcoming week.

* I'd love to see Allen get some clock and produce today, but as long as we keep winning I'll pretend not to care too much.

Gotta convince him and Ware to return despite their diminishing PT.

* Anyone in the Loveland, OH area... you must get the Buffalo Shrimp Wrap at the St. Columban Friday Night Fish Fry during Lent. Best $6 you'll ever spend.

* GYERO, drink like a champion today. Bourbon, beer or water, it doesn't matter. Be the best version of you.

Let's go, Cats!
I just hope the squad kneels before the game. Worked last time against Florida.

That feels like it happened four million years ago. It happened on January 9.
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