- Never fails when you have a vacation on the horizon, all hell breaks loose at work. The Hans Gruber drop the market took this week didn’t help. Ass in the sand or floating on the calm Domesto waters for the next 5 days. Yacht rock and melanoma are the skipper and first mate.
- 4 year swimming letterman at X. State finals junior year and the folks insisted I memorialize it with a letterman jacket. By the time it arrived senior year I’d found extracurricular nefarious activities and the fairer sex more appealing than two-a-days and knew I’d go pro in something other than 500 freestyle. Haven’t worn it since senior pictures. Sure it still looks great filled with moth balls.
- Does another unnecessary early departure constitute a corner turned?
- Regardless, things are clicking on the hardwood. Don’t think the pause midweek is going to slow down their mo. Cats dominate in fact and have us asking
what if...
going to make March a bitter pill to swallow not having the tournament last year and no vested interest in the most glorious sports weekend on the calendar this year
- Speaking of, huge

at the Friday- Monday schedule. How does starting it a day later and playing on a Monday make it safer? Please say it’s not that and some logistics thing? Can’t think the 2A is dumb enough to neuter the opening weekend Thursday / Friday bonanza of hoops that should be a national holiday. Never mind, those dopes could eff up a wet dream..
- “I want to be in Kentucky when the end of the world comes, because it's always 20 years behind.” Could also apply that Twain quote to TSAPre, thankfully. Ridiculous cattle call through genpop while nary a soul utilized the pay-for-play line.
- Thanks to the south Floridians affinity for agave and clear libations, have always had success finding a few brown water gems in South Florida.
- ‘Hard to Handle’, ‘Remedy’ and ‘Twice as Hard’ were stables in the high school garage bands rotation. Fantastic band. And a sound you don’t hear anymore. Guess you could include any guitar, bass and drum featured band in that obituary.
- 77-65 Kayts.
- Only place you’ll see Allen is on the back of a milk carton
- Glad to hear a lot of friends and family getting the needle, especially those who’ve lost loved ones or have had this lockdown mentally break them. We’re close. With J&J set to deploy I think most rational folks will be expecting a concerted push to “Go” come April. The
Royal We needs it.
![Laughing [laughing] [laughing]](http://l.yimg.com/j/assets/img/emoticons/classic/laugh.r191677.gif)
at Wodie asking for one word to describe WandaVision.Pretty sure he chucked his phone in the Ohio after the third or fourth response.
- What’s your go-to inflight audio? I usually burn through a few podcasts, but if we hit bad weather it’s a Zeppelin shuffle. The familiarity helps me block out I’m in a metal tube with wings 30,000 ft. off the ground with zero control over life/death.