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~ Hello GYERO

~ Missed Saturday's action but caught on replay. Didn't realize Mintz had more availability (forgot about COVID somehow), huge asset for next year if he pulls the trigger.

~ Considering a job change. Seeing a lot of green in the remote underwriting world and wondering how bad the weeds are. Current gig lost 6 people in the past year to other jobs and we aren't hiring, which has really helped morale in an otherwise rudderless branch.

~ Wife got her 1st stick ystdy. No olds were trampled in the process. Woman's been teaching kids band in person and online (simultaneously) since August of last year, KY needs to get it together. Woman has the patience of a saint. My wine budget tho...

~ Speaking of bearded and fat, I'm both, and bald. You can be bald or fat but you shouldn't be both. Gotta work on that soon.

~ My Carolina Hurricanes are off to a good start in Hockeyland. Best blue line defenders and PK'ers in the NHL for my money. NC just started loosening regulations so fans can come back in person. Looking forward to a live NHL game soon.
That was one of the top 3 games I’ve seen in person. Was a freshman at UK that year, snuck a buddy in with my roommates student ID, sat 4 rows off the floor behind the basket. Same side of the floor where IU came out the tunnel. A young AW really let Bobby Knight exactly how he felt about him. Mash/Ford going back and forth with Cheaney and that big white Honk, Evans I think, all scored 29pts. Mash hit ghat little fade away to put us up right in front of us. Had a perfect look at Bailey’s heave from half court, it was right on line. Good times
I was there too. 2 rows from the top on the IU side.
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Richie and all his dorky rich kid friends wear those impossibly pretentious, utterly pointless, incredibly homosexual signet rings.

Much worse than a class ring, imho.
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I’m anxiously awaiting the LGBTQXYZ Potato Head. Meanwhile, I have my original MR. POTATO HEAD complete with the pipe....which at one point was considered controversial because, well, you know we don’t want kids to think smoking is ok. As opposed to chopping off your penis and deciding to be a woman. Looking forward to buying that Potato Head.
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- I don’t care how irrelevant IU is, UK vs IU should be a thing!

- Popeye’s for Spicy Chicken, and it isn’t close.

- McDonalds order: Sausage egg and cheese McGriddle and OJ.

- Not sure why, but it dawned on me during my drive to the distillery today that at some point I’ll have to explain the Billy Clyde Gilliespie years to my grand children. My dad always told me everything before Rupp doesn’t matter for UK history, but I won’t have that luxury.

- I guess they are turning a Cheddars in Lexington to an Olive Garden? Assuming it caught fire at some point because this material list started at 10K and is up to 45K, but as the super was on the phone with me discussing the mess a section of the roof fell in.

- Tasted my 9yr Rye barrels today, just fantastic! I won’t compare to some of the high end ryes, but I’m fairly certain most will like it more than the M10 Rye.

Barrels are selling faster than expected too.

See ya Saturday Boat.

- I got ahold of my moms 1969-74 Lyon County yearbooks. Goodness people were f’ing weird back then!
Unfortunately us nerds didn’t get letters for dominating in academic team, orchestra and choir.

I had special letters for being the captain of the academic team and the president of the NHS. Cov Cath really went to great lengths to show that they valued academic prowess just as much as athletic.

In hindsight, talk about scarlet letters for being a goddamned nerd. Jesus.
I had special letters for being the captain of the academic team and the president of the NHS. Cov Cath really went to great lengths to show that they valued academic prowess just as much as athletic.

In hindsight, talk about scarlet letters for being a goddamned nerd. Jesus.
But now you’ve got a wife who loves anal.

My varsity letter jacket (golf team) wasn’t gonna get this stud any more trim if it had magical powers like Fonzie’s. Chose not to invest.

While we’re on the topic of high school glory...

What you all got?

I’m confident GYERO is full of 1000 point scorers and 1000 yard rushers. Goes without saying. Speak up.

But how about some of the “Olympic sports” dorks? Wrestling, diving, pole vault, etc? I’m sure we have plenty of state champions in here. Let’s hear it.

Me myself, I was a decent discus thrower. Aside from the Diocesan Championships, won no other golds, though, unfortunately. The highlight of my career was breaking some freshman’s nose at practice when he was out shagging discs and not paying attention. I came up out of my stance and he was just erupting blood out in the field. I spit my Skoal mint in the dirt and went about my business.

Continued my career for one season in college, which was markedly less fun. (D3 track and field - nope). But I can honestly claim I have an NCAA varsity letter, which is a fun trivia point none of my friends believe.

I heard through the grapevine that pretzel logic was two time all-state as the left tackle on Beechwood’s football team, but waiting to confirm.

EDIT: forgot the most important thing: the discus throw taught me incredible wrist speed, which I have translated into simply absurd stone skipping abilities. I can skip a stone like 25 times at a great distance. I’m currently looking into entering the world championships and plan on retiring from my day job.
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Well since you asked, lettered in wrestling, 119 lbs as a freshmen, 125 lbs as a sophomore, 189 as a senior.

Henry Clay pull-up champion at 45 overhand man reps.

Started on the Academic team as a freshmen.

State Champion in German prose.
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I once threw a no-hitter, also gave up 3 runs in the same game. Don’t have a Letterman jacket, though.
In middle school I was on the academic team with this kid who was a math genius. I'd handle the general knowledge, he'd knock the math out, and we would absolutely murk people. Got on In The Know and everything. It was flossing season, boy.

We could never really find a good third teammate but it didn't matter... until the playoffs (whatever it was called, regionals?) against those insufferable shitheels from LTMS. We'd narrowly beat them earlier and this really pissed them off because we were hicks from the sticks kicking the shit out of the city slickers who had tryouts and practice and whatnot. I think we were undefeated and that was their only loss of the year. So this was the Super Bowl of Dork.

We were cocky going in. And then LTMS brought in this seventh grader who was the academic team equivalent of bringing Kareem Abdul Jabbar to a pickup game as a ringer. That little turd had a crustache and was almost certainly homeschooled by autistic parents on adderall. He wasn't much to look at but the little bastard was diabolical. He might have been 35 years old and the cousin of the academic team coach or something. Who knows.

We narrowly lost thanks to Johnny Autism.

The math wizard on my squad later went on to be the valedictorian of my high school. His graduation speech was about how the Sun was going to explode eventually and destroy the Earth so any accomplishments we had in life were meaningless. I found this absolutely hysterical. The administration and parents... not so much.

In related news, I didn't lose my virginity until I was 18 years old. And she was a total slut.
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