-Yep, wish the 2 fan bases would ditch their extreme factions and either merge or get back to roots. Oh well.
-So we made it, by the time we grab the lunch pale Monday morning it will be March 1. Most of my predictions back in December are dead f*cking nuts.
*The people really motivated to get the vaccine have it or will have it in the next 14 days.
*70M vaccines given. I figured 100M but didn't anticipate the winter storm and overly protective overlords hording them. Though I guess should've anticipated over regulation and restrictions clogging up the mess. "Don't you dare give those extra doses to people." K. At 2M+ per day we'll be there soon enough.
*Rona still headed down.
*Slowly peeling back the layers of BS restrictions.
*Schools creeping, and I mean creeping, back. I'll notch that up as progress.
-Joey, can you do us a favor and not encourage anymore china kung flu pandemics in the future? TIA.
-Got 4 trips on the books for the year. 3 to the beach, 1 to the mountains, hoping to add at least 1 to the desert in there as well. All kicking off this month.
-Let's be honest. February is the worst. When I'm elect supreme ruler, I'm banishing Feb. Everyone gets the whole month off to head to warmer climates.
-Removing the negative BS, political nutjobs, covid folks, and basically anything not comedy or sports related from my social media. May put our resident political convo starter in ignore lockdown as well.
-Picked up an ORVW from the TW drawing. Nice score.
-Didn't feel a thing but my arm is dead. Good thing I went left, 😉
-Checking out Peerless next week, because all the others are pu$$ies bitches, but I do like their rye. Then I'll be searching for a place to belly up in the desolate remnants of what used to be downtown Louisville.
-Big deal, but I'm switching from Tervis to Stanley for my morning joe. Tough decision but ultimately... the right one.
-What's everyone's thoughts on euro nymphing vs indicator?
-Time to enjoy a couple years of boring!!