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The best athlete I ever played with and or against was Darell Griffith Jr. He was a football player first but the summer after sophomore year he decided to play AAU ball with some of us for the Derby City All Stars.

We practiced in July at Old Male High School. Scorching hot inside. Derek Smith (rip) was our coach. Griff Jr was 5’10. No taller. During fast break weave drills he would get it on the wing behind the 3 point line and with one bounce would elevate and throw down a tomahawk dunk. It was fng nuts. It was like he was walking in the air.
I don't think Marty Pollio and Chris Kolb will be hanging out with each other soon.

Honky ass Chris reminded everyone that Marty is a "white male" making decisions that will affect minorities. The actual minorities on the board didn't say anything.
Don't wish ill on many people but that dude deserves. That people actually think like that dude is a scary, scary thought.
It’s crap like this that caused this lunch pail, blue collar moderate Democrat to change his registration to independent a couple years ago.

I don’t know what that party doesn’t get. The base of that party is union dudes who like to house beers after their shifts and watch Monday Night Football. It’s not these woke effing wackjobs. Good job alienating 90% of the country tho!
I heard through the grapevine that pretzel logic was two time all-state as the left tackle on Beechwood’s football team, but waiting to confirm.

All time leading rusher for my HS back in MD.

This is technically true, because I homeschooled in high school. My hand-eye coordination is precisely what you would expect from an overly educated white woman,* or Cosmo Kramer. All I got is being a human forklift.

Again, Kolb received $200K from the teachers union. The powers that be in that organization love staying at home. They could have found a treatment that cures 100% of Covid with a single dose and Kolb wouldn’t have voted to go back.
Chris Kolb is an insufferable asshat that doesn't represent me anymore than the mypillow guy represents myhvac guy. In case I needed to say that. That "white man" comment is appalling.

Related: Passionately hating the white "intellectual" sect of the UofL fanbase that believes their Cardinal fandom is some kind of righteous statement on race (rejecting the white supremacy of the University of Kentucky) is recommended. I encourage hating them all of course, but this type of hatred is sort of like an indulgent little treat for Wildcats SMART fan.
In addition to the training sessions, the college has set up “White Accountability” groups where faculty and staff are encouraged to meet on Zoom and explore their biases, although faculty attendance has fallen off considerably.


What a bunch of miserable cu*ts.

I assume a lot of that sort of stuff is just to see if anyone is dumb enough to participate. (Hopefully?)

I mean, if you get on Zoom (which is presumably being recorded by people just looking for something salacious to make a big deal about and publicize) and talk about how you're a racist, then you are a special kind of stupid.
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I don’t appreciate bullying working class people with little power to fight your bullshit in the same way I don’t like bullying gays, minorities, etc. with little power to fight your bullshit. It’s the same thing in my mind.

And it’s not political to me. Just because some see it as a political battle, I don’t. It’s basic decency and what’s right.
I don’t appreciate bullying working class people with little power to fight your bullshit in the same way I don’t like bullying gays, minorities, etc. with little power to fight your bullshit. It’s the same thing in my mind.

And it’s not political to me. Just because some see it as a political battle, I don’t. It’s basic decency and what’s right.

-love ya man. I beleive you feel that way...but that is really naive, imho.
It’s almost like the normal people in the middle throwing up their hands and saying eff it nothing matters in true GenX style has resulted in the two major parties pandering to the nuts on their fringes, which of course only increases the apathy in normal people because who wants to be associated with debates about safe spaces for QAnon? can, and it will. Corps/media/entertainment industry/big tech are all in. Anyone who publicly protests the insanity is a klansman/right wing nut job/literally hitler.

^pandoras box is opened and we're soaking in it, gang.

I don’t think so. Been seeing more and more pieces about this kind of BS in supposedly left rags. People are seeing that it’s gone way too far.
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It’s almost like the normal people in the middle throwing up their hands and saying eff it nothing matters in true GenX style has resulted in the two major parties pandering to the nuts on their fringes, which of course only increases the apathy in normal people because who wants to be associated with debates about safe spaces for QAnon?

-yep. The difference is the qanon types are *correctly* laughed off the stage...and the safe space crowd almost exclusively hold positions of power/great influence in academia/govt bureaucracy/k-12 ed/corporate america/national media...and most importantly *social media*.
-Yep, wish the 2 fan bases would ditch their extreme factions and either merge or get back to roots. Oh well.

-So we made it, by the time we grab the lunch pale Monday morning it will be March 1. Most of my predictions back in December are dead f*cking nuts.

*The people really motivated to get the vaccine have it or will have it in the next 14 days.
*70M vaccines given. I figured 100M but didn't anticipate the winter storm and overly protective overlords hording them. Though I guess should've anticipated over regulation and restrictions clogging up the mess. "Don't you dare give those extra doses to people." K. At 2M+ per day we'll be there soon enough.
*Rona still headed down.
*Slowly peeling back the layers of BS restrictions.
*Schools creeping, and I mean creeping, back. I'll notch that up as progress.

-Joey, can you do us a favor and not encourage anymore china kung flu pandemics in the future? TIA.

-Got 4 trips on the books for the year. 3 to the beach, 1 to the mountains, hoping to add at least 1 to the desert in there as well. All kicking off this month.

-Let's be honest. February is the worst. When I'm elect supreme ruler, I'm banishing Feb. Everyone gets the whole month off to head to warmer climates.

-Removing the negative BS, political nutjobs, covid folks, and basically anything not comedy or sports related from my social media. May put our resident political convo starter in ignore lockdown as well.

-Picked up an ORVW from the TW drawing. Nice score.

-Didn't feel a thing but my arm is dead. Good thing I went left, 😉

-Checking out Peerless next week, because all the others are pu$$ies bitches, but I do like their rye. Then I'll be searching for a place to belly up in the desolate remnants of what used to be downtown Louisville.

-Big deal, but I'm switching from Tervis to Stanley for my morning joe. Tough decision but ultimately... the right one.

-What's everyone's thoughts on euro nymphing vs indicator?

-Time to enjoy a couple years of boring!!
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Chris Kolb is an insufferable asshat that doesn't represent me anymore than the mypillow guy represents myhvac guy. In case I needed to say that. That "white man" comment is appalling.

Related: Passionately hating the white "intellectual" sect of the UofL fanbase that believes their Cardinal fandom is some kind of righteous statement on race (rejecting the white supremacy of the University of Kentucky) is recommended. I encourage hating them all of course, but this type of hatred is sort of like an indulgent little treat for Wildcats SMART fan.
myhvac/electric/soon to be plumbing guy. Really trying to ge the word out on the whole home services. TIA.

-1st inductee into our new High School's HOF (along with Killa). D1 Golf Scholly. We're also in previous school's HOF in basketball...for riding pine on the best team in school history. So yeah, Double HOF'er, which should surprise nobody.

-Kolb is trying to take Andy's spot as the worst person in KY.

-2nd shot on Tuesday. Felt pretty yucky on day 2, had some chills, but just got high as touching balls and basically forgot about it...woke up the next day feeling like new.

-Bowling wrapped up last night. Got clipped in the Finals of the tournament - we straight choked. Bowled a season best 188 though, w/ smooth opens in the 8th & 10th. 4 bagger early had me legit nervous down the stretch, really wanted to notch my first 200+ competitively. Will be there soon. I will post a frame-by-frame breakdown on my bowling blog - can DM me for link.

-8 Graded Stakes at Gulf tomorrow, w/ 2 Derby Preps 😍

-Birria Tacos -- those things went from zero-to-everywhere once they finally reached Louisville from Jalisco, thanks to a locally-viral taco truck. Pretty unreal, anyone else enjoyed?

-Already short month w/ the last biz day being the 26th made for a solid last week crunch for us sales dudes. Crushed it.

-Enjoying Treme - but damn, in a show that's essentially a NOLA Musical w/ nothing but bangers, they sure settled on an awful Theme Song & Intro. Really bugs me. Show is great though -- I'd watch and enjoy anything with Wendell Pierce as a primary character - worship that dude.

-Really sucks watching Sparty & Duke make their late push into the dance. We are only 2-3 of the endless games we botched late from being in that same spot. Tons of bad teams are going to make the dance this year, and we should have been one of them. Ugh

-Having this good doggie around the house must be endless joy & laughs.


- Michigan should never wear the whites. Home golds and road blues. Classic, Top 5 jerseys.

- Helluva squad btw. Love the way they play.

- Amuses me how often I see Crossroads Superchurch getting press for their good deeds. What kind of church sends press releases?

- Back to Indiana - how many midwestern programs have shown them the blueprint in how to build a solid program, and these losers just keep tripping over themselves. It’s downright mystifying how bad they’ve been for 25 years.

- Just found out the baddest kid of my generation in Southern Campbell County passed away at 43. This is one of those legendary dudes from high school days, “you hear about XXX at Joe’s party last night? He took on 10 guys and sent 8 to the hospital.” The tales were never tall enough. I witnessed him once- he actually started doing calisthenics before engaging in a brawl. People patiently waited a few minutes for him to stretch and then it was on like a lion charging a group of antelope grazing. He was well known for an opening twohanded double punch to take out two dudes at once. He was Jacobsian in that everyone had a story of witnessing him beating the hell out of some poor soul. Also had a lot of people claiming how he was a great guy “once you got to know him.”

- I don’t really feel right about news organizations posting the mugshots of down-and-out-druggies on Facebook and such for non-violent crimes. Is the public shaming really necessary? One look and you know WHY they’re in this position.

- Big one for Big Blue tomorrow. Can’t wait.

- To answer my question from the other day, I have no issue booming some R Kelly or Michael Jackson, but feel some self loathing watching a Woody Allen film or even the Cosby Show. Not sure why.

- Where’s everyone getting their cod sammy for lunch today? can, and it will. Corps/media/entertainment industry/big tech are all in. Anyone who publicly protests the insanity is a klansman/right wing nut job/literally hitler.

^pandoras box is opened and we're soaking in it, gang.
We're reliving the Bolshevik revolution. It's amazingly scary how closely we are following that horrendous path as a country.
Was up late doing some computer work and getting caught up accounting for all my bourbon stuff when ESPN talking heads go into a weird segment discussing Brad Steven’s not making it through this season in Boston.

WTF, I didn’t even realize this was a thing to think.

Then they started debating if Danny Ainge would make it, and the guy says “I think so” shit?

I know I’m a dumbass, but come on who is buying this BS. A nice 3 game win streak in the East and they are a 4 seed.
Publicly ridiculing college admins because they hurt your feelings has been going on awhile, but at this particular moment- rudd is correct- schools are going to outwardly support and side with a left-leaning aggressor, despite what both internal and external investigations reveal. I know more than a few careers that have been derailed over baseless accusations- and most of the time it ends with those folks leaving the field altogether. Which leaves nothing but single-minded lunacy to reign. Are there times when complaints have merit- of course, but normally common sense can tell you when something asinine is in the works.

Both of my parents got their shots, neither of them got it in Kentucky.

My pup made it to 14 years old. A full 18 months after us being told it was time to start to come to grips with his failing health. He is slow to move around, and can't jump on furniture anymore, but his feet taps coming into wake me up every morning is still nice to hear.

Apparently, the new driver of the Wiener Mobile is a UA student. And his grandfather was also a Wiener mobile driver. This things just been cruising around campus all week. It's hilarious to watch him navigate turns. The reception he gets from everyone is a universal celebration.
barstoolalabama on Instagram: The Weiner Mobile is back 🌭
I'm probably 80+ hours into listening to long-form discussions on race, CRT, the movement, etc...

All I can say is good luck to parents. You're going to likely have some really interesting conversations with your kiddos in the coming years as CRT is forced into the curriculum.
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