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- Took the Friday, March 19 off and will be somewhere in the neighborhood tying one on if any NKYians would like to join me. If I need to go solo, EVEN BETTER.

Posting up solo at a hole-in-the-wall saloon is the right play. You're not invested in the conversation unless you want to be. To be constantly involved in the conversation takes a lot of energy that I'm less willing to expend these days.
Posting up solo at a hole-in-the-wall saloon is the right play. You're not invested in the conversation unless you want to be. To be constantly involved in the conversation takes a lot of energy that I'm less willing to expend these days.

True but I can’t say I’ve had much in-person interaction in awhile.
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-Playing off 80's post, I really don't think SAE and WCC want a communist, socialist, dictatorship. I figured the sarcasm was implied, but just to be clear. Big fan of both of those guys. In fact 2 of my favorite drinking buddies when we can pry them away.

-Nothing makes me happier than seeing the American Dream come to fruition. Entrepreneurship is awesome. Was told a long time ago, "either love what you do, or make a ton of money doing it." The real winners are the ones that can achieve both. Props.

-Making some knife sheaths out of leather so may try my hand at a belt as well. Seems like it would be pretty rudimentary on the leather crafting scale.

-Had ground turkey last night, it is not ground beef. That is accurate. Still pretty good though when mixed with buffalo sauce, bleu cheese, and baked in a zucchini boat.

-Chad making his reappearance to society March 19th. I would actually suggest this Saturday on my patio for a game viewing bourbon fest. ( not (yet) approved by WS )

-Rao's is solid but I REALLY need to start canning our sauce. Really a shame we don't do that already.

-I have no issue with March showers as long as they include thunder.

-About time to dust the old bike off. Was going to upgrade but after the fly fishing investment and the fact bike are really hard to come by right now, I'll give the old whip at least most of 1 more season. She's been a workhorse. Marcus.

-4 days.
Also been on Zyrtec daily for a long time, and now avoid what Clark is dealing with. I used to be miserable about 3 weeks or so every fall and spring, now, nothing.
Also been on Zyrtec daily for a long time, and now avoid what Clark is dealing with. I used to be miserable about 3 weeks or so every fall and spring, now, nothing.

Funny how that works. I legit didn’t see a doctor for like a decade in my 20s - which helped me become an HSA baller but kept me from fixing easily solved annoying health issues.

Also wasted a billion dollars on jagerbombs but that’s more of an issue tied to the dumb decision to be friends with BBdK.
~March ranks just below Feb/Jan/Nov in terms of "worst months". August/June/July/Sep are top 4 and it really isn't close, contrary to wcc's incessant cold month fascination.

~Have had allergies since tike years....spring allergy shot/z pack around April 1, and Zyrtek daily does a body good. When it doesn't...go seek help on getting the sinuses scraped.

~So sleepy Joe is going to send everyone masks. Not quite as good as the obamaphone, but you gotta consider the clown show running this.

~So Tiger's leg resembled something from a meat factory....good grief. Hopefully no Alex Smith setbacks, but he has a long road ahead.

~Homemade chicken pot pie is one of those no frills feel good concoctions.

~First 3 episodes of Your Honor are A1. Cranston is excellent in all he does.

~Hey know a big guy in the card game by the name of Rob?
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Made some knives so then I made some sheaths for the knives and then a belt for the sheaths for the knives then some leather pants for the belt for the sheaths for the knives and then some boots for the pants for belt for the sheaths for the knives and then a duster for the boots for the pants for the belt for the sheaths for the knives and then obvs a leather cowboy hat for the duster for the boots for the pants for the belt for the sheaths for the knives and now it’s a whole look.
I am 42 and have had my ACL replaced in my left knee due to pickup basketball. That was 8 years ago and I retired from pickup, until last night. Against the pleas of my wife I agreed to sub in a group that needed another player.

And boy did I ball, despite the dadbod I was proud and how well I've stayed in shape and "mostly" kept my skills. Then, with a simple jump stop, I went down in a heap (same knee).

Back to retirement. I'm just hoping it's nothing that requires surgery and I can be ready for golf season.

My wife didn't say "I told you so" but I knew the look as she retrieved the ice packs last night. We all know the look...
This is really the first time I personally think Tiger is done. All the other shit I held out hope for a return (a return being a couple more majors here or there, not old dominant Tiger). With the description of his injuries, his age, and his already F’d back, I just don’t see it even if it is Tiger F’ing Woods.

When I think about what he could’ve been without all his self caused drama and self caused injuries, it both pisses me off and makes me “sports” sad. Guy could’ve lapped Jack if he just lived without the whores and the stupid ass military fascination.
GDit Showkiller, we are on the same team multiple times this upcoming year. You better get your ass rehabbed and stay off the basketball court you old bastard.
GDit Showkiller, we are on the same team multiple times this upcoming year. You better get your ass rehabbed and stay off the basketball court you old bastard.
I'll be alright. I played an entire summer sans ACL with the aid of a brace I sill have.

Nevertheless, lesson learned.
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I have a general rule to never bet against Tiger. Just because I think he’s done doesn’t mean I’ll put money on it. In fact I’m not conceding to PTI until Tiger is dead AND buried.
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This is really the first time I personally think Tiger is done. All the other shit I held out hope for a return (a return being a couple more majors here or there, not old dominant Tiger). With the description of his injuries, his age, and his already F’d back, I just don’t see it even if it is Tiger F’ing Woods.

When I think about what he could’ve been without all his self caused drama and self caused injuries, it both pisses me off and makes me “sports” sad. Guy could’ve lapped Jack if he just lived without the whores and the stupid ass military fascination.
Interesting thread, if you can read it.
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I’m an old. I go to the gym regularly, stay active, etc. but haven’t played basketball in YEARS. Went on the court with my oldest and started warming up and shooting jump shots and man it felt weird. I could hear by back and knees be all like “wtf are we jumping for, idiot?!?!”
That sucks, TSK. Covid might have saved me from screwing up my knee again. I took 3 years off from basketball after ACL surgery. Got the itch and had the opportunity to fill in with my old pickup group in early 2020. I have little doubt things were going to end poorly for me if I kept playing weekly, but man it felt good to be out there for a bit.
Also been on Zyrtec daily for a long time, and now avoid what Clark is dealing with. I used to be miserable about 3 weeks or so every fall and spring, now, nothing.

I've tried a few OTC remedies, and they have helped a little bit. But at this point I want to eradicate allergies, and whatever chines lab they were created in. I wont stop until they are gone. #ZeroAllergies
I’m over here pumped because I made a grand yesterday while Brady is all, “Cool story, did 1000x that from the comfort of my recliner.” [roll]
Solid work man, that’s impressive.
-"Retired" from basketball at 35 and it was probably the smartest thing I've done for myself in some time.

-Generic allergy brands FTW. Been on them for about 10 years. Flonase (or whatever) is a hell of a drug.

-Our lot really does not set up well for a basketball goal and it's probably the only thing that makes me want to move at some point (other than no first floor master BR). The boy needs his own proper basketball goal, and I feel guilty about possibly not giving him one.

-Speaking of, HBD to Lars Edward. A big 2 years old tomorrow. He's my dude.

-I like getting drunk with anth, too. He's a good bud, and knows I'll always be an American.

-Grilled chicken last night. A little dry, but I'm always rusty the first few runs of the season. I also broke my convEGGtor being an idiot. Long winter, man.
Welp, was enjoying the sunshine yesterday on a bike ride in a subdivision. I approached an intersection and for some unknown reason went hard on the front brake went over the bars on asphalt. Broke my left hand at 5th metacarpal. Right knee swelled up but no structural damage. I can walk and function but probably off any exercise for a little while.

I'm just pissed that I wrecked in conditions so benign. I've been in worse conditions while mountain biking but I guess I am more attentive then.
There was a sheriff deputy turning onto the street and that may be what spooked me. He saw it all and got freaked out. I was full of adrenalin and biked back the 1.5 miles to my car.

p.s. typing with one hand sucks.
Sorry to hear that Booker. I went down on my mountain bike going around a slick sidewalk at Buckhorn and Kenesaw. Wasn't really going that fast but the bike just slipped out from under me and i spun in the grass doing a 360 in between road and sidewalk. It twisted me around so much my tennis shoe flew up like 20 feet in the air and landed right side up in the middle of the road. A few people saw it and i waved them off as i embarrassingly went into the road to get my shoe. #mybikewreckstory
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I never went over the bars, but the first time I came to a stop without remembering to click out of my new-to-me shoes -- that slow-motion attached fall to the pavement was truly something.

Naturally, it was right at the main intersection at Seneca by the Par 3 with a nice audience.

-Aside from my league, about 20 of us in my golf circle have been bowling regularly this winter. Someone gets "hurt" nearly every time we go. Nothing major, but it's always something, which is equal parts hilarious and sad. It absolutely destroys my sciatica #old
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