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I woke up the other day with pain in the bases of both my thumbs*, and the only thing I can think of is that the night before I had done yoga, and it had included several series of planks/pushups, and I either was holding my hands wrong, or I'm just FAT.

*No, Boat. It wasn't due to THAT.
I realize I’m 42 but due to upping the pace of my runs and lifting 3 days a week for the first time since I was 25 I started to lose a good amount of weight this past July and have added lean muscle.

I ran by a hoop this morning and with spring on the horizon I thought to myself how much I would love to get some pick up games in mainly to see how I would do with the lost weight. I love my morning runs but I’m craving a different form of cardio and want competition. I used to play every Monday night at church with some fellas (ages ranging from 25 to my old self) and just miss it.
- I grew up out in the sticks and can’t remember ever seeing a coyote, can’t recall coyotes being mentioned much, never worried about our dogs, etc. Now, we have them roaming around in Newport and Bellevue. I suppose this is the result of some kind of reintroduction years back.

Coyotes are not native to the Eastern US, they've migrated here from the southwest. General consensus in conservation circles is they crossed the Mississippi River in 1977 when it froze over. Their population has exploded since then due to plentiful food with little natural competition or predators to limit them.
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Just fired off a quick email to Mizuno to get them to hurry up on my irons I ordered at the end of January. I'm hoping this gets it done.

Speaking bike riding, I didn’t learn to ride a bike until I was 15. Long story. Anyway, the day after I made my announcement at a football game a bunch of my buddies showed up on their bikes to see if it was true. Off we went, me on a Huffy that I got for Christmas as a 6 year old. Rode all over town and was officially introduced to “Colburn Trails”, a truly life changing event.
The GOAT coyote

Wile was resilient and never gave up. A true champion for the common man to always reach for his dreams. In fact, he finally caught that piece of shit roadrunner after a lifetime of effort.

Billy Bob's fat ass couldn't even skip a twinkie and now he's dead.
I am 42 and have had my ACL replaced in my left knee due to pickup basketball. That was 8 years ago and I retired from pickup, until last night. Against the pleas of my wife I agreed to sub in a group that needed another player.

And boy did I ball, despite the dadbod I was proud and how well I've stayed in shape and "mostly" kept my skills. Then, with a simple jump stop, I went down in a heap (same knee).

Back to retirement. I'm just hoping it's nothing that requires surgery and I can be ready for golf season.

My wife didn't say "I told you so" but I knew the look as she retrieved the ice packs last night. We all know the look...

Every time I think of getting back out there, I see one of these stories from a friend. Most of them have been Achilles, which have been described as someone shooting a gun into the back of their ankle.
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Think that's long been a youth sports uniform/equipment/trophy spot. But, yeah, that's kinda impressive that it's still kicking.
Yep they have the market on Little League/Youth baseball. Plus they have equipment that no one else has that you can get in short notice. Great customer service.
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Arky -2 at home vs Bama tonight. That’s money!

Sitting the sidelines is so deflating.
Turned 53 today. Have a old knee injury from my high school football days. No cartilage in my right knee. Got up out of the recliner last night to get a fresh Miller Lite and the bones in my knee went in different directions and the awful sound of bones grinding and popping, I knew what was next. Every step I take (Non Bobby Brown), it feels like needles poking into my knee. Pain is level 10 today and knee is swollen twice its normal size. Happy Birthday to me.
What sucks is, at any moment with no advance warning if I walk up a step or any sudden movement, my knee will collapse and "down goes Frazier". Have had several embarrassing tumbles. Most embarrassing was a few years ago we had a get together of about 15 friends. I was coming out of the laundry room exit and into the garage where all the guest were listening to music and shooting pool. I stepped down the step, knee gives out and fell thru a pub table on top of my wife (she was sitting at the table), then into the side of her vehicle and then to the floor. Everyone BUT me and wife laughed their ass off.
Welp, was enjoying the sunshine yesterday on a bike ride in a subdivision. I approached an intersection and for some unknown reason went hard on the front brake went over the bars on asphalt. Broke my left hand at 5th metacarpal. Right knee swelled up but no structural damage. I can walk and function but probably off any exercise for a little while.

I'm just pissed that I wrecked in conditions so benign. I've been in worse conditions while mountain biking but I guess I am more attentive then.

Did that at 9 or 10 riding a "big boy" bike for the first time. Didn't have the hang of the brakes yet. Face-first into asphalt going down a big hill. Lost a good bit of my upper lip, but was lucky not to have further damage. There are some amusing vacation photos of me with a bandaid on my face that looks like a blonde Hitler-ish moustache.
Walked all the way to the backside of the lake I’m fishing and it starts pouring. On my way back I stomped down some cattails so I could cast and hooked a bass. It was a short and not wanting to get hooked by the treble hooks on the Red Eye Shad leaned over to unhook the little fella. Slipped on the cattails and went head first into the lake waders and all. Was more embarrassed about falling in than losing the fish. Figured that was enough excitement fishing for the day and took my half naked, wet ass home. Just open up Gyero and it seems I’m not the only one that got jinxed by the great weather. Be safe out there everyone, nature will jump up and bite you in the buttocks.
Club buddy had a video a few years back of some deer chilling across the way from his home...only to be ambushed and quickly disposed of (a few fawns) by a pack of Coyotes.

Those things are serious sneaky shady bitches. Can't think of another animal I'd care less about watching it's head blown off, which my stepdad did on several occasions growing up w/ a 243 across a field.

Despicable creatures imo.
On any given night we can hear a pack howling like crazy out on the farm. Almost a necessity to have a couple big dogs around to ward them off if they get too close.
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