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Glad that Stoops made Eliot get up in the box tonight so he could start to learn how to be a defensive coordinator. We're only three years in, after all.

And I'm ready to fire the entire offensive staff. We are awful at everything. Also nice to see Towles keep up his weekly tradition of trying to get Garrett Johnson killed. Zach West just got called for holding again.

F*** this team and f*** football.
If someone can give me an explanation of why we insist on running long-developing pass plays with a shitty offensive line, I'd love to hear it. Because I kinda think you need to do the opposite.
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The last two weeks have just been a giant nut punch.

Lord, if we didn't have a miracle against EKU Stoops would be feeling some major, major, major heat...
Today’s victory reinforces the belief of Dr. Capilouto and I that Head Coach Joker Phillips continues to be the right fit to lead our football program. Although this season certainly fell short of our expectations, today we celebrate a victory that has eluded this program for 26 seasons. Congratulations to Coach Phillips and our football team.

As I do after each season, I will follow up on our regular, in-season conversations with a more formal and thorough review of all aspects of our football program and address any needs after that meeting with Coach Phillips.

Bowl games and a climb up the rigorous SEC ladder continue to be my expectation and markers of our program’s progress. I remain confident in Coach Phillips, his continued ability to find and develop young talent and his plan to return Kentucky football to post-season play.

The Big Blue Nation has been very supportive of our football program as we strive to reach our goal of championship football in Lexington. Coach Phillips helped turn our offense around to what our expectation level is today and I’m confident he will do it again. Only with your continued support can we reach our dreams of celebrating our accomplishments together.

Til the Battle is Won,

Mitch Barnhart
These are the second tier of SEC teams that are destroying us. This is supposed to be the level that we are trying to attain. Mississippi State. Tennessee. Programs that in theory we should at least be competitive with. The Florida game is the only game of the entire season in which we have played above our heads and we still managed to lose.

We have won two SEC games; Missouri and South Carolina. Missouri and South Carolina have combined for two SEC wins. One of those wins was Missouri's win over South Carolina. The other win was South Carolina over Vanderbilt. Vanderbilt's only SEC win is over Missouri. If we can beat Vanderbilt we can prove ourselves to be the tallest midget in the SEC.

If we played in the SEC west, we'd probably already be eliminated from bowl contention. Thankfully South Carolina and Missouri forgot how to play football during the offseason. If those two teams weren't completely shitty, we'd be in trouble. If James Franklin were still at Vanderbilt, we'd be staring at an ass kicking in Nashville too. It feels like a lot of our improvement is really just regression by half of the SEC east.

Just imagine if Joker had coached here for four years instead of three. We might not have ever won a football game again.
Was way out in front of the "Towles is mediocre take". Regardless, you could win with the guy if you had a decent to good D, OL, and ST play...but we don't.

It's a little unnerving, really. The lack of improvement, hell, regression we have seen from guys that were supposed to be our core play makers.

Honestly, I still like our coaching staff a lot but what I think we are seeing is a lot of "learning on the job" which is tough to do in the SEC. These guys knew how to recruit because they had been doing it for years. But, they've all taken a step up in coaching responsibility and they are making mistakes of inexperience.

At this point I would like to see Barker. He's not blocking or tackling anyone, understood, but I think it would bring a new energy to this team...right now there is a definite feeling of "here we go again".
I mean Barker played 12 plays last week and could not go last night. Is he made out of glass?
I would not say Tenn sucks. They certainly have shit the bed late in games. Lost by a TD Oklahoma who is 7-1, 1 point against Florida, lost late at Bama by 5. They will end up 8-4, prob should have been 10-2 or better.
i would lose sleep tonight over coolcat jumping off the bandwagon, but he's been anti stoops from day 1. even when he was brand new on the job, and could only really show his value on the recruiting trail, and excelled fantastically, cc was still critical.

i think the team wins 3 more games. might even win a bowl. the last two weeks have sucked, but this season has unfolded the way we expected it would. not sure what more you could ask for at this point.
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I'm frustrated, impossible not to be. Still Always thought year 4 would be 'the year' when he can really be judged.

7-5 (Bowl)

New stadium, new practice facility, Unprecedented recruiting, and endless other general improvements with the program.

...if that's the progression, not sure how you could expect much more inheriting a program at rock-bottom and basically starting from scratch in the SEC.

Pretty sure any reasonable & experienced UK Football fan would have taken the above 3 year scenario on Day 1 given where we were.

Now, we just need to win the games we're supposed to win, beat Louisville, and finish the season with some momentum.
And another potential coaching position opening - word is spreading that Frank Beamer is telling his team today that he is retiring at the end of the season.
Saw 3 of the 4 American Pharoah "grand slam" wins in person. Only missed the Preakness.

What a machine. Doubt if I'll live long enough to see anything like that again in horse racing.
I'm not really a Bengals fan. Like to see them do well but if they lose them it really does not bother me. That said glad they beat Tomlin. That guy is is the biggest bitch coach in the NFL.
Anyone else see this last night?


Saw it from the stands. One of the refs saw it and came over and just made sure it didn't escalate further. No flag. Complete bullshit.

Had no illusions of winning last night. Just hoped for a good, competitive game. Got that for 25 minutes. The next 15 minutes we were outscored 42-7. Inexcusable at this point in Mark Stoops' tenure. We shouldn't be getting embarrassed like that. People left in droves in the 3rd quarter like the game had been called.

And we're still going to finish 7-5. Charlotte, Vandy, and Louisville are all shit. True story. Louisville is beating some incredibly bad ACC teams by the slimmest of margins. We'll beat those touchers and end up in Shreveport or Houston or Memphis. Not Jacksonville like I had hoped, but still better than 2-10 and 5-7.
coolcat is right, though. it's proven once and for all that mark stoops can't win a national championship here.

cut bait and move on or nah?

A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument which was not advanced by that opponent.
I would be ecstatic with 7 wins to finish the year. Would have taken that preseason and most certainly will now.

The way we've played at the LOS and the rate Pat has turned the ball over, no game is a given
A straw man is a common form of argument and is an informal fallacy based on giving the impression of refuting an opponent's argument, while actually refuting an argument which was not advanced by that opponent.
[laughing] While I happen to disagree with your take on the current situation... that is a perfect description of how he argues.
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