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-Norm as GOAT "Weekend Update" anchor, hands down. I think 10-15 years from now, Bill Hader will also be up there when people talk about the all-time greats. The guy could do ANYTHING, and his Keith Morrison is about as good as it gets.

-I can't think of a single "kid" activity that I hate more than pumpkin-carving. Just a ton of work, slop, disappointment for the kids when it doesn't look exactly the way they want it to, and then you don't even get to appreciate it yourself, because it's out on the front porch. One kid is painting hers this year, trying to convince the youngest to do the same.

-Pretty cool night last night. Oldest won an award out of the blue at her cross country banquet, then we got to meet Pat Day, who made a surprise(at least, I think so....never saw it publicized anywhere) appearance at our Death Star Kroger.

-Anyone know if Matt Bevin is a hedge fund millionaire? An East Coast con man, perhaps?
Wonder if the old folks who run my voting spot will object when I ask to write in "Democracy has failed us" as my vote for governor? I can't imagine I'll be the only person doing that.
In a surprise move, O.J. Simpson has offered to give an interview to CNN, with “absolutely no ground rules.” But interviewers Greta van Susteren and Roger Cossack have asked for one: “Dont kill us!”
For the first and only time in my life, rack llama. Pumpkins are the worst. Our oldest is really into art and shit so we let him paint his - looks like trash. No clue what he was going for. Absolutely humiliated of it and my wife is INSISTING on putting on the porch for everyone to see.
I think a lot of the old stuff holds up but if you look at what they were doing it's really amazing. Most of that comedy was light years ahead of it's time and on Network TV with a bunch of ultra conservatives. I've SLOWLY been thumbing through the Oral History of SNL, same guy who wrote the ESPN book, great read if you grew up with SNL.
He missed court...for a PEDICURE!!!!!

We don't get as many ads in Louisville as the state gets, as this town is rock solid Democrat, but the ads are still annoying.
He missed court...for a PEDICURE!!!!!

We don't get as many ads in Louisville as the state gets, as this town is rock solid Democrat, but the ads are still annoying.
We are blessed in NKY to get all of the political ads (not sure why, NKY just flat out doesn't vote) for KY as well as Nick Lachey, generic white mommy, and Oscar Robertson telling us to legalize the weed and say thank heavens.
I usually vote Republican, but I don't trust Matt Bevin. I mean if he can't tell the truth about his real estate taxes, what else is he lying about?


If you really want to investigate petty/trivial bullshit, why don't you investigate the cost of Jack Conway's haircuts on the company dime. Guarantee he spends a fortune.
Grimes could have won. Crit Luallen could have won. Heck, there are probably at least a half-dozen candidates from both parties who would have excited the electorate more than these two clowns.

If there was ever a year for an Independent to sneak in and win the thing, this was it, but Curtis never gained any traction.
Is it possible to just skip the governor's election this year and try again next year. I feel like 1 year of TBD would be better than 4 years of either Conway or Bevin.
You can learn so much about a person by the way they text.

Ole girl is at the doctors office today and I look down at my phone and see 7 texts within a a 2 minute period. Only one text has more than one sentence in it. Drives me absolutely bonkers.
Richie Farmer should have, oh yeah, he's in a West Virginia prison until June of 2016. It is nice that he is wearing the same prison number that he wore at UK. Inmate number 16226-032.
Anybody get a pair of the Free trainer 5's? Pretty much was like Champions classic tickets.
My daughter carved pumpkin Mon after school, set it out that night. Next morning while leaving for school, gets to see said pumpkin smashed like hell by a deer.
Apparently deer like fresh pumpkin and will smash it with their feet to get inside for the good stuff.
Sorry we are discussing Kentucky things. Stick to Ohio bubs.

Enjoy voting for 1 of 2 assholes. I'm sure it will make a difference in your life.

I am going YES to legalize marijuana in my Buckeye State.

I am also going to vote YES on issue 27. This gives licensed drivers from Ohio the right to drive in the fast lane at whatever speed we want in every state. I was going to vote against this, but since you were being mean, I changed my vote.

I hope you and all of your out of state fancy degrees enjoy being stuck behind red white and blue license plates during rush hour.
You mean the guy from wasn't taken seriously? Hmph, crazy.

I get what you're saying, but he had a decent showing in the first debate, and some polls had him in double digits. But slipped badly after that.
Check his twitter. I'm pretty sure it's just a troll/joke thing....which makes perfect sense. Problem is he's not very funny. He's like a hipster douche weirdo.
I'll bet Jack Conway has a big bowl of candy corn in his office and he eats fistfuls of it at a time.

Every time my wife sees him on TV she comments on how fat he's gotten. At this point, I'm not sure if she's actually directing the comment at him or if it is a not so subtle hint to me. Hey, it's the blond lawyer guy I used to think was pretty good looking, but now he's fat...
Just now realized the Ramsey-in-Sombrero thing is national news.


It just shows:

(1) he apparently has no sense; and

(2) he is, in fact, surrounded by either (a) complete idiots; and/or (b) yes-people and sycophants who apparently don't have the sense or the guts to tell him when he's making a mistake.

Good for him, and good for U of L. Sounds just like the kind of place that would have an ongoing series of sex scandals.
So I need Geese to expand on his Jamal Murray take from Tuesday night. I have a $20 bet with him that Murray will be top 10 pick. I do agree that he's gotta play PG or a sort of hybrid version of it rather than straight SG.

Geese was really down on his NBA potential. TS. I'm the opposite, I think he'll be around the league for a long time. He won't be depending on freakish athleticism. Just a crafty player. Hell of a basketball.
Hartman definitely more beloved due to his passing. Ridiculous to think otherwise. Not even sure what "pure comedian" means, but no way he ranks above Eddie Murphy. As 73 said, Murphy wins, hands down, no contest. Best everything. Best stand up, best cast member best movie star, best 'pure comedian', whatever that means. I'd also say Carvey and Myers were bigger contributors than Hartman on SNL with everything they did. Throw Dan Aykroyd in there as well, talk about under-appreciated. Dude only wrote Ghostbusters, Blues Brothers, Spies Like us, and gave us BassoMatic, Coneheads, "Jane you ignorant slut". Yeah, that dude definitely gets undervalued.

Hartman's UFCL and Bill Clinton in McDonald's sketches are all timers though.

Norm #1 WU anchor, not in doubt. Damn he was good. Talk about under-appreciated. Basically got fired for refusing to quit doing OJ jokes, right?

Tina Fey maybe #2. Having a hard time remembering much from Dennis Miller.
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