Aggies to the Big Ten?

It would hurt them in the long run.

More travel costs. Games on both coasts rather staying in the South. They will travel twice the distance to play a game against Rutgers as they would a game against Vandy (and the competition would be about the same on average).

They also lose some big ratings games.

More eyeballs on A&M vs. Texas and OU than will be for A&M vs. Michigan and OSU.

Regardless, the SEC will never miss them. Texas is the prize program in the state.
Having the aggies and UT in the sec is redundant to me. Texas should only have one school in conference. Different for charter members. As that was settled way back in the 20s. TODAY, If we're doing expansion, say no to double in-state schools. Pick one of UNC, NCS, Duke, or WF for NC. And one of VT or UVA for VA.
They re ignite a fsmous football rivalry to end it right after - dount it. UT n Tam was always a huge game like UK UL in basketball or Bama Auburn/Mich OSU in football . HIGHLY doubt either goes anywhere now
LoL the hate by A&M to Texas goes back a lot longer than Longhorn net

Was always a great football game. I remember from growing up in Houston was a bigger rivalry than most realize. Fans hated each other like UK UL.
I don’t understand why people keep falling for Greg Swaim articles. He’s the guy on twitter who said UK scheduled a press conference to introduce Scott Drew as our new head coach, and that A&M had hired Dan Lanning.

He’s also been dropping a conference realignment bombshell every couple of months for the last 10 years, and not once has he been right. The guy consistently makes things up.
There is NO WAY that Texas A&M nor any other school EVER leaves the SEC. Leaving the SEC for the Big 10 would be like leaving Major League baseball to play Triple A baseball. A&M just like Kentucky wants to be in the best most prestigious, most successful conference in college sports. THAT'S THE SEC!
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There is NO WAY that Texas A&M nor any other school EVER leaves the SEC. Leaving the SEC for the Big 10 would be like leaving Major League baseball to play Triple A baseball. A&M just like Kentucky wants to be in the best most prestigious, most successful conference in college sports. THAT'S THE SEC!
No doubt.
Though I do think they're an overhyped program, they do serve an important demographic/market purpose for the conference.

Texas is a huge sports market, the more teams we can get from there, the better. I've said in other threads over the years that the SEC should do all it can to get a couple more. Obviously, we got the big one in the Horns, but I'd still go after Baylor and probably Houston as well.

The BIG10 go a W in the markets/demographic's arms race with the Pac schools. They have Pacific Northwest and West coast population centers and big brand names that people follow. In addition to their middle America hometown roots. That's a pretty potent bargaining chip when it comes to negotiations with big media, advertising, prime time slots, who gets preferential treatment and an extra team or two in the playoffs, etc...

In addition to conquering Texas, SEC probably needs to add some exposure to coastal population centers. Not sure who would be available in the near future, but if ACC ever breaks up, I'd go get Miami, UVA, Unc, Nc St, UVA, Syracuse, and/or Boston College.
Though I do think they're an overhyped program, they do serve an important demographic/market purpose for the conference.

Texas is a huge sports market, the more teams we can get from there, the better. I've said in other threads over the years that the SEC should do all it can to get a couple more. Obviously, we got the big one in the Horns, but I'd still go after Baylor and probably Houston as well.

The BIG10 go a W in the markets/demographic's arms race with the Pac schools. They have Pacific Northwest and West coast population centers and big brand names that people follow. In addition to their middle America hometown roots. That's a pretty potent bargaining chip when it comes to negotiations with big media, advertising, prime time slots, who gets preferential treatment and an extra team or two in the playoffs, etc...

In addition to conquering Texas, SEC probably needs to add some exposure to coastal population centers. Not sure who would be available in the near future, but if ACC ever breaks up, I'd go get Miami, UVA, Unc, Nc St, UVA, Syracuse, and/or Boston College.
If the ACC ever breaks up & the SEC looks to expand. The 1st school the SEC will go after is North Carolina. It's the state university in the 9th most populated state in the country. A state that currently the SEC doesn't have a team in. Then throw in the fact that they have a blueblood basketball program. I know that basketball isn't that big of a deciding factor in conference expansion. But having a basketball program the caliber of UNC doesn't hurt.