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This was a long time ago. I guess I had thought that they (being men) would see my side of the story. When they (gay men) in turn were actually much cattier about texting than the girlfriend was.
Yeah I guess that didn't really come across.

Think we beat Duke, would love a repeat of Kansas last year.
@ Kansas
@ random Super Tuesday

I just hate it when my wife decides to "go to bed" and I'm still watching tv or whatever and she sends me fifty eleven texts messages from updamnstairs. Infuriating.
@ Kansas
@ random Super Tuesday

I just hate it when my wife decides to "go to bed" and I'm still watching tv or whatever and she sends me fifty eleven texts messages from updamnstairs. Infuriating.
respond with a simple "sidepiece" really show her
You walk in and block a part of the TV and expect me to answer a random question right then? And if i don't answer it right then you walk out upset?

Can we wait until he hits this tee shot and then i answer, can we wait until this crucial 3rd down play is over, maybe a commercial break? I mean you just walked in unexpected, is it too much to ask for a second to answer or pay full attention? Apparently, it is.o_O
The lass now seems to have an uncanny propensity for question time while I'm deeply focused on something. And it's almost always something completely random and unrelated to the task at hand. Grinds my gears.
first i think you made that entire post up from thin air just to be seen as "cool" by people like me and adrian and second if it is true i guarantee you only stay up late on weekends to watch madtv reruns. Five days a week you are tucked in by 9pm or else
Why don't y'all just connect emotionally with your broads and have deep conversations as you stare into eachothers eyes? Not rocket science, boys.

Thy show madTV reruns? BS. Where?
The lass now seems to have an uncanny propensity for question time while I'm deeply focused on something. And it's almost always something completely random and unrelated to the task at hand. Grinds my gears.
You've been dating for a year and a half. That's not exactly new.

Cawood nailed it. Never been asked a question during a commercial or the opening credits but the last 5 minutes of a movie or a game and we're discussing dinner plans for SECT 2016.
Sounds like gyero is p-whipped if you ask me. My wife doesn't send me stupid touching text, you know why? Because she knows better that's why.
She would've been so much better off if she got a nice insurance payout when you fell off the ladder and been able to upgrade. Instead she got a crippled asshole. Pretty unfortunate, really.

^ Probably not the look you're going for if you're the president of a university being questioned about judgment re: whores and slush funds.
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Jesus. … Kids make decisions for unusual reasons. But I am old school. I am old-fashioned. And I don't think I'm that much different than a lot of other guys.

“If somebody tells me that I have to hang out with somebody to be successful as a coach, I'd probably have a problem with that.”



"Looking for a willing volunteer, Meiwes posted an advertisement on the website The Cannibal Cafe (a blog site for people with cannibal fetishes). Meiwes's post stated that he was "looking for a well-built 18- to 30-year-old to be slaughtered and then consumed."[2] Bernd Jürgen Armando Brandes, an engineer from Berlin, then answered the advertisement. Many other people responded to the advertisement, but backed out; Meiwes did not attempt to force them to do anything against their will.[3][4] The two made a videotape when they met on 9 March 2001 in Meiwes's home in the small town of Rotenburg, showcasing Meiwes amputating Brandes's penis and the two men attempting to eat the penis together before Brandes's ultimate demise. Brandes had insisted that Meiwes attempt to bite his penis off. This did not work and ultimately, Meiwes used a knife to remove Brandes's penis. Brandes apparently tried to eat some of his own penis raw, but could not because it was too tough and, as he put it, "chewy". Meiwes then fried the penis in a pan with salt, pepper, wine and garlic; he then fried it with some of Brandes's fat but by then it was too burned to be consumed. He then chopped it up into chunks and fed it to his dog."

Along with a picture of the guy who was eaten.

Facebook everybody!! Yay for social media!!
Crazy how quick Roy went from Elite to Tubby. 2005-07 they got anyone they wanted, hand picked. Barnes and Henson were his two big ones. Not Tyler. However, facts are facts and they haven't had a one and done since Wright, which he acted like an ass to when he left. Same with Williams. Funny if Wright indirectly changed the career of both those guys.

Cal and K have been elite recruiters for the last 25 years. Long before Drake and USAMB.
If you all would just pay attention and answer questions instead of talking to each other on Twitter, it'd be okay.
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Roy was basically bragging about how much golf he plays. This is his 2003 Kentucky. One last hurrah. It's clear he doesn't have any interest in adjusting to the times with recruiting. His prerogative. He's a HOF'er. If he doesn't win it this season though, he will never win it again. I wouldn't be shocked if he retired if they made a Final Four run. Play a bunch of golf, drink a bunch of Coke and bitch about kids today.
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