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I'm sure one of you gaffots on here is friends with K-Gar so can someone please sit him down and have a 'Come to Jesus' conversation re: his Twitter? He's effing awful.

I don't follow him nor do I make it a point to read his LOOK AT ME CBB WRITERS I'M OBJECTIVE BUT NOT RLY HA but he needs to quit. He comes up wayyy too much in my all my diff super secret text threads and I've had enough.

- Matthews most pleasant surprise last night. He's so damn bouncy. Flies to loose balls and crashes offensive glass. See a lot of JP Tokoto in his game /rothshit If he starts knocking down jumpers --- look out.

- Ulis - calm, collected, and amazing.

- Had great seats last night for BW game... but not as great as Anth's. Shew boy.

- Cal was clearly disgruntled with AP on several plays last night. And judging from his post game comments, it's clear he's not wasting any time calling him out.

- AD forced the issue a ton last night. Defense sagged under and let him shoot. Doesn't help when Nate Robinson is your starting PG and the most effective guard was signed the day before. Seems someone crucial on the Pels is always hurt. Crazy.
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WTF would Cal be disgruntled with AP ? He may need to save some of that for Murray jacking up any and every shot, and if it where a real game, Skal would not have played 20 minutes. Bash away, but AP was solid last night. If he gives us half of last nights effort / production, it will be a very good year for the BB faithful.

Was pleasantly surprised with Mulder's game last night, and will probably never see it again this year. Man, what a bunch of different combo's UK can trot out there this year. Opposing coaches trying to scout this team and get a game plan together, good luck. Lightly pumps brakes, tail lights come on.
Ulis more to say on the guy that hasn't already been said in here about him. He gone.

Briscoe surprised me a bit, played very well and already has pretty much gotten rid of the show boat stuff and going east and west. Very business like which i like. But you can tell by his attitude in interviews and the way he's gotten his body into shape that it's time to grow up and of course get paid.

Murray is great off the ball or not bringing it up after a rebound as a pure point. Let Ulis bring it up and get it to him or throw it ahead to Murray on the break. Works just fine. The guy will make some money shots for us this year as well in crunch time. When he and Ulis put it up you feel like they are going in. The having 3 point guards thing is not going to be an issue that so many wanted it to be.

Humphries is just money with his mid range shot already. And for a young guy and freshman is great with the pick and roll already and its just November.He also passes it well. Probably could work on a pump fake move down low because he will get his shit thrown more than anyone. But to get him that late and not be expecting much and seeing what he can do is a wonderful surprise.

Matthews impressed me the most last night. Didn't know he was as good as he is, reminds me of MKG quite a bit. Plays very hard and has a decent looking shot and just tons of athleticism. is the limit and will need to see more from him to see just how good he can be before i try to make comparisons. Sweet stroke.

I think Willis could earn some minutes,but will Cal give him any real minutes when the popcorn is popping, or let his confidence drop and him be done early on? I think he can play but man so many guys on this team can play its going to be hard to crack the top 6-8. I mean we didn't even see Hawkins last night.

Poythress looked good. We have so many guys who can score that if he can just do what Cal wants him to do,BOARD IT, play good defense all the rest will come for him because our guards will find him on the baseline for easy scores and oops.

EJ was shockingly good handling the ball and running his team.
I feel like Ulis is the best pure basketball player I've seen at Kentucky.
I've been looking for the right way to say it and this is it. Tyler Ulis has a phenomenal mind and vision for the game, and he's maxed out every physical asset he has for the game including those two. He's that guy that we all wanted to be at UK when we were kids. Just seeing everything, staying cool, making all the right plays. I'm pretty sure I've never once said "Dammit, Ulis!" While watching a Kentucky game, and I'm pretty sure I never will.
For about 2 minutes, Cal had Willis running at the 4 with Skal, Ulis, Briscoe, and Murray, and I got a little tingly inside. I genuinely think he could cause teams problems at that spot.
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I'd like to see how Willis would do in extended minutes during a game that matters. I'm not sure he's ever had the opportunity, or earned the opportunity, or however you want to say it.
BOLD TAKE: Common core math isn't really so goofy if you take the time to learn what they're trying to teach the kids. Actually makes a lot of sense and "teaches" more than the old way imo.

Sorry. Had to get that off my chest. I would have shared it on Facebook but I probably would have killed all the hens.
I'm sure of you gaffots on here is friends with K-Gar so can someone please sit him down and have a 'Come to Jesus' conversation re: his Twitter? He's effing awful.

I don't follow him nor do I make it a point to read his LOOK AT ME CBB WRITERS I'M OBJECTIVE BUT NOT RLY HA but he needs to quit. He comes up wayyy too much in my all my diff super secret text threads and I've had enough..

Boo touching hoo you big baby

Never ever claimed to be objective ... Stick to your act of regurgitating old GYERO schtick, it suits you much better
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wow what a brutal conference for Ohio & Mich St to deal with, 3 #b1G teams have interim coaches before we even get to November

get both those elite teams into the playoffs!
I don't think I see the outrage in Common Core Math either. It seems to be the same way I've always done math in my head.
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UCL : Willis : : BBdK : Hoody
I'm not necessarily a huge homer for Willis. But the kid can obviously shoot, and if he can drag a 4 out to the perimeter with him, it opens up the lane for our guards. I think you could also do some neat screen game stuff with him. I've become a big fan of small ball, and I think he would allow us to do some of that stuff (at least offensively).
Wisconsin and Notre Dame absolutely worked us offensively last year because they put at least 4 guys on the floor who could knock down outside shots. It looks like Alex might be able to do this for us at the 4, which would be huge.
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If you Google Common Core Math right now you probably get the 5x3 problem where the teacher counted 5+5+5 wrong. That's just a teacher being dumb, not actually Common Core.
BOLD TAKE: Common core math isn't really so goofy if you take the time to learn what they're trying to teach the kids. Actually makes a lot of sense and "teaches" more than the old way imo.

Sorry. Had to get that off my chest. I would have shared it on Facebook but I probably would have killed all the hens.

They removed it for the time being at our schools, but from what I saw I would have to disagree. My daughter had a problem that went something along the lines of Tommy and his sister have 4 apples, if Tommy has 4 times as many apples as his sister how many does each one have. Answer Tommy has 4 and his sister has one because 4x1= 4 times as much. Well sure if they had 5 apples to start with... asked the principle and math teacher to explain...head scratching and bewildered looks...well 4 is 4 times as much as 1 but we see your point.
Boo touching hoo you big baby

Never ever claimed to be objective ... Stick to your act of regurgitating old GYERO schtick, it suits you much better

There's no shtick. You're terrible. No joke in there for you to interpret, blog guy.

I don't think I see the outrage in Common Core Math either. It seems to be the same way I've always done math in my head.
I think the biggest problem is that it teaches kids to do math that way from the start. The only reason you know short cuts is because you learned the "actual" way first. It makes sense for basic problems, but isn't great for anything beyond 3 digit whole numbers

So yeah, it makes sense to adults who have already learned the long way and developed shorthand, but it doesn't really help kids eventually going into more complex math
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