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Cool. You guys can eat at Porcini's, and I'll eat at any of the 8,921 other restaurants in Louisville that presumably don't allow old men to fornicate on the furniture.
This sort of thing happens everywhere, UCL. It's not an indictment of Porcini's it's an indictment of restaurants everywhere. I lament the debaucherous state of the modern world. That's what this is about. And there's not a damn thing funny about it. If you think there is you're sick.
-Bob Valvano
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Pitino banging em out at Porcini, Drake dry humping Serena at Sotto, Tiger desecrating the Waffle House parking lot... nowhere is safe imo
I haven't been to Porcini since the incident fwiw. Used to go there a lot. Then again I have 8 kids and coach 25 teams now, so that probably has something to do with it. Chick Fil A is quick and easy but might have to revisit that as they refuse to sponsor youth leagues.
Anth/Rich your boy Scott Daveneport slobbs him to the point of extreme uncomfortability and this morning was the zenith.

Men should not speak of other men in the manner Scott does Rick. Unsavory.

Yeah. It was awful. Even DD called bullshit on some of his nonsense. He's not my boy, way too close to UL and I'm not happy with my excellent alma mater aligning itself with that biohazard dump site outside of old louisville. Might sue them for diminished value of my degree through this alliance.
If her actions during her husband's games are any indication, Pitino's wife probably just sat in another booth reading a book while the whole thing was going on.
At least Chick Fil A gives you those disposable plastic mats to keep your stuff off the table. And unlimited lemonade. Little concerned about the books and crannies of the play area though.
Cool. You guys can eat at Porcini's, and I'll eat at any of the 8,921 other restaurants in Louisville that presumably don't allow old men to fornicate on the furniture.

I always assume that pretty much every restaurant has had some table forno going on. Sure, not all by a gross like Pitino with a Cougar, but some after hours bartender on waitress or owner on hostess type action. Are restaurant staffs notorious for this type of stuff? (cue a bunch of stories that make us all never want to eat out again).
I get the feeling those two have had an "arrangement" for quite some time.

Undoubtedly. Has she even lived in Louisville for the last decade? She won't divorce him cause she's Catholic, and he won't divorce her because she'd get all his stuff. She's probably obligated to go to X number of games per year (reduced after 2009), and never speaks to him. In return, she can basically spend whatever amount of money she wants.
I think I've only recently begun to understand how much sex people are having out there, honestly. I'm extremely naïve when it comes to that.

I mean, people are just slidin in and getting it with each other, and not necessarily just single people. Right? It's the only logical conclusion I can make after considering society today: vast porn industry, public affairs, sexualization of TV/advertising, sex scandals, etc.
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Are we really going to spend 2 pages making Pitino/Sypher jokes?




Should give you something to do while this runs its course.
Yea, but sort of like Dennis was saying, people are having sex ALL OVER THE PLACE. Right? In just about every retail store in America some employee is banging another. Could probably be said for every office, too.

The former Hamilton County (that's Cincinnati) Prosecutor had to resign after a former assistant disclosed that they were having an affair which included, among other things, them having a Porcini type encounter in a courtroom after hours on the great seal of Ohio.

Hell, I'm willing to bet there are people posting on GYERO after shirtnut.

Nowhere is safe, in other words.
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"Honey, where do you want to go to dinner tonight? There's the place that knowingly permitted Rick Pitino's droopy old balls to slosh all over a table or there's every other restaurant in the city."

"Hmm, tough call."

Wanted to try Porcini's for the longest time before that went all down. Now? Not so much. Louisville has too many other good options to try out, IMO.
The former Hamilton County (that's Cincinnati) Prosecutor had to resign after a former assistant disclosed that they were having an affair which included, among other things, them having a Porcini type encounter in a courtroom after hours on the great seal of Ohio.

Hell, I'm willing to bet there are people posting on GYERO after shirtnut.

Nowhere is safe, in other words.

Right before I worked at the Public Defender's office, there was a female attorney there who had been caught either banging or blowing one of her clients, an inmate, at the jail. She was not employed there during my time there, but that's the story I heard multiple times from multiple people.
I think I've only recently begun to understand how much sex people are having out there, honestly. I'm extremely naïve when it comes to that.

I mean, people are just slidin in and getting it with each other, and not necessarily just single people. Right? It's the only logical conclusion I can make after considering society today: vast porn industry, public affairs, sexualization of TV/advertising, sex scandals, etc.

I originally came to grips with this after first hearing Alan Jackson's 1996 smash hit "Who's Cheatin' Who." It was shocking.
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More and more solid proof comes out against UL by credible parties and there's there's giant sense of disbelief my the majority of their fanbase.

Then a few silent days go by and it's back to the spin cycle. THE STORIES DONT MATCH! INCONSISTENCIES! ITS ALL ANDRE'S FAULT. LETS DISSOCIATE & MOVE ON. CASE CLOSED.

It's not just Dildo 6 Pack UL fan we're talking credible people in and around their program. They all need to take their medicine and stfu until the sanctions are announced.

What blows my mind in a very elementary sense is that if this nightmare happened in Lexington that there would be such an erupting uproar of disgust and shame from alumini, academia, and the BOT types that there would be a swift demand for Cal to resign and possibly Barnhart. It absolutely would've been done by now.

What is Floyd St, their mouthpieces and their fanbase in general doing? They're fighting back and trying to poke holes and make this story about how disgusting this lady and her actions are instead looking at the main problem in the mirror.

Who gives a shit about this bimbo? She's a stupid money hungry whore. That's not the main issue. Why aren't you more outraged that this took place within your basketball program on campus?

Think well over 80% of UL fans really believe in their case against Powell and the sick in the head stance they're innocent bystanders in this mess.

Like I said earlier... They're so twisted in their mindset it's nothing but bizarre.
Mark Story had a piece the other day talking about the silent majority. He said the LHL conducted a scientific poll in 1988 or 1989 and found that the majority of those polled felt that Kentucky should clean house and fully investigate all issues with the program. He said the results of the poll were shocking to many because talk radio and letters to the paper would have suggested that most people supported Sutton.

There really aren't that many people who call sports talk radio shows. There's basically about two dozen or fewer regular callers and then the occasional random call. I'd say 95% of people who listen do not call. Same with this message board. There's about 100-200 people logged into the Paddock. About half of them never post. On Rafters it may be several hundred or a few thousand, but again most don't post. In the grand scheme of things a few thousand incredibly passionate fans do not accurately represent the fanbase. In fact, it probably more closely represents the lunatic fringe than the average fan.

I think the real difference is the media. If this were Lexington, no one (except maybe KSR) would be going above and beyond to protect the program and those named. It would be quite the opposite. There would be a BBM camp out for local reporters outside the Craft Center. They'd be digging up a fixed parking ticket for Jon Hood from 5 years ago and claiming that it represented the loss of institutional control and special treatment players' received.
Honestly, in hindsight, UK probably should have received the death penalty. I don't think the NCAA had the stomach for it after SMU though.

So thanks for that, SMU!
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Does GYERO plan to address this 'Zola' story that has blown up? It's worth 15 minutes to read the string of tweets if we're going to talk sex scandals and such...

Remember 88-89. Granted I was 10 but I remember the day the story of the Emery envelope busting open hit the news cycle. Remember the giant cloud hanging over the program during that awful season where we went 13-19.

My viewpoint may have been skewed bc my age but the vibe I received was that almost all of the fans and those around the university and program were so disgusted and sick/tired of dealing with the NCAA that finally everyone realized that wholesale changes would have to be made with the President, AD & entire basketball program.

There was the sense of humility that enough was enough even before the sanctions were announced.
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