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Poythress is the classic tweener.

Even last year before he became injured he had the same issues... Zero handle, never looked comfortable where he was on the court, minimal offensive bball IQ, time/sense/awareness.

Our spacing will lend itself much better for him this year but I still think he will have the same problems.
I've never "gotten" scarves. (scarfs?)

Anyone else in Cincinnati/NKY follow this story about the lady in Indian Hill suing errbody about a house sale? Now there's arrest warrants and whatnot being issued. BBC and whatnot.
Well, if we need him to be bigtime this year, we are in trouble. .

Well then by your logic we're in trouble. Who else is going to rebound the ball and insert a level of physicality on the front line come March when shit rly matters?

Skal, for all his talent and upside, will get beat around his fair share and with a small backcourt someone is going to have to clean up the crap and be a beast. No one else on the team is capable of it and he needs to play the way he did in the Bahamas. I love Lee but he's not that guy.

AP rounding into form is absolutely critical for this team otherwise we are NOT going to get where we're capable of going. He can drift through games, show flashes, and be that complimentary player we know prolly getting us a 3-4 seed.... OR he can go ape shit on the baseline, crash the offensive glass, murder folks nightly, and help carry this team over the threshold into a national title favorite.

Scary thought but IMO that next level hinges on Alex Poythress being that player. I don't need to see it right off the bat because of the knee or whatever but come Jan/Feb if he's not there I'll be worried. I'm definitely nervous but I think Cal will masterfully punch the right buttons by then. Porch lights on for AP's Bahamas Beast Mode.
<--- This guy would kind of like to see us use last year's Notre Dame team as an offensive template at least once in a while. Throw 4 shooters/drivers and Lee/Skal out there for stretches, spread the floor, and see what happens.
Ulis will do a very good job making Poythress better getting him the ball at the right time to give him the best chance to succeed as a finisher.

Just don't think any of us should count on Poythress being any better at creating. His doesn't have the skillset.
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And yes, I think Ulis running the show will obviously be the best thing that's ever happened to Alex. Basically just needs to be awake & ready. Throw in a few buckets off rebounds/putbacks, and he's at double digits. Could easily be a 10 & 8 guy this year if he wakes his ass up.
We are in trouble if you guys expect Alex to be bigtime or bahama's Alex. I think that's an awful,awful take.

That is not happening.
On a related note, I would like to see Cal try Willis as a stretch 4 once or twice. Defensively, it would be questionable, but the offensive upside might be worth it.
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We are in trouble if you guys expect Alex to be bigtime or bahama's Alex. I think that's an awful,awful take.

That is not happening.

in trouble

Those were your words, gaffot. I'm not gonna spell shit out if you can't figure out WTF is required for this team to be a threat to win it all in March/April. Christ, it's October and you're already terrible. Stay in your lane and don't ruin this CBB year for GYERO like you almost did last year with your nauseating takes.
I'm 100% serious. This is the kind of team you need to experiment with, at least early on.

Golden State - a perimeter-oriented team - has completely changed the way I view basketball. And as we learned last year in the Elite 8 and Final Four, there is nothing more terrifying than a team that throws 4-5 perimeter shooters at you. It effs up everything you do defensively.
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I think you guys mean we need AP to fill his role. Perennial role player who disappears often, coming off an ACL, and some of y'all expect him to be big time. Got it. Definitely writing this down.
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I think you guys mean we need AP to fill his role. Perennial role player who disappears often, coming off an ACL, and some of y'all expect him to be big time. Got it. Definitely writing this down.
Exactly. When you are counting on Alex to be "bigtime" or "bahama's alex" to win it all this year, it's a dumbass take. We may or may not win it all but alex needs to rebound, defend and add some garbage baskets. That's who he is going to be.
I think Cal will tighten his rotation almost to a fault this year because I genuinely think he hated platooning.


And Humphries or Mulder in certain games or specific situations/matchups. Any chance Willis had at being the "stretch four" went out the window when Humprhies showed up. Hawkins injury is going to put him so far behind, Cal is not going to mess with chemistry/rotation a month into the season for the 9th best player.
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Welp, we have Cawood & Mashburned on a side.

Got it.

Alex can be "big time" without filling the stat sheet all the time. This conversation is clearly over your head. Hell, we missed Alex LAST YEAR. He can do things nobody on this roster can....and he needs to do them. If he does, that is indeed BIG TIME for this team.

Mods, please ban.
I KNOW they're not the same type of player, but I keep looking at Darius Miller as a source of optimism. Totally different player as a senior- cocksure, composed, clutch. Different players, but similar mental makeup.

AND, Poythress was HUGE during the '14 tourney run.
A scarf is essential for NYC/Chicago when you're walking all over the place.

No time for one around here when you most always drive to your destination.
Tennis shoes come in handy pre and post work in those towns as well. You see a lot of suits wearing them.
I can't wrap my head around the absolute L U S T that I would have for Devon Booker if he had returned. I'm sitting here sweating just thinking about it. We always have the one that got away, but man.
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I can't wrap my head around the absolute L U S T that I would have for Devon Booker if he had returned. I'm sitting here sweating just thinking about it. We always have the one that got away, but man.

Murray will be the better player. I'd take that trade any time. And I love Booker.
Anybody ever not gotten their food because the idiot driver locked his keys in the car with said food?

Now that's a first.
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The fact that media folks are sleeping so much on Murray is Exhibit A to the argument that their basketball knowledge is questionable. The kid crushed pros and D-1 stars at the Pan-Am games and can't even get a 2nd-team all-SEC nod? Sure.
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wcc is an asshole who is too cool to call me, but he is right about how huge Poythress was in the '14 tourney. He can be that all of the time.

He is an excellent defender/shot blocker and when he plays with energy he is a terrific rim runner & finisher.

We need that defense and we need him to rebound the ball and slam it when he gets the opportunity. That's the list. Anything else is just gravy (that's just a figure of speech, Adrian, put your dick back in your pants).

Can Cal get him to play with that energy and to rebound consistently? That, my friends, is the million dollar question.

You are all smarter now. You are all welcome.
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Jodie Meeks leaving before his senior season is the one that always leaves me shaking my head. That team would have been unstoppable with Meeks.


Murray is much more well rounded player, no doubt. But I'm not convinced this team is going to be deadly from the perimeter. plus you can play Murray and Booker together, Chad. Why are you trying to start shit between them?
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Murray is much more well rounded player, no doubt. But I'm not convinced this team is going to be deadly from the perimeter. plus you can play Murray and Booker together, Chad. Why are you trying to start shit between them?
Chad has to have the drama. Can never just let it be, ya know.
The fact that media folks are sleeping so much on Murray is Exhibit A to the argument that their basketball knowledge is questionable. The kid crushed pros and D-1 stars at the Pan-Am games and can't even get a 2nd-team all-SEC nod? Sure.
I don't know who votes on those teams but if it's SEC beat writers I can safely say that no one is really overlooking Murray.
Don't know why wildcatchad would be snippy.

He is one more bad loss away from welcoming the disenfranchised UK football fans back into the basketball.gif fold. And the prospects of UK running a true DDMO offense (hahahaha) for the first time in the Cal era?

Shew. Kid should be giddy.
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