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It's a weird feeling. Her character is pretty much despicable, but she also does an incredible job playing her.

Saul makes the show. If he's ever out, I'm out.

You're right, she is a fantastic actress. I just despise everything about her character. Plus, it really bothers me that all of these guys keep falling in love with her, and she just isn't that attractive at all. Her homeliness coupled with her psychotic behavior makes me wonder why in the hell these guys are so enamored with her. My best guess is that she is an absolute freak in the sack, a real cock worshipper.
Anyone else get the feeling Mulder may be on the outside looking in at this point?

Feel like he may just be seldom-used specialist this season, maybe have him a few games, but not really be in the main rotation. Basing this on nothing but the fact we have hardly heard anything & he's looked completely lost in the Practice/Madness (which means nothing).

Just a hunch.
I can't remember a show in which I despised the main character as much as I do in Homeland, yet still loved the show.

Please f*cking die.-------------->
It is all because Jordan Catalano broke her heart.
I agree. Cal talking of tightening the rotation, plus all the raves about Matthews, makes it seem like Mulder's minutes will be similar to Dom, Humphries, etc.

I think it's a seven-man top tier, with Lee/Briscoe off the bench most regularly. 6-8 minutes each for that next group.
-Chad, I agree with your comment about that church, IF they intentionally went to the TV station to get pub for it. But if the station heard about it and came to them, you can't expect them to be like "NO COMMENT". But you're right about people/churches who do that stuff and seek out the publicity for it.

Pleez. You know damn well places like Crossroads seek out that publicity.
* I get the lack of enthusiasm for the upcoming basketball season. Really, I do. Last year was unusual for pretty much the entire season starting in July and it didn't end well, and Cal won't hush about it, and it was an emotional drain.

* But that's done.

* I doubt the format of the b/w game will let it happen tonight, but I'm begging to see the Ulis/Briscoe/Murray combo playing together. That is the best combo of guards in the country this year, and more vital to winning a championship, it's the meanest combo of guards in the country. All three dudes have entire bags of chips on their shoulders, and I'm guessing Charles Matthews does as well because Chicago.

* Jamal Murray's swag level is "I know I'm the best player on the floor and nobody can guard me". It's the perfect balance of supreme confidence and not being a prick like Cameron Mills.

* Alex Poythress said yesterday that Skal Labissiere was picking up stuff faster than Karl Towns did, which is interesting to me. I've always been under the impression that Skal's development would play out closer to Nerlens', maybe because of the body type and the Haitian thing or whatever, but if he's a faster learner than Towns (mid-January), good lord, watch out.

* Big question is can they board it? If they're halfway decent at rebounding, I'm not too worried about everything else.

* At Big Ten Media Day, Richard Pitino mentioned that Minnesota was going to install some 2-2-1 press because of the 30-second shot clock, and that a lot of teams were probably going to do that. What's that? You're pressing this Kentucky team? WATERMELON.


#SECBasketballFever randos:

# Look, I know LSU has a lot of talent, so much so that they've been positioned by the league to be the #2 team this season (i.e. the team that gets to play Kentucky in the season finale), but Johnny Jones, man. I'm thinking the conference top 5 goes something like this:

1. Kentucky
2. Vanderbilt
3. Texas A&M
4. Georgia
5. LSU

# Is Avery Johnson going to kill it dead at Alabama? My gut says yes. His record as an NBA coach was above average, even though he got fired twice. But Deron Williams would have gotten any coach fired that second time around. Maybe a year away, but Alabama's a heck of a basketball job when you do it right. Underrated resources and barely existent pressure.

# What do you make of Florida as a program post-Donovan? Saw where TSN had them picked around 11th-12th in our league this year. But Kasey Hill alone ought to put them in the top half of the conference. Right, Geese? I think they're D-U-N done.

# The other question I have with UK is how are they going to do when they have to guard an elite big. There aren't a ton of those guys in the country, but one of them is Damian Jones at Vandy. They're going to be awfully good with him and those young guards. Kevin Stallings is a f'n cockroach, man. Can't get red of that guy.

# Texas A&M is basically turning into Rick Stansbury's Mississippi State program on steroids, which makes sense since he's the coach-in-waiting there. Those guys are set up to be top 3 in the league for the foreseeable future.

# Kentucky has 21 NBA players on opening day rosters. 11 Power 5 conference teams have zero NBA players on opening day rosters. Four of those teams are Auburn, Mississippi State, Ole Miss and South Carolina. Auburn & MSU should be taken care of in a year or two. Ole Miss and South And I like those two coaches too. Especially the Hitman. Still, pretty embarrassing for the conference. South Carolina has had three NBA players since I've been watching basketball - JoJo English, Tarence Kinsey and Renaldo Balkman. Get better.

# Also, BJ McKie's son plays for South Carolina. I attended Senior Day 1997 when his team shot 8 million free throws and beat us. I am an old.


<--- The Josh Carrier of GYERO. This post was probably pretty good in practice, and it was good in my head. But in a game situation, it hit backboard and no rim, which is just the worst way to miss a shot.
Pleez. You know damn well places like Crossroads seek out that publicity.

I'm not familiar with that place. But you might be right. There certainly are churches that do seek out that kind of publicity. Which is pretty much the opposite of the way Jesus said to go about it.
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- I'm just as enthusiastic as I always am for basketball. Haven't noticed until reading GYERO today a "lack of buzz."

- I don't know what to make up LSU. On one hand, I have no respect for their coach, program or the entire western half of the conference. On the other, Simmons isn't just a bigtime talent and great scorer. He's the kind of player who makes everyone around him better with his passing and feel for the game.

- I do love Vandy's squad in a "I really hate those F-ers" sort of way. Have a feeling they'll get us once this year.

- I look for Humphries to emerge late as a rotation guy.
Vandy is especially impressive considering Stallings lost pretty much every good player he had the past few seasons ((before last year) for multiple reasons. Dude is just a really good coach -- aren't many better at recruiting to their system & coaching up.

Bo Ryan is about the only one I can think of.

I assume he's a lifer at Vandy...they would certainly be foolish to ever get rid of him.
-I really like what Kennedy is doing at TAMU. I'd put them at 2, in front of Vandy. He's recruiting really well, too.

-Florida didn't take off until Donovan got that one out-of-state stud who would show that it was okay to come to Florida. So until White gets his version of Mike Miller, I think they'll slide back to the middle of the pack. The brand just doesn't have the juice on its own. White will be fine, but they'll be a bubble team most years, IMO.

-I was gonna say that Mark Fox getting Kobi Simmons might finally push UGA over the hump, but he got KCP and that didn't make it happen.

-Top to bottom, has the SEC ever had a better group of coaches? I mean, the league had some real clowns in the 80's/90's. But with Barnes, Howland, Avery, etc., just solid across the board.
Is there anything more awful than that shit they polish your teeth with at the dentist? Just miserable. I hate the taste, the gritty texture, and the feeling of the little polisher on my teeth. At least I didn't have any cavities and don't have to go back until May.
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Kasey Hill sucks.

- Don't forget my boy Brandon Wallace out of USC. Dude was loooong and made a couple NBA rosters, IIRC. Loved that guy.
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-Top to bottom, has the SEC ever had a better group of coaches? I mean, the league had some real clowns in the 80's/90's. But with Barnes, Howland, Avery, etc., just solid across the board.

Good chance all 3 bust and the SEC just lost a HOFer and Top 10 coach in Donovan. I see same ol', same ol' in the SEC.
LSU will absolutely throttle bad teams. They won't have a single win worth a shit all season, with the exception of possibly beating us in Baton Rouge during their sold out, free t-shirt, purple out, have Shaq show up, and play better than they will the rest of the season night.
That suction hose really adds to the awfulness of the damn tooth grit polish.

Hate going to the dentist, but actually think it would be worse being on the other end. Everyone's mouth is gross.
This year's CBB PG crop is really deep....and veteran. Not loaded with NBA guys, but just damn good college point guards

Decourcy had Ulis #7. I don't agree with that, as I think he'll be the best PG in the country -- but the guys in front of him all have arguments as well. Would have slid Monte Morris in there somehow....

His Top 10:

1. Paige
2. Dunn
3. Van Fleet
4. D. Jackson
5. Yogi
6. Trimble
7. Ulis
8. Wallace
9. Mason
10. Barber
Also, word is Anth is a little jelly of his wife's crush on Ulis. [eyeroll] ...hell, I even have a slight crush on the little fella.
From who? I asked if she talked to him about their dance in the Bahamas. Poor info.

-I assume it's a good thing Mulder is fading rather than turning in a necessity like 2013.

-So those shoes will be sold out in minutes and everyone will have them. I'll hold off. They are slick though. Just bought some throwback blue Nike's.

-If you attended Pitino basketball camp you were around the Pitino kids. They attended every camp. They were actually decent dudes. Was a big deal as 11-12 year old Anth to be on Chris Pitino's team.:smiley: Really of the 3 years I went, Mills was the only prick. Padgett was the nicest of the white guys and Evans, Walker or Evans was the nicest overall. Loved Mu.

-I think LSU struggles to get into the tourney. JMO. Agree with Chad on SEC being a fraud. I like Vandy and TAMU a lot.
This year's CBB PG crop is really deep....and veteran. Not loaded with NBA guys, but just damn good college point guards

Decourcy had Ulis #7. I don't agree with that, as I think he'll be the best PG in the country -- but the guys in front of him all have arguments as well. Would have slid Monte Morris in there somehow....

His Top 10:

1. Paige
2. Dunn
3. Van Fleet
4. D. Jackson
5. Yogi
6. Trimble
7. Ulis
8. Wallace
9. Mason
10. Barber

Can't really have a great problem with that list BESIDES- as you said- Morris not being on there, and the fact Paige really is a 2G for Carolina more than a point. He's better off the ball.
California got Jaylen Brown and Ivan Rabb. State got Newman. UNLV Zimmerman. LSU Simmons Blakeney. Ellenson to Marquette. [laughing] What a shit class.

Very real chance 1/2 those guys don't see the tourney. Cal will make it but the rest probably won't be there.

What a wasted experience.
"In my day, men wore ties when they exercised, suits came in two colors - black and dark black, and the name on the back of every football jersey was 'grateful player.' Those were halcyon days!"
^ weak. He's more of a Wildcat than Daniel Orton, TS.
Orton is in kinda a gray area. Was he a psycho who actually did the "bad" one and done lifestyle? Sure, but I'll always appreciate his "I CAN'T MOTHER TOUCHER" though. Wish we'd make that part of the pre-game hype intro highlights imo.
Those shoes are a whole lot better without the Kentucky Wildcats part.

Had a bruised tooth and the dentist ground it down yesterday. MUCH better this morning. CONTROVERSIAL TAKE - I enjoy the gritty polish. Makes me feel better about my teeth, in a weird kind of way. I'll probably floss more in the next 6 months...of course.

EDIT - Worst part about the dentist is when they measure your gum recession. :chairshot:
always appreciate his "I CAN'T MOTHER TOUCHER" though. Wish we'd make that part of the pre-game hype intro highlights imo.

Agreed- also wish one of Archie Goodwin's 200 drives to the basket where he ended up on the ground mouthing "WTF????" to the ref was part of the intro as well.
Only place I wear tennis shoes is at the gym (three times a month). If I wear jeans and tennis shoes I feel like Jerry Seinfeld or something.
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