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As was young baseball-loving Versailles, KY Joshie a huge CUBBIE fan. You're exactly the fringe douchey groupie I was talking about.


My mom is from Chicago, my dad is your typical elitist 'we do it the right way' BS Cardinal fan from Southern Illinois. I picked the Cubs at a young age mainly because they were on WGN after I came home from school and because my dad would force me to listen to amazing 1.21 gigawatt broadcast signal ofKMOX and slobber all over Jack Buck/Mike Shannon like they were God's gift to baseball. Mark Grace was my dude.

Marge Schott was a crazy bitch, hated her dumb dog, thought Riverfront Stadium was awful & depressing, and I couldn't stand too-cool-for-school Eric Davis. Pass on the Reds forever and always~!~~~~~@!!!!~ I'm a casual Cubs fan these days as I don't follow the game itself like I did when I was kid/teenager. If that makes me fringe douche you're just douche. EOS. Douche.

While you homos poetically wax about your favorite teams, all of whom are at home, I will be watching my team play for a World Series berth tonight.


Could be he's being a bitch like when he doesn't do some postgame interviews or this could
actually be the beginning of the end...

Of course you're a Cubs fan. [poop]

Nah, I'm more of a fan without a home. I used to be a big Braves fan thanks to TBS, but then they went on that run in the mid-90's and everyone jumped on the bandwagon. Sort of lost interest in them after that. Never did like the Reds or Cardinals, so sort of been drifting the last decade or so. I like the Cubs because I like the town and they're long-suffering, but I wouldn't call myself a "fan."
Lol at Anth playing Tolly Ho expert on Facebook. [eyeroll]

Love when he forgets he never went to UK. Pretty sure he truly believes he actually did at this point. Thankfully, K Fund points cannot buy that for him.
Meh, I'm fine with not going to UK. I wouldn't have made it through "Repeating Stories w/Friends 101."

I just like the breakfast sandwich at Tolly Ho better than their burgers. I think their burgers are pretty shitty, even drunk. The bacon, egg and cheese is actually damn good.
Wow. If it's not the end... even if it is... wow.

Sending 2 5th year transfers. Even the loyalist are raking him over the coals. As they should. There is the real Pitino.
Rick Pitino not going to ACC Media days...rather sending 3 players to handle it. What a dude.


I'm sure the national media will be understanding of his decision. Won't bother them at all.
Rick Pitino not going to ACC Media days...rather sending 3 players to handle it. What a dude.

Apparently there's a little known NCAA rule that prevents coaches from speaking to the media* during an NCAA investigation, per HOFDMW**CRP.

* does not apply to sycophant hometown media, blog posts, interviews over the phone with co-authors of self help pap books, etc. Only out of town media where you don't control the room sort of situaish, really.

** DMW = Dead Man Walking
Are the cheddar tots awful? I've been the new location once or twice (buzzed) and don't remember it being *that* off.

Are the cheddar tots awful? I've been the new location once or twice (buzzed) and don't remember it being *that* off.


BBdK's pallet is on its way down. Too much gravy abuse. Not as reliable as it was in the '00s. I go to PTI for my food recs anymore.
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Let's be honest, if he couldn't be king at Bellarmine, he'd have no shot at UK. Really not even sure he'd have gotten a bid, showing up with a bunch of Italian sausages. Roll the ball.
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