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What will be rock bottom for Louisville, the banner coming down? This has to be another giant kick in the nuts for them.

Had a Louisville friend explain to me that everybody does the whores in college ball. They don't want them getting emotionally involved with some Theta's or what not. Pro's make pro's.
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Whas11 says 2 women were arrested for prostitution in Clarksville today - supposedly the one wearing the UofL sweatshirt is a UofL cheerleader

Wow if true

I don't think the blonde one (Shelby) is. My son didn't know her. She apparently is involved in competitive cheerleading out at GymTime, and that is where UofL practices, so it is possible she works with them in some capacity. I don't know about the other one in the story.
What rube on here felt the need to pre apologize for getting a boner before a massage? Welp we found you a place where that wasn't necessary.

How many tugs did the Jville police receive in their "undercover" work over 4 months?
What's funny about all this is Louisville can't fire Pitino and they can't buy him off on the cheap. Tomma and company will have to give him damn near the price of his contract to walk away. UofL has had a lot of unseemly shit going on for quite sometime, YUM Center, Shelby Campus, etc, etc. and the last thing they want is any outside investigative bodies poking around. As strange as it seems, Rick actually has the UL brass by the shorthairs and he knows it.
Per dumbass UL fan Pitino would never skip media day, and it's the ACC doesn't want the lies and negativity around.
I would never worn anyone of a potential boner. It's a natural and normal occurrence. If you don't like it, look away.
Dead dog's owner is now in the ER due to the stress and trauma over its death. Lol. Told my wife two days ago there was a 100% chance she'd go to the ER for some bonus sympathy "likes" and comments.

What a loser.
Chili in the crockpot. At least I'll have something good to eat while MSU runs all over us tomorrow night. Cats 13 MSU 27.
-heading for a growler of Blue Stallion early.

-Gambol loaded up. Either back in black or calling KK.

-Chipotle off the menu for a bit:flush:

-Pitino got absolutely slayed. By his own people as well. I'm wondering if this was Jurich's doing to kill off the rest of his fans. Then I wonder if the can Rick do the rest of his peeps start talking? What a mess. Lol. Sending the 2 5th yr transfers. What a disgrace.
Random UofL scrub has the info on Skal:

From a relative on the Tennessee staff: 'The kid made up a school he never attended. When we pulled records to verify his grades we couldn't find the HS he attended to get the Clearinghouse approved. Before our then coach, Donnie Tyndall, was found guilty from his time with Southern Miss, the kid's guardian was said to have asked for $100k for the kid's services. We knew that this isn't against rules to simply ask but caving in for such demands would have landed us on probation. We had been told by other coaches that dollar amounts were floated around. Our coaching staff decided that the kid wasn't worth the trouble. Therefore the University of Tennessee said have a nice day.'

To go along with that: 'We had to figure that someone would eventually pay his demands. Unsurprisingly it was the University of Kentucky. We have sent this information to the NCAA infractions committee but they clearly do not listen when it comes to certain schools.'

also whores
In Pitino’s closet, next to his cream-colored suits and cardinal-colored handkerchiefs, are drawers full of plausible deniability. He can earnestly say he did not know about the parties occurring in the very dorm named after his late brother-in-law, Billy Minardi Hall, and sound believable.

Maybe he didn’t know. Maybe he didn’t want to know. Doesn’t matter. Under the terms of his contract with an institution of higher education and the rules of the NCAA, he is responsible. These rock-star coaches make even more millions giving speeches and writing autobiographies about leadership. Where was Pitino, the leader?

In any case, Pitino should have known. Or should have set standards that would have made such seamy practices unthinkable. It was his hand-picked assistant coach, his hand-picked team, his hand-picked recruits.

Read more here:
The best part about these articles...ABC, Washington Post, Miami Herald, Decourcy....not Courier, Pat, Eric, Howie, etc. Would love to see a Pre Indy Star Doyel write about this.
On if Andre resigning was a sign of guilt....

My wife and I were talking about sick days today. She rarely takes them, not even one a year and she doesn't get paid if she doesn't take them. I asked why she doesn't use them anyway and she said that it would be a burden to her fellow workers if she calls in, so she only does it when she absolutely can't make it. That's called character. I suspect it's something that McGee has, too.
On Pitino no attending ACC Media Days..

I guess the fact that showing up and possibly saying something to screw up the university's case against these allegations mean nothing to you. You just want to see Rick answer the tough questions, right? Guess what? He can't. None of them can. Jeff Walz could not even respond to Mike Rutherford on the radio today. It is the legal system. Maybe you should stop being such a chump and let the employees of the university do what their legal team is telling them to do.
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Random UL nozzle: "The montrez herrall pic is where he was walking down the hall and she seen him...and asked for a pic...."

You know UL is screwed when they're "perfectly good excuses" include hookers in the dorm.

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