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I suppose I'll hit Tolly Ho again at some point, but it just wasn't the same at the new location -- and the food sucked. Maybe it always has, but always seemed to taste great to me at 2am.

Not sure I could ever enjoy it at the new location, no matter the food. Just feels wrong.

-Yeah, we'll see how much Chad worships Thanksgiving in Virginia next year.
- No, I'm not loving this. You don't know how much I love getting drunk in my uncle's barn on Christmas Eve or being off work and doing absolutely NOTHING the week between Christmas and NYE.

- btw [roll] at the audacity of that bullshit lawsuit from the hot Louisville coed.
Women are always wanting more. You give them a lot...and it's fine for a few weeks and then it's something else they want out of you.

I really think I'd be fine being a lifelong bachelor.
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- Well, surprise, surprise- even though I don't want to, I am going to Virginia for Christmas for 5 F'ing days- so I get to miss all my family Christmas stuff including seeing cousins and uncles I never see, watching UK-Louisville with my dad or friends, AND relaxing all week. I like her family and I guess I have to grow up some time, but it's the 5 days total including 18 hours of driving that really bothers me. I guess I could've just said NO (well, I actually did that) and just deal with her being pissed and passive-aggressive about it for the new two months. Already told her- "UK plays Louisville the day after Christmas- you're dropping me off at a B-dubs ALONE and picking me 3 hours later." :angry:

Yikes, think you are swinging the pendulum too far here. 5 freaking days? all YOUR fam's holidays plus UK/UL. Seems a bit much. I'd buy a one way ticket from wherever VA back to Cincy the day of the 25th or something. Bad precedent to set. Hope she's the one.

-In other henpeck news, Cava-Poo, female, gonna be named Bailey. I decided none of these things, and the wife doesn;t understand why I'm not as excited as her about the pup we're getting in a month. Well, maybe cause I had no touching say in the matter toots. If it was a German Sheppard named Spike, I'd be a bit more excited.

-UL community gone full retard, clearly. And can you blame them? Look at their leadership.

-Here's the thing - these violations are like cockroaches. If someone is cheating in one aspect, they are likely cheating in many aspects. The Sypher thing confirmed to me that Pitino was dirty, and his choice of players and all the decommits further convinced me they were pulling shady shit. If they are hiring strippers, and letting Chane fail multiple drug tests - what the hell else are they doing? I promise you, that's not all. And by NOT cleaning house, they are inviting a massive proctology exam from the NCAA. Guarantee you they find a BUNCH of other stuff - in multiple sports, once that happens. Jurich's pride is going to cost him his job, because they are gonna realize what an outlaw program he is running.
I'm the anti-Chad. My wife usually takes off work and takes the kids to Lexington solo for the week between Christmas and NYE.

I get it.
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And she's on Deener's show right now and just said she has nothing against anyone at the University, just Katina Powell profiting off of illegal activities. She wants a jury trial. What an idiot.
I suppose I'll hit Tolly Ho again at some point, but it just wasn't the same at the new location -- and the food sucked. Maybe it always has, but always seemed to taste great to me at 2am.

I feel the same way about their prices, it's waaaaay to expensive for what it is, and I'm not sure it's always been that way or if I just didn't care when it was 2am.

I went on a random Saturday for lunch and it was like $10 for a cheeseburger, cheesy tots, and a drink.
Talk about throwing middle fingers in the air. The Hooker trio is in Time Square for The View taking selfies with a selfie stick while rocking Louisville gear ( and the sesame street crew [laughing]), minutes away from going on the air to roast Louisville Basketball.

Well, we'd be getting there around 5pm Dec 23 and leaving bright and early Dec 28. So, it's basically 4.5 days. I would fight her on it a bit more but with this immigration stuff she's only seen her dad a few times this year and hasn't seen her brother (San Fran) in more than a year.

But everybody's right- I am HENPECK. Doesn't feel too good, either.

What also annoys me is that she just had to know by this week if I was coming. Even woke up to a snarky text Monday morning- "Can you please tell me if you're coming home with me for Christmas???"

a) I thought I had already told her NO.

b) IT'S NOT EVEN HALLOWEEN! What's the urgency?????

The one good thing is that this solidifies the fact that I am watching the damn CFB playoffs on New Years Eve instead of hitting some bullshit party/bar thing.
Chad should be consulting with Richie, SAE, etc. with regards to the value of "relationship points"

You seem to be earning them this Fall & Through the Winter at a record pace.

Beware that they DO have an expiration date, so feel free to go ahead and plan all sorts of "Chad" shit while it's all fresh on her mind -- zero she can do about it.
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We're just giving you shit. You're doing the right thing, especially given the circumstances. Absolutely every dude in this thread in a relationship has been through this numerous times and likely in a much worse situation.
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The Ali angle makes sense when you look at his track record with women.

4 marriages, 9 kids including two children born via extramarital relationships. So, yeah. I mean. Man.
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This chick probably just sees this as an opportunity to get noticed to go on some shitty reality TV show or some other path to quasi-celebrity status. Excellent use of the legal system.

Wasn't there a D-Level reality show at one point about a bunch of rich drunk whores in Louisville or am I making that up?
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Chad... It's a push and pull struggle early on. It takes time to learn which battles to pick. Learned that if I give up on some things then *maybe* I'll have some built in equity on other deals. The key word being maybe.

Holidays with hens in general can be hectic and a rush. Trust me. If I had my druthers my Christmas Eve and Christmas Day would be planned mainly around attending church with the family and drinking whiskey by the fire while listening to Bing Crosby's Christmas on repeat in my pajamas. A simpler time, perhaps.

Give and take, bro. You'll figure it out.
I enjoy them and all but Instagram models- wtf [laughing] What a ridiculous group of women, and then the women who aren't, I suppose, out and out "trying" to be IG models but love to post modelly posts every day on there.
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More good stuff last night from TSN & @DLeagueDigest about this AmeriLeague story.

It's like an American Greed episode, just amazing & bizarre all the way around.

-I don't have much for IG. Hate the format, and most people duplicate post on There/FB/Twitter...guess I don't really see the point.
-Think we get our shit pushed pretty good tomorrow. Not even interested in the line. Just don't let it derail the season like last year.

I am just the opposite.

This is Miss State eight consecutive game without a bye week. They have already given up 300+ yards passing this year to Southern Miss and last Week to LA Tech and their best defensive back is now lost to the season due to an ACL this week.

I think Kentucky is the lock of the week getting double digit points ( insane).
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