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I suggested a bunch of darkies all happy, merry and bright, but it was ignored.

Speaking of, I noticed used the "darkie" intact verse for their closed captioning during the singing of MOKH at the Mizzou game. It was the updated version at the EKU game
Boat or any other dr types care to explain EBV to me? I read some about it but if my 5 old has somehow got this how bad is it?

Epstein Barr virus? Very common. That's associated with mono. In kids can also raise risk of lymphoma...but long term, some association with chronic fatigue syndrome. Really I wouldn't worry about it too much unless they start having chronic problems.
It hasn't been tweeted yet.

On Thursday night, Muhammad Ali will send out a tweet to his 666,000 followers asking them to share the hashtag #UniteLouisville.

"From one champion to another, I will always stand behind and support U of L. Go Cards. #UniteLouisville," the tweet will read.
If his people reached out to the university and offered to help, that's one thing. A Tweet is different than them dragging him out Weekend at Bernie's style at an event to glom off his fame. However, if the university reached out to him to help with the PR campaign, that's completely lowlife and shitty.
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Have listened to their show a bit since book came out. Ramsey makes Ryan Lemond seem like Matt Jones. Rutherford seems to have half a brain at least, imo.
UL years being on probation in basketball: 7

UK years being on probation in basketball: 6

That lawsuit is a hoot to read btw. The logic is basically:

"Your engaging in illegal activities at UL for UL players and recruits hurts my UL degree and it's all your fault. Nobody else is to blame. You, and you knew it."
Good Lord, how hard is it to just take your GD medicine? I'm not even joking about this anymore. The grandstanding, the mental gymnastics, the legal non-loopholes, the spin in a dozen different directions... How hard is it to just say "We f***ed up beyond belief, we need to clean up this mess and we will."

At what point is the Louisville reaction to the scandal a bigger story than the scandal?
Good Lord, how hard is it to just take your GD medicine? I'm not even joking about this anymore. The grandstanding, the mental gymnastics, the legal non-loopholes, the spin in a dozen different directions... How hard is it to just say "We f***ed up beyond belief, we need to clean up this mess and we will."

At what point is the Louisville reaction to the scandal a bigger story than the scandal?

Was honestly just wondering the same. I mean, I don't know if they'll recover from this in the sense that they'll ever be considered relatively "normal" again. They're all f'n crazy, man. Lost it. I don't even know if I actually want to talk sports with these people anymore.
It's simple. Their fans know that Kentucky basketball is a superior program in every statistical measure. However, they rationalize Louisville as somehow better for the sport or better than Kentucky because Kentucky basketball is a bastion of cheating with a win at all costs mentality. It's why Kentucky hired PayPal Cal. They're desperately clinging to anything to hold onto that. If the hammer comes down on this it will wipe out the one thing they like to puff their chest out about toward Kentucky basketball. They'll have to eat a nice shit sandwich for all the Kentucky cheats garbage over the years.
Pretty much. Let's be honest. They're never catching us in wins, titles or head to head. Now the only thing they have is the worst scandal in history. Pretty amazing when you think about it. #blessed

No really, my Dad's family is dead split. I could easily be a UL fan. Shew.
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It really is unbelievable. At any other university the coach would've been canned by now yet not only has that not happened we have Pitino getting combative participating in 2 separate live interviews, a print media interview with Forde/O'Neil and also publishing a blog post.

You know the legal people, NCAA,& this Chuck Smrt dildo have told him multiple times to shut the touch up. Nope. The rules don't apply to King Richard.

It's getting worse for everyone over there every time Pitino, Jurich, and Ramsey open their mouths.
And they are only desperate to keep him because he used to coach here and there was a time when that really stuck in Kentucky fans' craw. That time has long since passed, but they refuse to acknowledge it.
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The only downside to all this is the dream scenario of Little Richard getting the gig once daddy steps down and Cal beating his brains in so bad it's uncomfortable has gone by the wayside.
Enough of this at any other university talk. We know the same thing would be happening at UNC for certain. Possibly Syracuse and UConn. And a lot of football schools would put up with this.
I am actually enjoying them embracing and praising this shit. It's wonderfully embarrassing, and everyone knows it but them.
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I can't wait until Powell third parties in UofL, Pitino and McGee. Please infant baby Jesus allow some depos to be taken before this is dismissed.
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Enough of this at any other university talk. We know the same thing would be happening at UNC for certain. Possibly Syracuse and UConn. And a lot of football schools would put up with this.

Well, Alabama fired a coach for getting caught hooking up with a couple of sluts. Arkansas fired Petrino for his shenanigans. OSU fired Tressel for a lot less than this shit. Penn State did force JoePa to resign. USC just fired a (losing) coach for misconduct.

Syracuse, UConn, UNC though, I can't defend those POS schools. I'd like to think they'd do something, but based on the sanctions Cuse and Uconn have death with, and UNC's refusal to acknowledge their decades of cheating, I am not sure.
Whores and whores on whores in Da Ville meanwhile






STFU you delusional morons. Take your fng medicine, sit down and keep quiet. What on earth is it going to take to make these buffoons realize their basketball program and staff are the ones who messed up and messed up big time?

Good grief. What an embarrassing group of people.


If this shit happened at UK I would hope none of us would be fighting back like this and would be so outraged & embarrassed we'd demand a change.

It's the point that someone over there with half a brain and a fuc$king pair of testicles needs to grab the bull by it's horns and tell the whole lot of em to stop so when the place gets nuked by the NCAA they won't be so disappointed.
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