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Can you imagine how these people would've reacted if the Penn State scandal happened at UofL?

I guarantee they'd be saying those boys are all liars, etc...
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It hasn't been tweeted yet.

On Thursday night, Muhammad Ali will send out a tweet to his 666,000 followers asking them to share the hashtag #UniteLouisville.

"From one champion to another, I will always stand behind and support U of L. Go Cards. #UniteLouisville," the tweet will read.

What exactly are they uniting about? I'm not even being moralist about this- they broke NCAA rules. It's pretty clear and collaborated. I suppose you could argue HCRP didn't know about it, but that doesn't change the fact there were hookers being paid to have sex with players and recruits in the basketball dorms. Unite all you want, but that's still worthy of probation.

These people are F'ing idiots.
What exactly are they uniting about? I'm not even being moralist about this- they broke NCAA rules. It's pretty clear and collaborated. I suppose you could argue HCRP didn't know about it, but that doesn't change the fact there were hookers being paid to have sex with players and recruits in the basketball dorms. Unite all you want, but that's still worthy of probation.

These people are F'ing idiots.

This reminds me of a bunch of high school kids passionately and stupidly rallying around some sillyass cause.
They'll have to eat a nice shit sandwich for all the Kentucky cheats garbage over the years.

This is my favorite part of the whole thing. While they were busy tripping over themselves to insult Cal/UK/WWW, their program was hiring hookers for players and recruits. It's just dripping (pun intended) with irony. God I hate them so much.
Honestly the most refreshing thing so far from the Louisville media has been Vanetti and Jennings repeatedly roasting Louisville fans and Pitino. Calling for him to resign basically every segment of their three hour radio show every day.
The play by Jurich is to fire Pitino. Clean house and save face as best as he can, including keeping his job. Save the banner. Take the lumps in the short run and find a coach to come in here to clean up the mess. Established vet like Marshall. Or up and comer like Archie Miller. Nothing else really makes a lot of sense.
Yeah the Underdogs are all in on Pitino getting the f out. Vanetti is a trip. It's can't-miss radio.
An ad on iheartradio was for the official UL credit union... "Class Act Credit Union" and the spokesperson is Captain Suntan. Ha.
The play by Jurich is to fire Pitino.

I don't see it. Pitino's not going anywhere until he wants to. They've made it clear they believe they're untouchable. The Clint Hurtt thing was a blatant middle finger to the NCAA. Tomma's pride won't let him be told what to do, up to and including firing Pitino.
Dont want UofL to hire Archie Miller because of his wife, no way I could dislike a guy who landed that.
-UL -8 against BC seems like a solid hedge bet.

-Cuse kept Boeheim BUT that dude is Syracuse and didn't they put the kibosh on him trying to name a successor? Plus that place is the 7th layer of hell and where Armageddon will inevitably begin... if it hasn't already. I think it has.
-UNC[laughing] They're still convinced this isn't happening. I have faith that if MBB does get nailed, which it won't, he'd be forced to resign.
-UCONN forced their cornerstone out, his back wasn't bad. They said, you're done here. You can take the high road or we can fire you. In fact that's how I imagine this going down.
-Mike Price, Alabama F*cking Football Coach, was fired before even coaching a game for using his company card at a strip club.
-Larry Eustachy is my favorite fire. Went all 2pac on them. "You beat us, we'll I f*cked your sorority girls. FACE"

Hookers in the dorms. Lol. Unprecedented, really.

-Glad KGar found that website, I had forgotten about it. That was my go to back when I'd fight with the idiots. Kansas and Minnesota out there getting it done. Props to sneaky UL and Wisky.

-Controversial take -> He's a little shitbag but I actually enjoy Deener's show.
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sure would love it if their football team lays a giant stinking turd on the field tomorrow and is upset by Boston College

then in the postgame Petrino moans "well, the distraction caused by our basketball program certainly did not help our focus and preparation this week...."
The play by Jurich is to fire Pitino. Clean house and save face as best as he can, including keeping his job. Save the banner. Take the lumps in the short run and find a coach to come in here to clean up the mess. Established vet like Marshall. Or up and comer like Archie Miller. Nothing else really makes a lot of sense.
Yeah, I think he may want to get through this year with Pitino. He doesn't want to try and make a hire right now. Along with due diligence on his firing for settlement purposes.
Tomma's pride won't let him be told what to do, up to and including firing Pitino.
I think we've seen him as neutered and quiet as he's been in the 20ish years he's been around here. Pitino is the fall guy, not Andre. He can't chance it because with all that was going on in that 4-5 year stretch. Can you imagine if something else eventually trickled out on the BBall program? Jurich would be done and maybe even Ramsey. If he retains Pitino, they can't even have a whisper of an issue.
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- How can anyone NOT like Back To The Future or even Back To The Future 2? Classics.

- Well, surprise, surprise- even though I don't want to, I am going to Virginia for Christmas for 5 F'ing days- so I get to miss all my family Christmas stuff including seeing cousins and uncles I never see, watching UK-Louisville with my dad or friends, AND relaxing all week. I like her family and I guess I have to grow up some time, but it's the 5 days total including 18 hours of driving that really bothers me. I guess I could've just said NO (well, I actually did that) and just deal with her being pissed and passive-aggressive about it for the new two months. Already told her- "UK plays Louisville the day after Christmas- you're dropping me off at a B-dubs ALONE and picking me 3 hours later." :angry:

- I have always had a thing for Kellie Pickler. Still think she's dope.

- This CFB season has been so weird. You have weekends when there are 10 must-watch games...and then weekends like this one where there isn't one.

- USC giving Utah 3? o_O

- DeAaron Fox's hops-> :pimp:

- Lines are starting to come out for CBB. UK -4 against Duke. [cheers]

- Really pisses me off that the Clippers changed their classic jerseys to whatever the hell they're wearing now.

- Chilling tonight. Out somewhere for the game tomorrow night. Would be nice to steal one in Starkville, but can't see it happening. Tough stretch for the Cats these next few weeks.

- I can't figure it out- do black people love and respect Drake or just think he's a goofyass poseur?
Could be that he is still there because the season is about to start and they don't have an interim coach lined up. That was Willard's role.
- Well, surprise, surprise- even though I don't want to, I am going to Virginia for Christmas for 5 F'ing days- s
2 days,well ok, 3 days maybe, but you have to somehow compromise this 5 days thing down bro. It will end with you hitch hiking home.
Conspiracy theory...

NCAA goes scorched earth on Louisville to distract from their lack of action on UNC.
- Well, surprise, surprise- even though I don't want to, I am going to Virginia for Christmas for 5 F'ing days- so I get to miss all my family Christmas stuff including seeing cousins and uncles I never see, watching UK-Louisville with my dad or friends, AND relaxing all week. I like her family and I guess I have to grow up some time, but it's the 5 days total including 18 hours of driving that really bothers me. I guess I could've just said NO (well, I actually did that) and just deal with her being pissed and passive-aggressive about it for the new two months. Already told her- "UK plays Louisville the day after Christmas- you're dropping me off at a B-dubs ALONE and picking me 3 hours later." :angry:
-The blacks/hip hop heads I know tried their hardest for years to resist Drake, but finally gave up. He can rap, and generally makes great music. You only have to look as far as who he associates with hip hop to see he's respected. Anyone who hates Drake is insecure and trying way too hard, imo. Or wiggers like Mash trying to act hard. You don't have to be a dark-skinned criminal to rap good.

-Lol @ Chad. Proud of you, bub.

-#P1C4, TS.

-Again, this Jana Kramer chick is so damn gorgeous. She's still a 10 pregnant. Whew. :flushed:

Seems right in your wheelhouse, Chad.

Google Image:
How the Cubs fans in here doing? Hurt? Numb? Excited about the future?
It's crazy how much this guys looks like pissy chad :angry:, especially with the new haircut. Scowl is uncanny.

It's alright buddy. The In-Laws Holiday road trip is in every single romantic comedy ever.

PS. girl is looking extry dope lately. TS.
-Chad is ONE OF US.

-Tolly-Ho today for the first time ever.

-At this point, any of these presidential candidates who are polling at 3 percent are lower gotta be in it for some other reason than actually winning. Angling for a book deal or radio show, I'm guessing.

-Pumpkin patch this weekend. The key is letting your kid pick out any pumpkin they want, as long as they carry it around the rest of the afternoon. They pick a smaller, more manageable, cheaper, pumpkin. Profit.

-Kid who works in this office coughs every two minutes, and has for the entire three years he's worked here. He probably ought to get that checked out.

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