We Are A Bad Match Up for South Carolina

This game is basically USCjr season. A tough game for them but one they technically could compete and win. Outside of this game, they have toledo. Wofford, and vandy, and really no other winnable games on their schedule.
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Here is my major concern: sc has a stud wr and we play our cbs based on field/boundary instead of matching up. Jq was once again not great in either man or zone. In man he got beat and in zone he was way too easily influenced by routes in front of him.

So sc can dictate very easily by formation what theyre getting. They can either bet their beast is going to beat our man cb in the boundary or run levels at jq to the field for some easy first downs. He already showed himself susceptible to that concept last night.

We badly need another cb to step up.
lol, you are giving sc to much credit to adjust
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Stoops is probably our best coach since Bear and I would only consider him a C or maybe B- coach in a good year. We've usually been pretty good on D but he's largely ignored offense and ST's since he's been here

We’ve usually been pretty good on defense?

From the end of Claiborne’s tenure in 1989, until 2018, I know of one year we ranked in roughy the top 25% of FBS on defense. In 2008, we were 32nd nationally. Since 2018, we have been ranked at least the top 4 in the SEC, save last year, and have finished as high as Top 15 nationally twice.

Our brief sputters of success under Mumme, Morris and Brooks were largely based on offense, especially QB play by Couch, Lorenzen and Woodson.
Lol…. another year of Kentucky being a national power according to its fans, only to end the year with five or six losses once again. Legends in your own mind. Does stoops have a winning record yet overall?
Sir you are confused. No one in here said we were gonna be a national power. And based on this schedule we may end up with 5 losses.

We are only saying based on the animal feces the Cocks threw up on the field Saturday, this is a game we should definitely win.
Lol…. another year of Kentucky being a national power according to its fans, only to end the year with five or six losses once again. Legends in your own mind. Does stoops have a winning record yet overall?


I have referred this missive to UK’s creative writing department as examples of both irony and hypocrisy!

I think I’ll e-mail it down to Columbia. I’ll simplify it for them and just say it is an example of “natural fertilizer,” and such bullsh!t should be forwarded to Klemp Son’s agricultural department.
Anyone counting SC as an automatic win or that we are going to boat race them needs to cool down. This will be a physical, close game. SC defense looks pretty good and opportunistic.

I hope we get after Sellers early. rFr in first road game. Can’t play off and let him get comfortable. Rattle him early and often.
Agreed. I think if we win the TO stat, we win the game.
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We need to start another winning streak against SC this weekend, ‘22 was understandable with Levis out but no way we should have lost to them last year.
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