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Hope all the morons on the Lair so shocked and disgusted by us being punted on with only 8 & it not hurting us at all now have some perspective
Did I ever say it was from this game? Sorry some people here are morons/didn't watch the game. It was a humorous punter reaction with the added bonus of being another Michigan punter.

Just assumed people could tell 1) the ball went over the punter in the gifs head, which wasn't what happened in this game and 2) the gif is clearly from a day game; you know, not like this game.

Sorry I assumed so many people weren't abject retards. Won't happen again!
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Did the Bourbon Chase this weekend. Finished my middle of the night leg and was trying to get warmed up in the van while the rest of the team waited for the next runner to come in. Was sitting there reading GYERO, hour later woke up with the Chevy emblem embedded in my forehead where I fell asleep slumped against the steering wheel.
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-meh. People are overreacting to the loss. Most everyone said 6 wins is the expectations this year. We're still in the driver seat for at least 6. Young and dumb but at least we're talented.

If you watched UGA vs Mizzou pretty easy to see they're not very good right now. Struggled mightily against Mizzou. Didn't hit the end zone once.

-lol at the Michigan reporter outside the stadium talking about the win.

Congrats Willy.

-fun ass weekend. Glad bob let me enjoy the last half of his birthday.
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Also, Larry David as Bernie Sanders was amazing. Hope that's reoccurring. Tracy Morgan was uncomfortable to watch though.

I'M BRIAN FELLOWS! Probably should have pushed it back a few months though, yeah.

And I agree, the Larry David as Bernie Sanders was absolutely hilarious. Probably a 1x thing since they got so many people back just for Morgan. I think some one already posted it a few months back, but apparently LD is in sort of discussions to possibly talk about maybe doing another season of Curb. Yes, please.

Michigan punter getting death threats? Sounds about right for that state. Dude should probably just quit football and transfer to MSU.
Star Wars is going to be awesome. Won't lie. Pretty much going to be the biggest movie ever. Seeing the Millenium Falcon in the 1st Trailer was pretty much a fangasmic moment. Greatest trailer ever? And the new Battlefront game? Eek. Pumped.
Before yesterday, Ohio State had not had a holding call against them in a big 10 game since .... 2013

How is that even possible
Star Wars is going to be awesome. Won't lie. Pretty much going to be the biggest movie ever. Seeing the Millenium Falcon in the 1st Trailer was pretty much a fangasmic moment. Greatest trailer ever? And the new Battlefront game? Eek. Pumped.

I'm not gonna lie, the first time I saw that trailer and the music hit when the MF flew by, I had goosebumps and giggled like Boat farting in his hot tub. I've probably watched it 100x.

Of course, I am a Star Wars geek. I am drinking out of an R2D2 tumbler as we speak.

* Who Dey! Bye week, then @ Pittsburgh on deck.

* Cats have @MSU, UT then @ UGA. Toughest stretch of the season. Need to steal one of those.

* Big ol' pot of chili ready for supper. House smells wonderful.
Last house guests have flown back to Florida, Shew what a week.

While I think Matt Stafford sucks, his fantasy game was on fleek today:)

Funny how the Michigan flub did make me feel better after the Auburn disappointment. Go Green.

Hoping Homeland brings it tonight. Need a new series to get into.

*Controversial take*
While the Star Wars nerd in me is looking forward to the movie, actually more excited about Spectre.

Fall y'all.
I've seen all of the Star Wars movies in bits and pieces. Never all the way through. That said, I'm pretty stoked to take my boys to the new one. Feels like one of those dad things I am obligated to do, and it looks like fun.
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It's not just the movies. It's pretty much all we played with from the ages of 5-10. Laser blasters, Stormtrooper guns, the Millennium Falcon (if you had this you were pretty much the coolest kid in the neighborhood), X Wings, Tie Fighters, etc. LOVED that stuff.



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si actually had a great article a couple weeks ago about the worst plays in nfl history. man, that's way the hell up there. i mean, ell oh freaking ell -- they had a completely defenseless 180-pounder with 2 would be tacklers standing right over top of him. :joy:

took down the only undefeated dude in our fantasy league this week. boom.

lunch and cocktails with andypolleydotcom and his lass saturday. parasols for po boys and bon temps rouler for bloodies. bonus = 3 chicks created a fun scene, as they were so drunk they passed out on the sidewalk. 1 got arrested. the other 2 were carried off in an ambulance covered in vomit. this was 3pm.

richt. the guy just finds a way to win. what a stud.
-Coach K stepping down from USA after 2016. I've always thought that's the gig that Cal most wanted. I'm sure he'll be doing everything he can to get it and hopefully he does because that would probably keep him at UK for the foreseeable future.

-Watched 20 minutes of NFL and I understand the level of athleticism is infinitely better than college but the overall product as compared to Saturday wasn't even close for me. Got home from a funeral at 2:30 and it was non-stop until 1a when I fell asleep.

-Lol at Fournette punching a dude in the side of the head mid run. Dude is a bad bad man.

-The RB class this year is just ridiculous.

-Going to be intersting to see where Briscoe fits into this team. How will he handle being 4th-ish option? Lot of personality to take a back seat. Does he even start? Ulis, Murray, Briscoe, Poythress and Skal?

-The UL front still quiet. Eerily quiet.

-Ok, I'v had enough winter. 34 degrees this morning. I'll skip right on to March, thanks.
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I'm not sure one man can handle the USA/UK jobs. I know Duke is a huge job, but pressure and time commitment-wise, it ain't UK.

As far as Briscoe goes, a Vinnie Johnson/Jamal Crawford sixth-man role might be perfect for him. I'm starting to think Matthews is the guy starting at the other wing. He's a classic Cal "Memphis guy."
Matthews has been running with the 1st team in just about every situation, but Cal keeps insisting it's b/c Briscoe "defers to Ulis" too much, and wants him running his own squad to get his confidence up.

We'll see -- I can certainly see Briscoe being just as valuable off the bench as a game-changer, much like Ulis was last year. The best guys will play at the end, as always.

Matthews confidence with the ball has surprised me....while Mulder looks completely lost. Cal seems determined to play 6-7 guys this year, and is always quick to mention Humphries needs to play, so quite a few are going to be left out of the regular rotation.

Poor Derek. :cry:
-Don't disagree with either take. However, I think Cal wants it and if anyone can pull it off it's him.

-6th man, give Ulis a break, play some great D, spark plug, scoring threat. Perfect role for him but will he be ok with that? Hope so. Takes a big dude to swallow his pride and take that role.
I think Briscoe playing on the 2nd team has a lot to do with the fact Hawkins went down, thus leaving that team with nobody else to run the point.
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