* Planning a Key West trip next year. Any lodging recommendations? Seems like some place where a reputable hotel might be the smart play over a VRBO. How easy is bike travel down there? (Scoot scoot, I know.)

I vaguely remember a poster here who seemed to know a lot about the Keys. May have even lived there part time. Bartended? Captained a boat? Gay porn producer? Maybe someone else can remember more.
Chad, no talk of the Walter Payton tribute?

Seems like SC jr fans are not confident while we may overconfident. Never take anything for granted UKFB fan.

Brock seemed like he was lacking touch, zoned in on receivers. Sounds like Levis, more agile though.

Big week.

Yeah- was pretty cool. Eddie was very chatty and emotional. Think Jarrett Payton may have been the only black person at Wrigley lol
I asked my UC fan husband if he would kick Brian Kelly in the dick if he could and he said hell yes before I could finish asking the question. I always liked Miles and O LSU but with Kelly, nope.

Having said that, USC’s qb has one of the most punchable face/name combos I’ve seen in FB in a minute. He looks like a 80s hotshot Wall Street broker with a penchant for roofieing girls to make them listen to nonstop bragging about his portfolio.
wcc got me all in the feels today. As a “Chicago guy” already and longtime Pearl Jam fan also…shewee.

Related note, one of my and lass’ regrets is also not going there to live a few years in our mid-late 20’s and pre-kids. We were such regulars at Murphy’s Bleachers, they knew us by face and name when we walked in, and Bridget (previous longtime bartender there) told us she could get lass a $1k job per night and an apt. for us right there a block or two away in Wrigleyville.

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If you don’t like Chicago, regardless of your team hatred, that’s a you problem.

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Here is a TRULY random thought. Not sure how many snow skiiers there are on here, but OF those, any of you old enough to have experienced, not a chair lift, but an actual TOW ROPE? There used to be one back in the day at Ober Gatlinburg. It was high comedy.

When I read the first sentence I thought it was going in a completely different direction. That said there was one at Paoli. Not sure which was worse the first time I went skiing, getting pulled up the slope with a rope or wiping out while trying to get off the lift.
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- I don’t see how anyone can hate a team that’s deemed the lovable losers.

- On Mello drunken nights I’ll run through a good 10 songs of Pearl Jam. Easy to enjoy and happy for wcc that he could go to what would be a bucket list for many.

- Potential is there with this cats football team. Not disciplined which has been an issue, but it’s tough to get anything from a “cupcake” much less after a 3 hour weather delay.

- I want to hate Ole Miss and Kiffin, but really I’d like someone to just hire him away and they can drift back down to mediocrity where they belong. He should be in ACC already.

- Phillies might put a kink in my NYY/LAD World Series prediction, but I still like the dodgers.

- Went fishing this morning. Been too long and I’m looking forward to my kids genuinely being excited to fish too. I was too cool and in college when my dad got into fishing so I missed the opportunity, but spending that time with these kids is something I’m looking forward to.
- I don’t see how anyone can hate a team that’s deemed the lovable losers.

- On Mello drunken nights I’ll run through a good 10 songs of Pearl Jam. Easy to enjoy and happy for wcc that he could go to what would be a bucket list for many.

- Potential is there with this cats football team. Not disciplined which has been an issue, but it’s tough to get anything from a “cupcake” much less after a 3 hour weather delay.

- I want to hate Ole Miss and Kiffin, but really I’d like someone to just hire him away and they can drift back down to mediocrity where they belong. He should be in ACC already.

- Phillies might put a kink in my NYY/LAD World Series prediction, but I still like the dodgers.

- Went fishing this morning. Been too long and I’m looking forward to my kids genuinely being excited to fish too. I was too cool and in college when my dad got into fishing so I missed the opportunity, but spending that time with these kids is something I’m looking forward to.
LSU should hire Kiffen next year
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