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Richie's new buddy, Griffin Paulin. Pretty much meets all the criteria for Richie to have a tabletop brawl. Proud of him.

Little prick even thinks he's slick flipping off the camera while plating the final garnish. These guys must be stopped. Way too many neat places with great food, drink, and vibe being opened up around here lately.
richie -- when you eat at this establishment, do the ingredients move directly from the farm to your table, or are there stops along the way?

i mean, i already know this answer. i just want to hear you say it.
Pete Carroll is on the short list of coaching hires at USC. Ummm, didn't he leave USC in a huge mess with the NCAA? USC wants back at the top in a bad way to even consider that.

Had a few solid craft brews that I enjoyed and the burger was delicious. The fella tending bar and was polite. All in all a good experience.


We then walked to RESURFACED. Essentially a food and craft beer truck festival in a run down vacant lot. Don't get the long term effect of it other than creating buzz for the food/beer vendors but whatever.

Tried some Royals Hot Chicken. Hot level. SHEW. Stuff had some heat.
-I for one want my favorite restaurant staff as hipster as possible. Those dirtbags are awful at everything except cooking. More ironic the better, IMO.

-So what WCC is saying, UNC is taking his Duke position in 15-16? Shew, nothing to worry about. Thank goodness. That helps. Can we blow holes in Maryland, KU and Duke while we're at it? I think UNC is going to be pretty solid with the state of CBB this season.

-LSU on the other hand... over/under 5th in the SEC? I'm going over. UK, Vandy, TAMU, Florida and I'll say UGA or Ole Miss.

-It's a Monday and Bob kicks the week off with Taco f*cking Bell breakfast. My diet isn't great right now but it's pretty much a given that Monday I'm trying to get started with something reasonable. Is that the white flag? The => "I really don't care that my neck line is reaching my 2 year ago waist line." Gotta be close.

<- 2 Hardboiled eggs and a quad espresso for dad.

-SNL hadn't been relevant in 2-3 years, I'm guessing they're going to do whatever they can to get David back as Sanders.

-Any history or war buffs should check out Dead Wake, finishing it up in the next couple days. Great read for non-fiction.

-Hawkins sucks? As a 10th man I think he's pretty damn solid and he a great kid from Kentucky.

-What would you sacrifice for Les Miles at UK? I think anything just short of John Calipari is on the table.
It's not out of the question....

Odds are pretty good Miles will end up at a decent-to-good, but "non elite" BCS job once he's finally run out of LSU.

It will be all about timing for the lucky recipient...
Over/under on when defacing your body with ridiculous tattoos goes out of fashion? 2022?

At some point, even the stupidest hipster is going to realize that scrawling "peace" in Sanskrit on your forearm isn't a good look, especially as you get older.

Not sure why so many people choose to advertise that they are not to be taken seriously.
les miles is who mark richt should aspire to be when he grows up. he's a pretty questionable xs and os guy (to put it mildly), but, my god, the guy just recruits absolute beasts. and wins like crazy.

my favorite non kentucky coach of all time.
New Taco bell opened up on Harrodsburg Rd, saw the ads about the breakfast, was feeling adventurous this morning...and now I'm over it.

Probably will be getting back on the hard boiled egg diet again soon. Nothing touches DD coffee in the morning though.
les miles is who mark richt should aspire to be when he grows up. he's a pretty questionable xs and os guy (to put it mildly), but, my god, the guy just recruits absolute beasts. and wins like crazy.

my favorite non kentucky coach of all time.
I'm not 100% certain, and I'm not looking it up, but I would venture to say the difference in LSU and UGA recruiting #'s during Miles tenure is pretty close. Miles is just better and much more awesome with 100% less hypocritical pompous bullshit. Eating grass>>>praying
Dunkin Donuts dominates the NE Market, but you'll be lucky to even see a customer at the 2 Louisville locations in the Highlands and Middletown. Not sure how they even stay open to be honest.
Even more of a shock was that Taco Bells breakfast is apparently awful. Really would've assumed that a disturbingly gross fast food Mexican chain would have knocked their breakfast option flat out of the park.

Good Mexican breakfast burrito is hard to beat. One of the things I really miss about Arizona.
in drboats defense, taco bell is like two blocks from his front door. got sucked in by the neon sign across the street, and couldn't turn it down.
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I wonder how many other doctors in the United States drove their porsche through the taco bell drive-thru for breakfast this morning. What's more disturbing is he admits he was influenced by their ads to do so.
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Over/under on when defacing your body with ridiculous tattoos goes out of fashion? 2022?

At some point, even the stupidest hipster is going to realize that scrawling "peace" in Sanskrit on your forearm isn't a good look, especially as you get older.

Not sure why so many people choose to advertise that they are not to be taken seriously.
These are really creeping in on the Keeneland scene as well. Back/shoulder/full leg/sidepiece tats don't go with sundresses, kids.
We drove through Hamburg on the way in for EKU, just for something different. My god, what a mess.

...on a similar note I was out by Fayette Mall for the Missouri game for the first time in at least a decade, same thing. I mean, how much more stuff can they possibly put out there?

I can't imagine having to be in/around those two areas on a daily basis during a workweek. [sick]
I wonder how many other doctors in the United States drove their porsche through the taco bell drive-thru for breakfast this morning. What's more disturbing is he admits he was influenced by their ads to do so.

I was also intrigued by the Arby's brisket sambo this weekend, it was not bad. Much better than the TB breakfast crunch wrap.
Yes, when kids don't want to look like their parents with those old faded ass, stretched, shitty looking tattoos.
- Willy... Hahaha. :joy::joy::joy:

Nice work. Talented.

- One of these days these hipsters will realize it ain't so cool rocking an arm sleeve while holding your grand kid.
the disparity between miles ability and his results is enormous, imo.

drboat probably overheard people in line at the drive thru window ordering as he was laying in bed this morning and got hungry. i get it.

there's probably no slower 50 yards of traffic than that gd road between lexington green and fayette mall. christmas shopping season, that's a 45 minute drive.
-Tattoos are awful, especially Willy's.

-Always chuckle when the heavy metal comes on at Commonwealth. I just think about the 25-35 people they're appeasing with it and how PUMPED they must be when that garbage kicks on. Good for them, I guess.

-First weekend of solo Dad duties is in the books. Wasn't too bad, though I think I may have leaned too heavily on Sofia the First as my crutch. She completely worships.

Friday night she refused to sleep so I brought her down to watch TV with me. About 30 minutes into Narcos she was knocked out. It will probably remain our little secret, staying up late to watch R rated television with Dad.

-Inlaws coming in this Saturday to relieve me. Staying over. Going to go out and get loose for this Wildcats game, probably.

-Dunkin Donuts sucks which probably has a lot to do with it, 73.

-UofL in the ACC is an absolute god send on the football front. The realities of power 5 conference football is really starting to settle in with those idiots... enjoy. Looks like Memphis was more than happy to fill their seat as the upstart urban school to capitalize on low admission requirements and weak schedule, which makes it all even more pleasing.


-Also, Deng Adel.
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I doubt I get fast food breakfast more than 2-3 times a year and then it's always chicken biscuit with a chicken mini sidecars. Spend 5 minutes eating something cheaper/healthier at home > starting your day messing with a drive thru and feeling like butt, imo.
- Tattoos are everywhere up here. Especially complete back/shoulder on girls. Not hipster, just NE trash.

- Snow flurries last night. What a punch in the balls.

- Spent the last two weeks flipping between days and night shifts. I'm pretty good at adjusting, compared to most, but I"m really feeling it now. No idea how some of these 50-60 year old nurses do it for life.

- San Diego in 4 days for a conference. I need this. Badly.

- <----- also anti feeling like butt. No worse way to start a work day than eating shit.
Wendy's has an underrated fast food breakfast. They have a honey butter chicken biscuit that is only second to Chick-Fil-A and they give you seasoned home fries instead of hash browns.
-Rack SAE. Especially the last couple of bullets.

-I'm over the like button on here. I miss racking people.

-I was trying to explain the "dad" thing to WS yesterday. Pretty sure Big A was secretly letting me watch movies like Roadhouse, Rambo and others with gratuitous nudity/heavy violence when I was like 5. He certainly let me take a little sip off his Miller Light about that age. She didn't seem enthused. I assume that's pretty universal. Don't think those playboys were just unintentionally left where a nosy kid could find them.

-I guess if I was on a 2.5 week Birthday bender and maybe a little hungover I can understand a bad Monday decision.
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