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I feel like drinking is most needed on a Monday tbh. Just hanging out with family (or sitting alone in the basement or the car) and knocking back 12 or 13 cold ones to wind down from the day and get ready for the week ahead and then sneaking 2 or 3 more after your wife goes to bed and can't look at you sadly anymore which just ruins the whole g**damn thing JUST GO TO BED ALREADY JESUS CHRIST
Long self-congratulatory post...

I ran the Mississippi 50-miler 7 years ago, and made a bunch of friends from New Orleans at that event who I still regularly hang out with today. They really helped ease the transition on my move away from Kentucky, and I moved here for good the next week. Ever since, I've always had this dream of directing my own ultramarathon right here in the city. The majority of these races (like 99.5%) are in the woods, as it's much easier logistically. But I've also done an all urban event in New York City 4 different times, and have been picking that Race Director's brain about how to copy his model. Finally, I decided to give it a run. Threw up a facebook page, a terrible website, and put the wheels in motion.

Saturday was the first ever all urban 50k and 50 mile ultra in the state's history. We registered 110 runners, started in Jackson Square at 5:30am, and had an awesome course that ran all thru the best parts of the city. The best part of the whole thing was connecting everything great about New Orleans. We had 3 different local artists who produced the medals, logo and awards. 4 different professional photographers. 8 unique aid stations, including ones at Snake & Jake's Christmas Club Lounge (my favorite dive bar), Louisiana Running Company (my favorite running store), Parleaux Beer Lab (my favorite brewery), Audubon and City Park.

Some other highlights.....

- since we don't shut down streets, runners were confronted with several huge happenings (3,000 runners in the Susan Komen race, 2,000 kids in the local cross country meet, and the Krewe of Boo parade in the Quarter). the course ran right thru this stuff.
- one runner (very tough black guy marine) witnessed a shooting (my advice: "just go around it.")
- the hard rock hotel was scheduled to be imploded close to the route (we were 1-2 blocks outside the danger evac zone)
- two of my friends finishing with 2 minutes and 1 minute to spare under the 13 hour cutoff, respectively
- 50m finisher = his first ever ultra. his last race was winning the louisiana marathon in 2:38
- 50k finisher = female. her pacer is qualified for the us olympic trials in march (she just ran a 2:42 marathon last week)

Just an awesome event all around, and so happy it all came together, with TONS of help from others. I get nervous posting about this stuff before it happens. Now that it's over, I can say it was a huge f'ing success.
-yeah, im tired of working in general.

-usually im not a "mondays are the worst" guy...but today has me rethinking that. Gutted some poor guy over the phone earlier. He didn't have it coming. I called back a few hours later to apologize, he was gracious. Carrying that stuff is bad for the soul, best to get it out of the way as quickly as possible.
About 20 seconds into the takeoff on my flight this AM, the pilot slams on the breaks / reverse thrust and we pull off to the side. No big deal he says, just the fuel light going off. Pull off to the side, burn some fuel for 15 minutes and we're headed back up. So that brings me to a question for the pilot that won't get answered: what exactly would have happened had he not pulled out? In those situations I'd just prefer a courtesy "travel to the gate, make up some story about a faulty indicator, and be on our way" kind of thing.
About 20 seconds into the takeoff on my flight this AM, the pilot slams on the breaks / reverse thrust and we pull off to the side. No big deal he says, just the fuel light going off. Pull off to the side, burn some fuel for 15 minutes and we're headed back up. So that brings me to a question for the pilot that won't get answered: what exactly would have happened had he not pulled out? In those situations I'd just prefer a courtesy "travel to the gate, make up some story about a faulty indicator, and be on our way" kind of thing.

Life, enjoy the ride
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Laugh at the Bengals all you want, and it’s all deserved, but they’ve never brought in Potsy and the Nashville All Stars for a pregame show.
I realize women's college basketball coincides with the men's season, but even as someone who defends the product from a quality standpoint, I never seem to have any idea when the actual WNBA season is. It feels like it's always the playoffs.

New John Moreland song, East October, is well done. Was overdue for some new stuff from that (somewhat) Kentucky fella.

After years of ambivalence and acceptance, I am now in the no noodles camp for chili. My mom makes it with noodles, so the nostalgia will keep that alive forever, but it's the clearly inferior version. And sometimes that's fine.

Don't think this year's Cats are nearly as good as last season, but they may not have to be. Much weaker crop of talent across the board. Maybe our team will win. But if we lose, I want to lose with as much Hagans/Maxey/Quickley as possible. If your frontcourt is weak, just play 4 guards instead of 2 centers.

Feel like this football season has been robbed from me. I could handle being bad, we've been awful for most of all of our lives, but the disappointment of what could have or should have been is a new kind of hurt. I appreciate one of my favorite hobbies finding a way to continue to do that.

Really settling in at work. The stretch from Fall Break to Christmas is probably the smoothest of the year. Helps that we spend most of it reading To Kill a Mockingbird. Has to top the list of "I've never read a book, but that was great" responses. Why we do this.

Don't have much for MLB, but go Astros. Their system has turned the sport on its head. They're the Sixers with titles to show for it.

Having a new coffee table made for the living room. An in-law of mine does incredible work. His name is Mark Whitley if any GYEROman is looking to purchase another of the finer things in life. Located in Bowling Green.
Long self-congratulatory post...

I ran the Mississippi 50-miler 7 years ago, and made a bunch of friends from New Orleans at that event who I still regularly hang out with today. They really helped ease the transition on my move away from Kentucky, and I moved here for good the next week. Ever since, I've always had this dream of directing my own ultramarathon right here in the city. The majority of these races (like 99.5%) are in the woods, as it's much easier logistically. But I've also done an all urban event in New York City 4 different times, and have been picking that Race Director's brain about how to copy his model. Finally, I decided to give it a run. Threw up a facebook page, a terrible website, and put the wheels in motion.

Saturday was the first ever all urban 50k and 50 mile ultra in the state's history. We registered 110 runners, started in Jackson Square at 5:30am, and had an awesome course that ran all thru the best parts of the city. The best part of the whole thing was connecting everything great about New Orleans. We had 3 different local artists who produced the medals, logo and awards. 4 different professional photographers. 8 unique aid stations, including ones at Snake & Jake's Christmas Club Lounge (my favorite dive bar), Louisiana Running Company (my favorite running store), Parleaux Beer Lab (my favorite brewery), Audubon and City Park.

Some other highlights.....

- since we don't shut down streets, runners were confronted with several huge happenings (3,000 runners in the Susan Komen race, 2,000 kids in the local cross country meet, and the Krewe of Boo parade in the Quarter). the course ran right thru this stuff.
- one runner (very tough black guy marine) witnessed a shooting (my advice: "just go around it.")
- the hard rock hotel was scheduled to be imploded close to the route (we were 1-2 blocks outside the danger evac zone)
- two of my friends finishing with 2 minutes and 1 minute to spare under the 13 hour cutoff, respectively
- 50m finisher = his first ever ultra. his last race was winning the louisiana marathon in 2:38
- 50k finisher = female. her pacer is qualified for the us olympic trials in march (she just ran a 2:42 marathon last week)

Just an awesome event all around, and so happy it all came together, with TONS of help from others. I get nervous posting about this stuff before it happens. Now that it's over, I can say it was a huge f'ing success.

That's a massive undertaking. Congrats on pulling it off.
I cheer for all my Cayts, so go UK Ladyca...err, Hoops! But I'll be damned if MM doesn't give off some strong Shooter McGavin vibes.
You're in-law still making music?


One of my best friends was their drummer back in college. Small world.

He still plays a little. Did a Lost River Session a few years back, but I think it's been mostly woodworking and dad life lately. Definitely an interesting cat to sit and talk with. We both stick out a bit at family gatherings, so I always hung out with him when I was younger.
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