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damn. our historically stout defense just stands no chance against a running qb.

49-14. bad guys.
If those rules are so GD important, then they should be written down. They're basically just a way to justify assault. YOU LOOK AT PITCHER AFTER HITTING HOME RUN THAT'S A F***ING BEAN BALL TO THE DOME NEXT TIME UP SHOW SOME F***ING RESPECT FOR THE GAME
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Waiting for Bryce Harper to hit a home run and then waddle around the bases with the bat stuck between his legs like a giant wang. That would be amazing and - per the unwritten rules - would justify the murder of his entire family.
that chapman celebration was epic. never heard the REAL story behind it. i mean that was a dare or a bet or something, right? or he did that to keep rebels from murdering his family or something?
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One of my kids in tee ball ran straight from home to second. Pretty bold. First base? Lol, nah, f*ck you. See ya at second, bitch. Roasted. Crowd went bananas. Baseball needs more of that.
I always liked the "whip the bat at the pitcher" after you hit the ball up the middle in wiffle ball. Really added an element of danger/excitement to the game. Sorely needed imo.
One of my kids in tee ball ran straight from home to second. Pretty bold. First base? Lol, nah, f*ck you. See ya at second, bitch. Roasted. Crowd went bananas. Baseball needs more of that.
Shew - good thing there aren't unwritten rules for tee ball. Other than "don't shit yourself during the game" and "only eat your boogers and not anyone else's," I mean.
It's hard to enforce the unwritten rules of tee ball, what with the ball being on a tee and such.

And "don't shit yourself during a game" is an unwritten rule? smdh at your tee ball knowledge. What if you're coming into first and your pants are gonna burst? Or your sliding into home and your pants begin to foam? What then, huh?
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Hope no one stuffs me in into my locker tomorrow between classes because I didn't attend the "coolest" game.

You try too hard bub, pretty obvious what I mean. Just something unique and different for this program in Lexington.

Besides, everyone is doing it.

-Does kinda suck that there is no football/gambol going on to tailgate with all day, but I suppose it still beats work, slightly. [smoke]

See ya'll in a few [cheers]
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-Pissed my pants during my first-ever Tee-ball at-bat, back in 1980. Was also guilty of sitting along the right-field line picking flowers and singing "I've Got Rhythm" loudly enough for my parents to hear and come tell me to cut it out.

-Auburn by 10, late TD seals it. Entertaining game and a good showing by the Cats, but there's still a talent gap.

-Of all the places my parents could have picked in Lexington to meet me for lunch today, they picked Captain D's.

-Manny has always been the clear weakest link on "Modern Family".

-Surprised we didn't see any pics of Cal and the team with Kevin Hart while he was in town last weekend.
I bet Auburn (-2.5), using my "pay for the win" strategy that I use in big games that are worth it to me. Set an amount that I'd honestly pay out of my pocket for us to win, then place bet on the other team.


Then, if UK loses by 1 or 2, I get what I deserve and deal with it. :sunglasses:
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ive still got my down payment out there for one of those badass gameday condos next to rupp. they're gonna build those things. for real. and they're gonna be awesome.
I'm unwritten rule baseball guy... But the flip was badass, warranted, and perfect

Some moments transcend unwritten rules
Yo, Jake, how about apartments inside Commonwealth kinda like they used to have above Two Key's. That work for you,bub?
Could be a signature night for Hole in Downtown. Heard that ESPN was doing a feature on our tradition of throwing the opponent's football out of the stadium and then having it relayed, Olympic-style, to the Hole to be dumped in.
New ribbon video boards look pretty dope in Rupp. Nice addition. The new center video board being installed next year will be even more dope.
They're at least putting up a giant collage covered wall to hide the hole for the Breeder's Cup.
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