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- Our dog was rescued from a barn as a pup hit the jackpot, obsv. Recently, he had $8k in surgery to take a biopsy. - Nothing was fixed, but we did conclude that he did not have cancer and just needs special food. Pet insurance worked like a charm and was very easy. My wife still blames all of his problems on a 1/4 stick of Orbit gum that fell out of an old soccer bag and he chewed on for 30 seconds. Zytol is a dog killer, FYI. It’s banned in the Rupption household.

- Power K Nike golf polo for dad today. Last week I caught a gross misappropriation of the “Go Cats!” Closing in an email closing (for UC). It was jarring. And lines must be established here.
10k on fixing a dogs acl’s :joy::joy::joy:

Buddy my dog would be buried in the backyard so fast your head would spin
The ex spent $3K+ on an ACL for one of our mutts. I spent zero because I disagreed with spending that plus they said the surgery doesn’t even have a great success rate. They’ll be fine on three legs, especially at 10+ years old.

-Gators are fool's gold, IMO. All kinds of preseason goodwill because of Mullen's rep as a playcaller and their win streak last year. But here's who they beat during that streak: Colorado State, UT, Miss. State, LSU, South Carolina, Idaho, Florida State, and Michigan. So a non-Power 5, an FCS, two elite programs who had already mailed it in, an LSU team with no offense, and three mediocre SEC teams. Mixed in there was a blowout loss at home to Missouri. They haven't proven a thing to me.
I would be F*****G ECSTATIC if UK beat CSU, UT, MSU, LSU, USC, IDAHO, FSU and Michigan in a row. That being said, I do agree they’re definitely beatable.

-Got hooked on a book I started yesterday and blew through 200+ pages yesterday reading on the beach. Southernmost by Silas House*, Kentucky author and it was a book my Mom sent me, partly based in Appalachia and partly in KW. Pretty interesting so far.

*Yes he’s a gay author from Kentucky that lived in the Keys for a bit before anyone goes looking it up to make some terrible joke.
- One of my players' parents are leaving the country for 3 weeks. He's a senior. Good clean cut kid. Parents are well off. And he has the entire place to himself for 3 weeks. He'll be fine and there are a bunch of family members in town to make sure he doesn't burn the place down, but still. I can't imagine.

- Do teenagers even drive anymore? That was one of the greatest things about my high school days. Cruising around on some backroad with your buds, or if you were lucky, looking for a place to "park" with some lucky lady. Today, lots of kids seem intimidated by the thought of it.

- My son thought it was time to take me on in a game of Madden a few weeks ago. He didn't make it out of the first quarter. After that ass whipping I gave him, he's been practicing. He's beginning to find out that computers can cheat too. He has a hard time dealing with this.

- Rolo's - Top 5 underrated chocolate treat.

- Sawyer Smith - An all time great story, OR a huge disappointment in a "what could have been season." Maybe he's somewhere in between.

- Just found out that the song "Ah-leah" is by some nerd named Donnie Iris and not The Cars. Disappointed. Ruins everything.

- One of the greatest things about September is getting those awesome Kentucky weather days. Welp.

- After just one week, it seems to me like parity in the NFL is going away. The top teams and the bottom teams have really separated themselves from each other. The Dolphins are GETTING 18 at home vs. the Patriots. That's insane in a Week 2 matchup, but still probably not enough points.

- If Tom Brady only throws for 3 TDs against Miami this Sunday, be prepared for the LAMAR IS THE NEW FACE OF NFL QB takes from Birdgang.

- Cats 27 Gators 23
Donnie Iris- "Love is like a Rock".
Dog has some tumor in stomach, or not. Causes her to want out in middle of night, multiple times during day.
Vet recommends biopsy. 14 year old dog, think we'll ride this one out. Love her will miss her. No surgery. Wife is completely on board.
Any good CFB Twitter gambol follows? New laws gives reason to enter Indiana on purpose.
Speaking of email signatures, an increasingly popular one amongst the superwoke is to list your preferred pronouns.


PTI (pti)

pronouns: he/him/his

I’m clearly the most welcome, open minded, worldly, thoughtful, and accepting poster in here, but this is still a big ole stretch for dad.
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If Sawyer Smith does not come out rocking to "Some Girls Don't Like Boys Like Me, Ah, But Some Girls Do", I will be disappointed.

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~Ah! Leah! is awesome...still holds it's weight today in the classic rock circles.

~If you have a pet and love your pet, then you will spend $$$$ on your pet when it gets sick...otherwise, you suck. ACL's, cancer treatments, disc issues, cardiomyopathy.....just part of the territory w/ my dogs over the years.

~Destin has been awesome....90, breezy, and not crowded this time of year. Typical great eats, drinks, and a few rounds on some stellar courses. Loving the heat at home too....summer rocks.

~MLB playoffs right around the sports there is this time of year.

Finebaum just now, while lauding Stoops & our chances this weekend.

"Look, I'm not looking to start any rumors but let's just say if a, um, program is looking to make a change, you can expect Stoops to be at or near the top of that list. I'll just leave it at that."
After watching the History of SEC football on the SECN, I hope that we don’t make the same mistake with Stoops that we did with Bear Bryant.

Not saying they are close to being the same, but as far as U.K. coaches go, Stoops is easily #2.

Now with Finebaum, commenting while on UKs campus today, basically said that F$U will be coming, I’m ready to sign Stoops to a lifetime deal. :grimace:

To learn from our past mistakes, I am all for paying Stoops the EXACT same as Calipari, or at least $1 more than F$U offers.

Should he be one of the highest paid coaches in the East? I think so. Let him know that he is wanted here, fully funded and supported and hopefully he sees what a dumpster fire that F$U and the ACC (non Clemson) as a whole are.

I think the future at U.K. is brighter than FSU, and other than history, we can match them in basically every other aspect, except maybe recruiting, but Stoops has been recruiting well.
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I definitely took it as FSU, but some people on Twitter are running with UT.

We certainly won't have him long if he stays the course, but that's for another day. Good problem to have for once.

Go Kates beat Florida!
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Think I might be making the trip down to Lubbock to see the Cayts play. Never imagined I would ever need to go to West Texas...
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