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No. Ware and Fletcher are both 34-45 ranked dudes. Mediocre rankings by Cal standards.
Who's doing backflips? We get Clarke and I will. They're mocking you for your weird obsession with JJ.

Also, EVERYONE in this thread begged for Cal to recruit more multi-year players to mix in with the 1&D guys.
Maybe it’s all due to the relative perspective of age, but it seems like women today are aging much, much better than they did when I was little.

I don’t remember my friends’ moms being hot when I was young. In fact, they all seemed old and haggard. But at soccer practice tonight, wow. My son’s little friends’ moms - delightful milfs across the board.
Man. The Joliet Hollywood crushed me tonight. Been on a miserable blackjack streak lately. Making me rethink Vegas in December. 5 days could kill a lesser man.
Always found Vegas was easier to win at because the ability to get up and leave while ahead was easier. Order 2 beers, get ahead, and leave the table.

When I’ve gone over to IN I can never leave a table ahead especially if I’m up early.
The ‘20 class is loaded but only a few bigs. The rest are guards/wings so Ware at 34 and climbing is worth being happy. Really good from 15’ and in offensively and a force on D. Averaged 2.5 blocks this summer on circuit and we’ll need a couple of bigs.
Right on. Have you watched the video? It’s some crazy ass Japanese anime shit. Cool, tho.

But if you prefer something more traditional, this is from when he was still playing barns and garages in Woodford County:

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Anyone from WOFOCO knows he's Johnny.

Learn Johnny.

(I'm sure 80 prolly hung out w/ the guy!!)


- Ernie's Russell Reserve SiB store pick, FTW. High proof store/bar picks are where it's at, y'all.
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Not sure I'm buying Agent 0. Illinois fans have been using the $200K number on every Chicago recruit they lose for years now. Since Anthony Davis for certain. I would think the rate has gone up some.
Got a line on OFBB tomorrow and Weller Full Proof, hopefully life goes smooth and I actually get to take advantage.

That weller is exceptional! OTOH, if you get a white label weller you better get $500 for it because it’s nothing more than brown sugar water.
We’re doing backflips because he’s the appetizer before Clarke on Saturday. F off.

That’s fine. So we’ll have 2 top 10 players with 2 other top 40 dudes. Great. Justus is doing what he should be doing. He gets a B so far with this group. With the margin of error so slim in March I’m a firm believer that we need the super elite major impact freshmen that Duke has been getting ( UK performs better in March with these players than Duke) coupled with the right mix of 2-3 year players and good shooting to win a title. Not to mention the intangibles. Top 40 dudes are fine if they stay. I have a issue when they leave for other schools or try to go pro undrafted (Matthews, SKJ, Briscoe, Barker, Gabriel). If we’re still primarily relying on freshmen to win another title soon we need to get back to getting the Wall, Cousins, Davis, MKG, Randle, KAT, level of talent. Clarke is a nice add.

I honestly haven’t paid much attention to basketball since April and I rarely pay attention to recruiting so whatever. I’m just not as emotionally involved. Last March losing to a hobbled Auburn team and Bruce Pearl took a lot out of me. I also believed UK
was playing better than anyone in the country mid February and then the entire rhythm of the team
got all off track when Travis was out for 4 weeks and then PJ’s injury. Horrible luck. The older I become the more I realize how damn hard it is to win a title. I’ll be back.
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Anyone from WOFOCO knows he's Johnny.

Learn Johnny.

(I'm sure 80 prolly hung out w/ the guy!!)


- Ernie's Russell Reserve SiB store pick, FTW. High proof store/bar picks are where it's at, y'all.

I’d argue RR picks are the best around, too.
I expect to win tomorrow night. I don't "think we can" and obviously gone are the days of "this is the year!" I expect to play well and win tomorrow night.

As I've said before, the program now has milestones to reference. We're at home. Our guys have played in big SEC games at home (Miss State and UGA most recently), and should be prepared and confident. This isn't house money, either. This is we're the 2nd best team in the East, and now we're going to officially kick your ass like we pretty much have 3 out of the last 4 times when it was house money and lost.

All damn day tomorrow. F em, Cats.

That’s fine. So we’ll have 2 top 10 players with 2 other top 40 dudes. Great. Justus is doing what he should be doing. He gets a B so far with this group. With the margin of error so slim in March I’m a firm believer that we need the super elite major impact freshmen that Duke has been getting ( UK performs better in March with these players than Duke) coupled with the right mix of 2-3 year players and good shooting to win a title. Not to mention the intangibles. Top 40 dudes are fine if they stay. I have a issue when they leave for other schools or try to go pro undrafted (Matthews, SKJ, Briscoe, Barker, Gabriel). If we’re still primarily relying on freshmen to win another title soon we need to get back to getting the Wall, Cousins, Davis, MKG, Randle, KAT, level of talent. Clarke is a nice add.

I honestly haven’t paid much attention to basketball since April and I rarely pay attention to recruiting so whatever. I’m just not as emotionally involved. Last March losing to a hobbled Auburn team and Bruce Pearl took a lot out of me. I also believed UK
was playing better than anyone in the country mid February and then the entire rhythm of the team
got all off track when Travis was out for 4 weeks and then PJ’s injury. Horrible luck. The older I become the more I realize how damn hard it is to win a title. I’ll be back.

I get it, Rich- I just don’t want to get to a point where this fanbase is so spoiled and cynical that we can’t get pumped the day a Top 35 kid commits.
All good, doggy. We have been spoiled, especially Cal’s first 6 seasons.

I trust Cal’s evaluation skills. I don’t think he gets enough credit for evaluating top 30-40 dudes and seeing how good they’ll be and or fit in to what UK is trying to do.. Bledsoe, Booker, SGA and Herro are examples.
I expect to win tomorrow night. I don't "think we can" and obviously gone are the days of "this is the year!" I expect to play well and win tomorrow night.

As I've said before, the program now has milestones to reference. We're at home. Our guys have played in big SEC games at home (Miss State and UGA most recently), and should be prepared and confident. This isn't house money, either. This is we're the 2nd best team in the East, and now we're going to officially kick your ass like we pretty much have 3 out of the last 4 times when it was house money and lost.

All damn day tomorrow. F em, Cats.

Old school Rack.
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I expect to win tomorrow night. I don't "think we can" and obviously gone are the days of "this is the year!" I expect to play well and win tomorrow night.

As I've said before, the program now has milestones to reference. We're at home. Our guys have played in big SEC games at home (Miss State and UGA most recently), and should be prepared and confident. This isn't house money, either. This is we're the 2nd best team in the East, and now we're going to officially kick your ass like we pretty much have 3 out of the last 4 times when it was house money and lost.

All damn day tomorrow. F em, Cats.

I’m ride or die with this take
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Really like Smith’s attitude. May not be extremely talented but doesn’t seem like a kid who’s going to be phased by the big stage. A little like Stephen Johnson in that regard.
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Friday Randos:

-7th trip to Aruba last week, our happy place. Perfect weather guaranteed every time, awesome beach, great food/nightlife, and casina. Finished up $1500 for the week on the tables, including a nice 1K night. Been hot lately. :fire:

-Turned 40 Sunday. :cry: Depressed isn't the right word, but was definitely a little bummed about it, lots of thoughts & reflections about being at the mid-point (if I'm lucky) of my life. That said, things are better than they've ever been so whaddya gonna do, eh?

-Great article on Wagner from Tucker today. 13 of his 14 targets have been positive results, just crazy. He has a few more games, I imagine he's gonna start popping up on draft boards, if he isn't already.

-I love the Ware pickup. If the last few seasons prove anything while scrambling for grad transfers, you can never have too many bodies. One of the biggest risers over the summer, and is on the cusp of 5* w/ a good Sr year. As mentioned, people bitched when it was all 1 and done, and the same people bitch when we plug in some perceived multi-year guys. [eyeroll]

Clarke tho, man. He's just nasty. :flushed:

-98 degrees. :weary: :uzi: Go away, summer.

-Super jacked for Saturday. A day of tailgaiting & football is always a good time, but nothing compares to having a legit SEC foe in town, at night. Gonna be bonkers.

-Sleepy Joe & his teeth :eyes:

-Yellowstone really picked it up in Season 2, I'm a fan. Whoever called it a male soap opera nailed it, but it's enjoyable & just so beautifully shot.

-When we getting the Posty review from Rax or Chase? Some jams on there, as expected.

-I'm confident in Smith. Always loved guys who were multi-sport stars, you're generally getting gamers with those dudes.

-LFG :football:[cheers]
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