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We are on day 5 with no AC- finally getting a new unit installed today. Thanks to my volunteer consultant at Bryant HVAC for walking me through the process.

RE: Home Warranties... We've got one that has paid for itself on a few things at our house (minor things), but apparently the process for repairing an AC unit is:
  • Schedule an appointment to come out 3 days after initial contact.
  • Change appointment date about 3 times.
  • Look at broken unit for an hour- poking at it a few times and just shaking your head
  • Say "Yeah its busted"
  • Then this sub contractor has to submit a report to the warranty company, they have the right to get a second opinion- and if necessary will schedule a repair/replacement "within a few days"
So long story short- we just paid out of pocket instead. Its going to be 97 today- can't imagine how these dudes work in an attic or crawl space all day in this shit
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Took the day off work, hitting up the lake for the day.

Pretty good lead-in to tomorrow. I need about 20 more posts of Richie waxing poetic about the atmosphere injected into my veins right now.
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I'm not sure there is a bigger accepted scam in life than Home Warranties.

We had to use ours once, but it took weeks of phone calls & raising all kinds of hell before finally reaching the touching Vice President of the entire company before we got them to honor ours & allowed us to use our preferred vendor (Bryant, who made a lovely exception). It's fine that they come free via the seller I guess, but anyone who ever actually bought one is a moron.

-Watched this about 15 times last week. This dude's speed is just incredible. :eyes:

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We got a few years negotiated from the bank when we bought it since it was a foreclosed home... I had the one good experience with it but It sounds like those are few and far between- and when you *really* need something and time is important-- it seems more of a hassle than its worth- even if you could ultimately save a bit.
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* Have a buddy who owns a mom-and-pop HVAC operation, so I called him last time mine went out. Actually, it's literally just he and his son. No secretary, office, website, etc. We were talking about redoing some of the duct work in my attic....

"yeah, i'd be happy to do it, but it's too hot to get up there in the summer. call me when it cools off and i'll take a look."


Some of these service industries crack me up. So long as they fix a few ac units a day during the summer, they're making a nice living. Good. For. Them.

* Long analogy....

If you read the book Moneyball, it's all about exploiting inefficiencies in the market. As a former bond trader, Michael Lewis was trying to make a penny or two per bond over a multi billion $$ trade. In baseball, some GMs realized that the rest of the league overpaid for batting average, but underpaid for on-base %.

Calipari was on the forefront of recruiting the one-and-done athlete 10 years ago. He beat everyone else early, but they've caught up. Duke's clearly surpassed us.

I think now is the time to reevaluate. The market has adjusted on the one-and-done players, so where's the inefficiency now?? I'd say it's in redshirting and grad transfers. For that reason, I just don't much worry about which crop of 18 and 19 year-olds we're bringing in now, especially when they pull this reclassify bullshit. I'd like to keep hauling in top-2/3 classes, but if we're gonna win another title, I think it's going to come from seasoned, veteran players.

* Watching this Travis Scott documentary on Netflix. Just not sure what his appeal is.
Sicko Mode, Ursch.

Btw, have the REAL country, err Americana, police made their ruling on Ryan Bingham yet now that he's a TV star? Talented dude, love his character. Soundtrack is a very underrated part of that show, imo - the intro is :fire:
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I'm not sure there is a bigger accepted scam in life than Home Warranties.

We had to use ours once, but it took weeks of phone calls & raising all kinds of hell before finally reaching the touching Vice President of the entire company before we got them to honor ours & allowed us to use our preferred vendor (Bryant, who made a lovely exception). It's fine that they come free via the seller I guess, but anyone who ever actually bought one is a moron.

-Watched this about 15 times last week. This dude's speed is just incredible. :eyes:

Had a few arguments with my wife on this when she insisted on picking ours up. Made no sense to me- especially considering our appliances are new and my brother in law is an HVAC guy.

She gets insurance on everything which is responsible, I suppose, but $80 a month for a home warranty was stupid. I finally won out and canceled it.

Still working on the $30/month pet insurance on a one year old cat who does nothing but sleep and eat dry food. smh
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Sicko Mode, Ursch.

Btw, have the REAL country, err Americana, police made their ruling on Ryan Bingham yet now that he's a TV star? Talented dude, love his character. Soundtrack is a very underrated part of that show, imo - the intro is :fire:

Shit- I didn’t know that was Ryan Bingham. My favorite character on the show, along with my boy Cole Hauser.
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Would have loved pet insurance when my pup tore both ACLs in back to back years...$10k gone in a flash.

Shopping around for disability insurance now, too. Anyone here an agent for that?
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Took my son to a GameStop so he could spend his money on a Mario game and shout out to the clerks there still selling warranties on a video game.
-Never had a doubt about recruiting.

-I'm just going to assume that Clark's AC unit stopped working because a stray cat somehow got lodged in there.

-More of a debate performance take than a political take, but we've had three of these things, and it hasn't shaken up the top three at all. Has made for great theater, though, at least in soundbites.

-Gators are fool's gold, IMO. All kinds of preseason goodwill because of Mullen's rep as a playcaller and their win streak last year. But here's who they beat during that streak: Colorado State, UT, Miss. State, LSU, South Carolina, Idaho, Florida State, and Michigan. So a non-Power 5, an FCS, two elite programs who had already mailed it in, an LSU team with no offense, and three mediocre SEC teams. Mixed in there was a blowout loss at home to Missouri. They haven't proven a thing to me.

-Kinda surprised they didn't bump Boogie's UK HOF induction a year or two until everything gets cleared up.
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We're well into 5 figs on our little Murphy. Spinal surgery was a cool 6K after her slipped disc/paralyzation several years ago. 87 urinary tract infections, and 7 years of special $40-per-week wet food later...she picked the right adoption parents. :flushed:
My pops and his wife had a home warranty for 20+ years before I moved here. His justification was they replaced a fridge and oven with no problem. I even showed him the math on his payout of said 20 years minus the cost of a new fridge and oven. Still no go, old people love those things.

The first winter I was here the HVAC went out, the warranty did *cover* this. But they only covered the unit, I paid the labor, pad, new electical/gas connections, basically everything but the unit. Needless to say once he passed away that ish got canceled. Actually I just closed his bank account that was connected to the warranty so I didn't have to fight with them.
We are on day 5 with no AC- finally getting a new unit installed today. Thanks to my volunteer consultant at Bryant HVAC for walking me through the process.

RE: Home Warranties... We've got one that has paid for itself on a few things at our house (minor things), but apparently the process for repairing an AC unit is:
  • Schedule an appointment to come out 3 days after initial contact.
  • Change appointment date about 3 times.
  • Look at broken unit for an hour- poking at it a few times and just shaking your head
  • Say "Yeah its busted"
  • Then this sub contractor has to submit a report to the warranty company, they have the right to get a second opinion- and if necessary will schedule a repair/replacement "within a few days"
So long story short- we just paid out of pocket instead. Its going to be 97 today- can't imagine how these dudes work in an attic or crawl space all day in this shit
When I purchased my house in 2015, I thought it would be a good idea to get a home warranty, even though the house was less than 15 years old. I had 2 possible opportunities to actually use it, but both times I didn't have the patience to wait for them (several days just to get somebody out to look at it), and was able to fix the issue myself.

I guess if you have a big-ticket item like an a/c unit that conks out, it's a good deal and worth jumping through their hoops (which is really designed to make you give up and get it taken care of yourself so they don't have to do anything for your money), but If you have a mechanically-inclined bone in your body, IMHO save the money and the hassle.
-Been over HWs before but in HVAC they're so bad they ran off any decent contractor. We don't even communicate with them in most instances. Most of the HWs companies are coming from TN or way out to do your services in Lex. I've heard they're better with plumbing and electrical b/c most of that is small service related. They hate big ticket repairs. Best bet is either to get your buyout OR take the time to do what BBdk did and climb the ladder until they relent.

-Cal has missed on a few guys but he's obviously changed his team building method.

-Why no Thursday night CFB the last 2 weeks?

-Rand: It's the heat it's the humidity that get's you.

With a backup QB composure when being thrown in is the most important thing. He looked totally comfortable last weekend. He doesn't need to win us games, he just needs to manage the game, and make good decisions.

-35 at night in Telluride right now, that should shock the system into fall mode.

-I want the NCAA to crumble only second to ISIS.
2 Thursdays ago was obviously b/c of NFL opening night, but don't understand why there wasn't a game last night.

Guess they didn't wanna go up against the Bucs/Panthers [eyeroll][sick]

-Soyer had his share of picks last season, but I'm sure he understands/has been instructed that he doesn't have to be as aggressive here. Hope he picks on the Freshman CB replacement some, tho.
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All the babies born in Kentucky this season shall be named Sawyer.

I took a wait and see approach when my dog had a knee injury a few years ago as the vet laid out some odds on the success of surgery being less then 50%. After limiting her activity for a while she began to use that leg again normally and I never got the surgery.
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The way baseball star Sawyer flicks his wrist and tosses the ball from his ear is awesome. That boy has thrown balls before. Just a natural. All QBs should play baseball.

Terry threw 11tds and 8ints in his first year. I believe Sawyer can beat that. He was 14/6 in 7 games at Troy.
Florida Friday Randos:

- Finally deciding to cut the cord. Looking at the different options, they all seem about the same in price and selection. Going to save quite a bit of money, but mostly I just look forward to still being disappointed when the SEC Network isn't working properly.

- I take back what I said about in-between mode a few weeks back. Summer can get out of here. Bring on the light sweaters.

- Tony's gets the nod on food and Ruby's on atmosphere, but had Cole's for my sister's birthday the other night. That place has an underrated steak, especially for the price.

- Living close to campus is exhilarating this time of year and always brings back lots of memories . . . but also serves as a reminder of how old I am and how much further I'm getting away from those days every time school starts again.

- UK Sigma Chi alum here and just saw the other day they lost the house to the Fijis after being kicked off campus for hazing. Can they just go the Delt route and build a nice off-campus house? I'm going to need an excuse to relive my glory years when my son goes to UK in about 15 years.

- Actually was both a Delt (paternal grandfather) and Sigma Chi (maternal grandfather, uncle) leg at UK. Waffled back and forth and ultimately pledged Sig, but the irony is that I am now friends with and speak to more Delts on a regular basis than Sigma Chis.

- Said it before, but I just don't even pay attention to basketball recruiting much anymore, other than to know the names. Cal's going to get it done.

- Statistical genius and recruiting wunderkind Joel Justus rolled up on Starbucks in a UK golf cart this morning. Couldn't decide whether to laugh or just respect it as a flex.

- Wish I'd knocked out of work and gone to Country Boy for the show today. Did it two years ago, and it was an absolute blast.

- Judging others for what they drink isn't my bag, and I even like the taste of some of the White Claw flavors. But the hype on hard seltzers and the lengths to which some companies are going to stand out and have the "next big thing" is getting out of hand.

- Never been to an extrav, only have read about the shenanigans here over the years, but it sounds like there's some competition this weekend. People in the neighborhood have obtained a license to shutdown the corner of Scoville and Montclair and have a block party with a band and food trucks.

- Lundy and the Greers are bringing ItalX to City Center across from 21C. Are we sure Lexington is ready for "AVANT GARDE ITALIAN?"

- Walked the kids to dinner while having a couple of collides last night, and the wife drove ahead of time to have a car there afterward. Problem is we didn't empty the back of the car before she left, and the wagon wouldn't fit. So, I had to walk the wagon home by myself. Can't even imagine what people seeing some middle-aged dude rolling an empty wagon down Tates Creek were thinking.

- Cats in a close one tomorrow, national respect is finally fully gained, and the recruiting class fills up in a strong finish with 4-stars falling like dominoes.
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I thought it was a game we would win at home with Terry Wilson going. Just think the Gran possession/death by a million paper-cuts offense was the right formula to win that game. Limit their possessions and force Franks to try to do too much when they did have the ball.

I dont count us out by any means- but I just dont know what we are going to get from The Saw. Ill take the UofK to cover the -10 but am too scared to pull the trigger on the outright W.
-I am huge Dead fan, and Mayer is a ton better than Trey was. No one is ever going to replace Jerome, but Mayer is a HUGE step up.

- CSC, go with YouTube TV, never had 1 issue with the SECN.

- For you 40+ that still enjoy a video game every now and then, I highly suggest Wreckfest. Game is a blast. If you add a lil sumfin sumfin (THC) while playing it will have you laughing nonstop.
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-I heard about the block party, plan on a brief pit stop on en route to the game.

-Welcome to walk over and test drive YTTV. Just look at the channel lineups. It's basically a difference in AMC/AE.

-Solo walk home after dinner sounds peaceful. Lucky.
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- Lundy and the Greers are bringing ItalX to City Center across from 21C. Are we sure Lexington is ready for "AVANT GARDE ITALIAN?" "The spelling, replacing the ‘y’ in Italy with an ‘x,’ represents the twist Chef Lundy plans on putting on Italian food." [eyeroll]

When my wife told me the name I assumed it was Italex. While not great it at least made sense. Last I heard he went to some special conference to learn how to do traditional wood fired pizza.
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