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-Drunk Bernie at a table with KL would be a great dynamic.

-Some of the white claws are good but most taste like watered down vodka cranberries. I prefer the lime.

-Naturdays are too sweet. Not bad but they're a one drink max.

- Aristides:boom:
I’m ok with my table just for the pure confusion and disgust SAE would have when Joey started talking about whatever he talks about.

That is assuming he doesn’t keep his AirPods in listening to a podcast about soap the whole time.
I'll admit I'm not made for online banter. I get heated and don't convey my thoughts well. I'm much better in person. I guarantee if I ate at a table with Geese, chief, and doc they would hate me a lot less by dessert.
- It’s really tough coming up with a hotter woman than UK alumnus Sydney McLaughlin. Sydney’s a great name, too.

- Hate giving BBdK any credit but Knob Creek picks at 120 proof/15 years old for $50-55. Best bargain in bourbon.

- Speaking of BBdK and old GYERO, always appreciated the “top 5 summer jobs for hot chicks” and “top 5 cars for hot chicks” discussions.

- Sam Adams Oktoberfest has to be out, right? One of my Top 5-10 favorite brews.

- Long flight sleep tips?
Vern is always good for a random sneaky good player comp, which I can always get behind.

Sucks for Bonzo. Dude wins inaugural GYEROlympics, hosts the throwdown at his place after, gets a T-shirt made after him --- and doesn't even make a lunch table discussion a couple years later. Quite the drop off.
Chad, please discuss with your healthcare provider. Or maybe have a couple cocktails.

Not gonna lie, excited for you. Can’t wait to hear all about it. EUROTRIP.

So did everyone else just gloss over that Pti, the hand holding, cheap ass champion of the world gave his live in girlfriend a car?!?! And bought a car with power windows?!?!

Strange days indeed.
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Finalizing the contract...but looks like I'll be based in Lousville through the November election.
Working on a local campaign? Did Mitch hire you for your inside knowledge of Matt Jones? Is this going to be the first political campaign to play out mostly in GYERO?

Rogue and Krazy get in the game? Okay. Eat sh*t, you guys.
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So the latest white supremacy theory is that since our President ordered the flag’s be lowered in honor of the tragic shooting victims, it’s a shout out to White Supremacists. Because 8-8 has tremendous meaning and significance. The letter H is the eighth letter in the alphabet. H-H means Heil Hitler. THESE PEOPLE ARE NAZIS.

Half plus seven rule MF’ers, you guys all know this your whole life too?

You got Congressman from Texas doxing people who donated to Trump. He didn’t seem to care many of them also donated to him. Oh and he’s trying to stop promoting a culture of fear and violence. Yeah, making a target list for nut jobs is the way to go. Idiot.

So yeah. That’s where we are right now. That’s what the left is spewing. We got our asses handed to us by Donald Trump. Let’s get woke AF. Paint all these smears, ism’s and labels, and throw the kitchen sink. Because otherwise we suck and have Nothing.

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I can’t wait for Tommy to get back into Ky politics.

I understand why Mags is still contemplating the Senate run. Amy McGrath is a joke, she sucks when not reading off script and is terrible on her feet. Alison Grimes got smoked last time and was a far superior candidate.
So the latest white supremacy theory is that since our President ordered the flag’s be lowered in honor of the tragic shooting victims, it’s a shout out to White Supremacists. Because 8-8 has tremendous meaning and significance. The letter H is the eighth letter in the alphabet. H-H means Heil Hitler. THESE PEOPLE ARE NAZIS.

So yeah. That’s where we are right now. That’s what the left is spewing. We got our asses handed to us by Donald Trump. Let’s get woke AF. Paint all these smears, ism’s and labels, and throw the kitchen sink. Because otherwise we suck and have Nothing.


I have no idea what you’re talking about, but I’m assuming there’s about 3 people on the entire planet, maybe 4, who actually buy into this ridiculous theory.

Thank god that evidently hasn’t stopped “the media” from covering this non story, and using it to stereotype more than half the country.

Well done, I say. :clap::clap::clap:
And I'll tell you what pisses me off to no end, reading those old gyeros and seeing Dicky Beal. Can't believe the real Dicky Beal, and subsequently Darryl Bird made me get rid of that name. Should have told Darryl to get pumped.
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Hump Day (night?) Randos

~ Nice little 12% bump this year at work has me grinding again. Good thing too, I had definitely lost a gear with all of these sweaty mortgage refinances and Jr. Warren Buffet's debating investment strategy with me on the daily.

~ Sign me up for table PTI. I prefer chaotic neutrals and, while he certainly has died on some weird hillls, I bet he'd make for an interesting chat/debate.

~ Seeing PepsiMan's name reminds me of why he left the board. In Joker's last year we argued every weekend about whether it was time to shut it down and look for another candidate and he swore he would leave the board if Joker didn't return. Que the crispy. I'll never forget those glorious poolside profile pics with him and his old lady.

~ Little lass has hit full stride in months 3 and 4. Sleeping through the night like it ain't no thang. God bless her. Her 5 year old brother still manages to end up my in bed at 3 in the morning one night a week somehow though.

~ Super short gun control argument - It's clearly a unique problem as we have vastly more "mass" shootings than any other country. It's not just guns, but they clearly give a killer a distinct advantage. And don't try the "they'll just use a van" argument either, when you register and get insurance for your gun the same way a car is regulated, you might be on to something. I'm not so naive to think bad people will stop getting guns but I'm also not stupid enough to see that there's a bigger problem than my voting demographic says. The rise in Incels (regardless of political leaning) is problematic as well.

~ I loathe Baseball. Thank god the NBA was entertaining this summer because it's the absolute worst time of the year for me sports wise.

~ Much love, GYERO.
- Chad and Vern are both good dudes. Just a little misguided in their politics. No hate at all.

- The "HH"story was an FBI guy being interviewed on MSNBC - linked below. Not exactly a conspiracy theory. Just a complete nut job.
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* Of all the movies that would be terrible to remake in current year, Home Alone is one of them.

So of course they're doing it.

People have cell phones. Movie over. Guess they could set it in 1990, but why remake Home Alone then? It doesn't need fixing.

* They need to do a 30 for 30 on the 2001 Seton Hall team with Eddie Griffin because that's the most dysfunctional college team I've ever seen with teammates getting into fistfights after games and a super young coach who was too in over his head at the time to control the combustible elements. And while I can't player comp worth a wet fart, I'm pretty proud of a few of the team comps I've made over the years, and I see a little bit of that Seton Hall team in the 2019-20 Memphis Tigers. If I'm wrong, let it be, but they have more guys who need the ball in their hand than guys who are allowed to be on the floor at the same time.

* Every time I've come across last year's Kentucky vs. Florida football game, I've just stopped and watched it the rest of the way through, like finding Shawshank on TNT or something. Kentucky was clearly better than Florida in 60 straight minutes of football. Still awesome to say.

And we beat that corncob James Franklin in a bowl game.

^ Stop.

* No doxxing, ever. That should be easy. It should also be easy for offensive tweets not to "resurface" when somebody succeeds at something, but here we are.

* UK football needs another Thursday night game so I can get back to a tailgate and right some wrongs. I couldn't even get in Cawood's lunchroom.
* Of all the movies that would be terrible to remake in current year, Home Alone is one of them.

So of course they're doing it.

People have cell phones. Movie over. Guess they could set it in 1990, but why remake Home Alone then? It doesn't need fixing.

The interviewee didn’t even promote that theory, he simply said it’s something to consider in order to be cautious.

It’s completely, 100% idiotic and batshit crazy, but has nothing to do with what drxman suggested. Nice work, dude.
How do you not understand by now that as soon as the loons heard it, it became the truth in their mind? Much like the host that said Trump wanted to exterminate Latinos. She halfheartedly took it back but the damage had already been done.

Doc might have got it mixed up a little but what that guy said is the working theory of the looney left.
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Yeah, no sh!t, and water is wet too.

Anyway you Infowars nuts can take this stuff to the pinned Infowars thread? Some of us are trying to escape this nonsense and are just here to scan for B^4th posts to which we can reply with hot dog gifs.

Back to <insert old school bouncing lurk emoji>
InfoWars??? The guy was former FBI on MSNBC. Unless you think that is the leftist version of InfoWars. I suppose it could be.

I would have been done had you not posted.........
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InfoWars??? The guy was former FBI on MSNBC. Unless you think that is the leftist version of InfoWars. I suppose it could be.

And yet the only people that have mentioned (or liked the related posts) or seem to care in here, are the most right wing people that post in here, so yeah, seems to be big leftist conspiracy theory that is only being talked about/promoted by you, Doc and Col Angus...makes sense. I’m not gonna clog this thread up with more of this nonsense, just another simple request to take it to the pals in the pinned thread so the rest of us can enjoy “which table would you sit at” polls. (FYI - I would sit with BRAX to try and understand)
Not sure why everyone thinks I'd be so uncomfortable at a table with Bernie or anyone else from GYERO. It's like you all have forgotten that between 73 and myself, we slept with half the women in Los Angeles back in 1996.
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Not sure why everyone thinks I'd be so uncomfortable at a table with Bernie or anyone else from GYERO. It's like you all have forgotten that between 73 and myself, we slept with half the women in Los Angeles back in 1996.
If I'm drunk and uncomfortable at a table with him you'd be crawling out of your Air Monarchs.

Which fish did you keep screaming about in Tampa?
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