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He also had a slooty co worker who openly solicited dudes to come run train on her. Shocked nobody on here ever took advantage of that.
Auburn road trip sounds WAF...memories.

Think a Geese, Vern, and UKO table would have some action. WHO CAN BE THE ANGRIEST?!?!
Well you could moderate between geese and Vern. Could see that turning into a Poli death match.
If you want to read some GYERO takes about the '07 MSU Homecoming loss and hopes for Billy G's first season.

"Joe Crawford is who we thought he was."


"This team is going to be extremely popular, and I can't wait until Wednesday." from an unnamed handicapable poster


"And B*H, I'm really high on Coury too. He won't be the dough boy we saw last year. This kid will help out this year."

The first half of the page is nostalgia gold.
* Zack Rosicka = :joy::joy:

One day you've got drxman metaphorically chugging his penis, and then next I'm unsubscribing to his daily real estate email blasts. No, I'm not in the market for a 2-bed condo in Seaside, now leave me TF alone.

* If Vern and Geese were battling wits, it would be a landslide. Make it a physical altercation, and the tide turns the opposite direction. Either would get ugly quick.

* Pulled a very PTI (pti) move this weekend. Lassies car is in seriously rough shape. I gave her mine, and bought a brand new-to-me 5-speed Camry for $6,000. Runs like a dream. Low miles. Leather, power everything. I'm thrifty af. Straight cash, homey.

* buckywaters = :joy:

Some of those old characters were just too ridiculous to be true, and it's a damn shame their true identity has never been revealed. Of course, we said the same about krazykats, and he turned out to be real.

* Lass is out of town this weekend. Can't quite decide what's more liberating....

- going out with my buds and getting shithoused and staying out until all hours of the night
- laying around the home, barely leaving the couch, and freely masturbating and eating fast food

Both are quite appealing.

* There is some serious BS going on in the alcoholic beverage industry in America. First it was the Redds Apple Ale/Mike Hard Lemonade nonsense, now it's this White Claw/Truly crap. We've gone down this road before, Bartles & James. Wine coolers are garbage. Clean it the F up, people.

* Tyler Childers :raised_hands::raised_hands::raised_hands:

I may give the edge in talent to Sturgill, particularly considering he's produce Childers' last two albums, but Childers has a larger body of work. Tough call.

* carry-on >>> checking a bag. TS.
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He's my cousin and I haven't spoken or heard from buckkiller in at least 6 years. Does he still make asinine posts on Rafters?
My former PE teacher and head basketball coach at Sayre arrested last week.

I swear, I remember thinking about this guy recently, as there were rumors way back then (25-30 years ago) that he was messing around with students. I have a good feeling that if they dig enough in Lexington, they'd find all kinds of evidence from his days at Sayre, too.

And on that note -- what in the world led to him moving all the way to rural Louisiana to pursue a basketball coaching job? Get on it,
Whiteclaws are great, I'm not mad at them at all poolside or when Beer'd out. I mean, it's just alcoholic Seltzer water with minimal flavor - not sweet in the slightest. The lime tastes like a vodka tonic.

There are numerous confirmed consumers in here, you know who you are.

Certainly not comparable to wine coolers or sweetened malt beverages.
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SAE, WilliamJ, Joey table. Pretty easy pick really.

Just found out my neighbor considers himself a bourbon connoisseur so tonight should go well. Not even out of the doghouse yet, but with all the bottles I got open I’ll just stay in there until the weekend.

The Cubs are 12 games under .500 on the road and the Reds pitching for all 4 games is nice. 3-1 Isn’t too much to ask.

The 2018 UK vs UF football game has played 2-3 times in the last week. I want that Terry Wilson for an 8-4 year or better.
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I have no issue with Geese. He's a Cub fan. We could actually talk about a baseball team that's won something this century, unlike most of you chumps.
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Theoretically, but I’ve always enjoyed Chief offline. Good dude. Online he’s turrible.
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