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Warning this may get long winded......

- The main reason for posting a few weeks back about not posting as much was due to my distributors asking me to remove myself from bourbon poker groups, secondary and any other online accounts that could come back to bite me one day. I’m an idiot here so “krazykats” might not be the best thing for me in 2019.

It had nothing to do with being cool, busy or anything else other than the image I’ve created for some of you could never be taken serious and that’s on me more than anything.

- As far as my nephews son, man, just all around awful. Back when I was 14 my sister had a baby with Down’s syndrome and multiple other issues and he passed after a few weeks. She tried so hard to have kids and eventually had my nephew but the man she married really took the death hard and drank and ate pills from then on. By the time they had a healthy kid my uncle was too far gone, so they divorced after some really bad and hazardous situations, and eventually he mixed too many pills one night with alcohol and never woke up.

Fast forward to yesterday, my nephew already as 2 little girls and wants a boy so bad. This was it, but he was born way early and because of fluid that built up before being born he wasn’t developing right.

My wife being a nurse would fill me in on details and in reality I was prepared months ago for what happened, but doctors gave my family there false hope and they opted to keep pushing for the baby to make it. 4 months of hanging on, per chaos in life scheduling, and just nothing but hope vanished and they are devastated.

Now we are all really concerned about my nephew because we relate him to his dad and are scared of what he may do after this.

That’s life, and I’m not above GYERO being GYERO and taking a little hazing, it’s fine.

-Geese is an uppity bitch, and Rich was being stand up.....

Rich 1
Geese 0

-Bourbon Release Randoms

I had no clue what to expect, but had 50-60 folks were there in the end with about 10 people texting or calling that they wouldn’t make it before hand.

Boat coming from Lexington was a shock, but that dude couldn’t be nicer. Thanks for all the support and give to me straight no matter what Bob says today!

Several compliments to the label, and all the blue we chose to use.

I was given notice I would be talking to the group mid way so after a few drinks it wasn’t so bad after introducing myself to about 30 people I’d never seen before.

Everyone loved the 12 year product. Had a few folks buying bourbons from the tasting room and comparing side by side toward the end and I was floored with the responses from random people picking down home over some high priced secondary bottles. One fellow bought 4 cases and I never felt more indebted to someone in my life.

Had a guy show up, after reading the Insider Louisville article, strictly because Down Home references western Kentucky where he and my family is from.

Had a lady show up 10 minutes before we wrapped up that was in a frenzy and glad to show up. Apparently opening an “Ernie’s” in Etown soon that has the original Al Capone bar being installed.

Note, I was way to drunk at this point so some of this might be a little off.....

Her story went that the people backing them had really long money, and they helped her buy the bar that used to be in Al Capone’s speak easy. A few of us were unbelieving, but then she told us it’s the director or producer of the upcoming top gun movie and had bought 2 bottles for me to sign to Linda and Jerry, and I’ll be damned if Jerry(can’t remember his last name now) wasn’t someone half the people there had heard of.

We swapped cards, and hopefully this story turns out to be true.

I could go on and on, but I should probably stop here. I will add that we sold over 100 bottles last night, and the distributor just updated me that day 1 commitments for a third of our product(100 cases, roughly) is already on the way to stores today.
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- Even though he’s easily the cheesiest MFer I’ve ever met, Boat is now and always has been the nicest and friendliest Wodie Crew member. Killa and Sloot are probably tied at #2. Big fall off after that.

- Saw “Once Upon a Time...” last night. I enjoy going to the movies so much for something I do maybe 3x a year. Anyway- really good and different. And my gawd, Margot Robbie as Sharon Tate :fire:

- This Goose-Richie thing has been bubbling for awhile now.

- My August should fly by (thank God)- big trip then out of town wedding taking up 3 weekends. Will be football season before I know it.
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- Even though he’s easily the cheesiest MFer I’ve ever met, Boat is now and always has been the nicest and friendliest Wodie Crew member.

Maybe top 5, but your judgment is clouded given your last place position on the nice chart.

80, 73, Richie, BBdK, Boat.
- Even though he’s easily the cheesiest MFer I’ve ever met, Boat is now and always has been the nicest and friendliest Wodie Crew member. Killa and Sloot are probably tied at #2. Big fall off after that.

- Agreed. For a 40 something Doc, with a boat, with a Porsche, with a Big Green Egg, with a 350+ year drive, with a hot tub with built in sound system, with an arsenal of assault weapons, with a hot younger wife, I put Dr Boat near the top of great dudes. Easy with his success for things to go to ones head, but really he's just a man of the people. "Nothing but love for ya" Doc. (2Pac Reference)

-I think you've got to put underrated BBdk and PTi as solid honorable mentions on the nice list. They can be total dickheads online, but some of the nicest in person. (Exclude Eli Golf Appearances for PTi. I truly wanted to kill that mother toucher)

-Geese, dude. You seem mad. Need a beer? Or a hug? Head out to the club with us tonight for a dip in the pool and I'll bring some Cougar Baits for us. You need to get that anger out buddy, it's really not healthy. #Prayers4Geese

-WIsh I could dress as cool as Rich and pull it off. I'm just not capable.

-Congrats on your launch Krazy! Any idea what stores in Lex your distributor hits? I'll run out and get a bottle of two later today if there's any left.
Jerry Bruckheimer is one of the biggest producers in Hollywood, including Top Gun. He is from, and now lives in, Bloomfield,which is right outside of Bardstown. He is notorious for investing in local things, I would say it's a true story.
I’ve only met goose in person one time and he was very nice and seemed like a great dude. But online he is the angriest little bitch around I don’t know why ??? Trump is on office, his boss is booker (another very nice real life guy), he lives in Versailles which is the 3rd nicest town in woodford county, beautiful family. But just very very mad online.
Huber I know we will be at cork and barrel, but I have to call them today and see if I can set up a tasting for Lexington folks.

- Yes Jerry Bruckheimer. I just didn’t want to come off as a name dropping douche looking like I’m about to be all famous. As it stands, it took everything for me not to ask if my bottle can be in the movies. We’ll see!

She mentioned all the Bloomfield stuff too, but I failed to mention all that. Like I said I could go on and on but my damn job keeps calling with work I’m supposed to be getting done with a f’ing split head.

Top 5 Nicest:


Chad is just an angry grumpy little man, that's why nobody likes him. Ride around with me sometime and I'll show you some things about being a gentle person you little bitch.
Unlike BBdK, I’m not texting fiendishly right now trying to land spots on some of GYERO Elite’s nice lists.

I am a grumpy bitch- I say it proudly.

And F this “nice” battle. I don’t want to win. I’m outtie.

Now, tell these people something they don’t know about me.
Wow. I have read some vile shit posted in here about posters, today make those things look like childs play. Damn, attack a man during his finest and absolute worst hour. It is a GD message board, real life is so much more.

Congrats Krazy, do your thing boy. (Tupac reference).
This is better than the Democrat debate, TS.
”This” could literally be replaced with ANYTHING in this sentence. I’ve got nothing for anyone who sits around for two hours watching a bunch of blowhards talk themselves up. I just don’t see the appeal (D or R debates to make that clear).
Nobody gonna comment on the gram of Anth working out this morning? I'm worried the big guy is getting a little cocky about his summer body. Take it down a notch, Hoss.

He was crushing those 5 pound curls.

Wonder if he gets bouncy like Bonzo?
Thursday shotes:

-Man, what a shit show last weekend was. :eyes: Incredible fun, but that weekend is easily the wildest I have these days....4am on Saturday night to seal the deal, I can't even remember the last time I was up at that hour. House was destroyed lol -- definitely fun hosting a crew, but no clue how Schems do that on a weekly basis in the Fall, major props to them.

...85% recovered, and now I have to head down for Eli weekend this evening. :grimace: Glad to have Tony rejoining this year.

-Way behind on basketball recruiting this year, so been catching up on Boston videos. Shew, I worship that kid's game. :)

-These dudes are flat tearing Kearney up in the KY Open, good lord.

-That strip mall where Del Friscos, Havana Rumba, and Charim was closed/condemned by the city for a failing roof...really sucks for those businesses. Guess Rumba saw the writing on the wall w/ their upcoming move next to Drake's.

-Aruba 1 month from today. No vacations at all this summer, can't come soon enough.

-Need some new sport shades. 3 pair of Costas still going strong, but they've seen better days. Recs appreciated

-Entering Season 4 on Sopranos. It's a great show, but I guess I'm alone in not even considering it for best ever -- quite a bit of cheese, imo.

-Need a fresh new starlet to get to know.

-Anth either posts or texts us every single day about his workout, ride, etc. Only friend I have who even mentions it at all.

-Starting to smell Fall in the mornings/evenings :eyes: After this weekend, I'll be officially ready. :football:
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I mean, we’ve crushed Anth for years about his little
bitch penguin arms. Congrats to him for doing something about it. He doesn’t want getting pinned in under 30 seconds to be his legacy.

But yeah the workout videos, constant photo trying to be a fitness coach or something?
I mean, we’ve crushed Anth for years about his little
bitch penguin arms. Congrats to him for doing something about it. He doesn’t want getting pinned in under 30 seconds to be his legacy.

But yeah the workout videos, constant photo trying to be a fitness coach or something?
I don't take the pictures, Bob. That's his form of advertising. Been trying to get you to enlist his help for years. Also, I get daily steak, golf, bourbon, lake, vacation, RNC Trump, fart meme updates from you...
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