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Really does seem like the majority of their younger fans are taking the Blankenbaker route where when it's said and done they will receive a slap on the wrist and nothing else. There's simply not enough evidence to back up this whore's claims. UL is the victim here, gang.

Saturday night was out for a friend's Bday party. Ended up at a St Matt's watering hole. Was introduced to some UL law school schmuck who says he's friends with Lil Yarmuth. Sat back and listened to his spiel for about 20 minutes claiming that he and Yarmuth are privy to all this insider info and how there's no hard evidence and UL won't face any serious sanctions. None of her claims occurred. She's just a money hungry whore. So proud of my friend for writing that piece in the LEO. Libel and slander are serious matters. IU is totally in on this. Bit my lip the entire time and then when he was done just started laughing uncontrollably. Knee slapping. The works.
"Motherf**kers pay me for pictures and handshakes. And that's not being cocky, 'cause I don't play around with my blessing. I'm very honored to be in that position in Louisville. Louisville is the greatest city, the fans are great, Rick Pitino is great."

Really like the use of MF'rs here, especially juxtaposed to paying them a compliment.

Kudos, TWill.
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I'm sure the headline.... " T Will speaks out" gives the Floyd St brass all kinds of feel good.

That idiot is the gift that keeps on giving.

Love the part about people paying him for pics and autographs. Fantastic work, T Will.
* Some of these UL writers/bloggers/personalities are just plain nuts.

* Speaking of nuts, I went to a HS band competition to take pictures for a poster on Saturday. Some of those parents are an advanced form of crazy. Wow.

* Speaking of taking pictures, I took the kids to Blooms & Berries yesterday. Its a fall festival type place with corn mazes, hay rides, petting zoo, games and a shitload of pumpkins.

I'm taking pictures of my girls and some little boy runs into me at full speed, gets his arm tangled in my camera strap and both he and the camera go flying. The lens goes flying off of the camera and breaks, the dock that the lens locks in to is cracked and the little boy is lying there with eyes as big as saucers.

I make sure he is ok and help him up. Probably only 4 years old or so. What I assume is his older sister (probably 7 years old or so) comes over and gets him and says she is so sorry.

I pick up the pieces of my camera and look up, they are nowhere to be seen. No parent ever came over. Assholes.

* Speaking of assholes, nice hire USC.

* Speaking of college football, damn I hate Michigan. Did you know that if they were in the SEC, they'd be #1 right now? I just learned that. They do look pretty damn good, though.

* Speaking of looking good, Doris Burke does not. I enjoyed the UK infomercial last night. But ESPN is biased against us!

We have to play fast this year, right?

Ulis. Damn.

Briscoe reminds me of Keith Bogans with his ability to get contact and finish.

* Speaking of taking contact and finishing, I like that Katy Perry gif that wcc posted a few pages back.

* Speaking of whores, Louisville basketball. :pimp:
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And Rick Pitino, he's Rick Pitino! A Hall of Famer, a legend ... he don't need to buy any kid p*ssy to get him to commit to the University of Louisville.

That dunk attempt by Matthews tho o_O

Pretty funny watching little Ulis just dominate the 3-3 games. He's the best PG in the country.

Seems like Humphries is going to play...nice/interesting addition. Kid is 17 years old, he's going to be pretty good.

-Briscoe, just love the way he moves. Nice little combo of strength and bursts to get wherever he wants. Same with Murray, really.

This team is going to be so much fun to watch. :sunglasses:
I thought I liked Bielema at first...but damn.

-Is it wrong to get pleasure out of watching George attempt to cry in little 1 second bursts? [laughing] Pretty much the cutest/funniest thing ever...every snap has Anth laughing in the background, so I assume I'm not alone.
It's hilarious. I can usually get him into a laugh/cry that I haven't been able to catch yet. Willy, stay away from my child with your camera.
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Monday shorts:

Hell of a weekend, had friends fly in from Destin and Detroit. Hot tub parties, Keeneland, dudleys, and birthday party. Spent most of yesterday wishing some magical recovery potion worked. Sucked it up and made it to the Alice Cooper/Motley Crue concert. Hell of a show, even better people watching. Tommy Lee's roller coaster upside down drum solo was crazy. Pyrotechnics were on fleek.

Always fun taking people to Keeneland for the first time. Especially on a perfect fall day. Filled them in on the Louisville scandal and whores. Was fun to see that adopted into their jargon.

New crew flying in weds. Bourbon tours, auburn game, Keeneland, madness, then more Keeneland. Puppies would be appreciated.
So, what's everyone's Thu/Fri plan?

Can't really justify taking off 2 days for a football game I don't think. Plan is to work Thursday morning for now, be in Lex by 1 - and then work Friday afternoon (we'll see about that). Considered Keeneland Friday, but pretty comfortable saying that will sound pretty awful to me come Friday morning...

Be curious to see if it's a super late-arriving crowd or just like a regular Saturday.
-More beloved UK PG when all is said and done, Tyler Ulis or John Wall? That could be a tough one. John Wall is John MFing Wall, the poster child for UK being back. A rock star, and from all indications, a great person as well. Going to be tough for anyone to knock him off that throne.

But if Ulis stays 3-4 years and leads us to #9? Damn.

-Love T-Will going complete denial and scorched earth on Powell, they will definitely be able to link him in via phone/texts if they want. Also love him basically admitting to all sorts of NCAA violations via getting paid for pics and handshakes.

-I find it interesting that no one has even attempted to reach out to any of the daughters or other strippers. I mean, of course the UL media isn't going to, but the national guys? Cady himself? I can understand if they just don't want to talk about it, but seems like someone would be able to locate them. Hell, if you are a UL honk and you think she's lying, getting her kids to deny it would be your best move. Of course, they all know she isn't lying, so there's that.

-One of the sales guys that calls on me said that another client is Will Scott, UL walk on in the late 2000's and team mate of Andre McGee. Asked him to get Scott's opinion on all this and report back. Doubt he says much.
John Wall is arguably the most important player in UK Basketball history. Definitely up there with Jamal Mashburn.
John Wall is arguably the most important player in UK Basketball history. Definitely up there with Jamal Mashburn.


If only Bret Bielema had grown up playing football with poors - he wouldn't be a classless flopping POS. He'd know the value of sportsmanship, fair play, hard work, no cutting corners. Oh wait.
Auburn's run defense appears to be really bad. Would like to think we can establish the run game early and then set up some play action.

Really need a fast start in this one. Capitalize on the crowd.
T-Will and Luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuke have denied it. So, nothing to see here. John Ramsey was probably right.
Brett Beliema's head is unnaturally large. He looks like a big dumb animal that should have slobber and snot dripping from his face at all times. He is really a disgusting human being.

Can't imagine any serious college football is planning on working a full day on thurs & then trying to roll onto campus after 5 pm. only a moron would think that is a viable plan.

Take a 1/2 day Thurs, get to Lex 1ish, find a spot, settle in & get sauced up

figure I'll be home no later than 12:30 am, so friday workday tentatively a go
I watched Beliema's press conference after the UT game a couple of weeks ago and all I could think was he sounded like something was wrong with him. Completely non-sensical. I hope the SEC fines his ass hard for that flop and suspends him. Dumbass.
I watched Beliema's press conference after the UT game a couple of weeks ago and all I could think was he sounded like something was wrong with him. Completely non-sensical. I hope the SEC fines his ass hard for that flop and suspends him. Dumbass.

Would not surprise me if he is like Sark. Hell he looks like he has been on a bender on the sidelines.
Isn't his wife a former stripper / dancer in Vegas or did he just meet her there? I remember some story about it on SEC Wives and I remember thinking then that he was an idiot because she was clearly just angling for money.
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