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Can't believe that wild cat chad would go on a virulently anti-Asian racist rant! Did not see that coming tbh. Wow, still can't get over that very racist thing he said
Tucking that wcc post away. Looking forward to dusting it off and throwing it around the intraweb just as he's interviewing for a big promotion, starting a business, or about to be named to the board of a prestigious non-profit.

One re-tweet and that guy's entire life will collapse.

Boom --> outta here.
Compared to the Bengals, UK Basketball, and the TWOLVES lately, I'm downright giddy watching the Reds these days.

Watched more games this year already then last, for sure.
Thanks to everyone who took the time to congratulate me on my new job. Really means a lot. All 4 of you hold a special place in my heart, and I mean that.

Derek Dietrich is basically one of my large boys, just all grown up. Uncanny.

Speaking of, new all star uniforms this year are absolute :fire:. Can’t wait for them to come in. Sublimated jersey, crisp flat bills. The. Works.

Chernobyl is incredible. It’s made me completely forget what a stale bowl of dicks game of thrones turned out to be. Wish it was 10 episodes long. Best television I’ve watched in a minute.

A week ago I said I’d probably never step foot in Jeff Ruby’s, but I went last week and gotta say, y’all pay too much for food. Hacienda and drakes, both located in luxurious Brannon crossing provide me the same full feeling at a fraction of the cost. Fancy piano tho.

Just bend the thing in half, drag it through dirt, and stick a fish hook on the bill. Make about a 4 inch vertical slice up your jean cuffs while you’re at it.

This really isn’t that hard, people.
Can someone less smug than myself explain the fish hook in the hat bill phenomenon and why I see it in circumstances (Disney World, baseball games, etc.) where there is no fishing involved or likely to be involved in the near future?
90% of 18-59 year old men living in the south will have the appropriate button down shirt attire when that day comes, for sure.

This would be incredibly cool if I didn't have a gigantic phobia of lightning. Whatever got hit, God wanted that thing f'n dead.
Looks like he is asking Bristol. If not and that is asking me I’m good.

Not aware of who Blue Mad is and I’ve been burnt by enough GYERO bet welchers that I didn’t know.
White people be all making up crazy sports like archery, bass fishing, and lacrosse for their kids to play in high school, imo.
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