Posted: Today 12:37 PM
Re: My new take. (3 votes)
You guys are kidding me, right? Ahhhhh UK? Come on guys. work with me. If you don't see it, so be it. I'll even be more specific in my take. Spell it out for you, if you will. There is a BIG booster(s), a UK booster(s) who is supplying the good$$$$$, in the form of money. Untraceable cash. Could be a coal guy. Could be a horse guy. Not sure we'll know. This is a game to that party, but he knows all too well the power of $$$$. The Katrina Powels the Chris Jones accusers and inner circle of the whole investigation are just pawns in his little game. They are there just for the money. But make no mistake about it, the main focal point is CRP. Bringing him down for whatever psychotic reason is his/her mission. "By **** there is only ONE school in this state.In this country, and if anybody interferes with our mission, they will be taken down by any means." They even went out and hired one of, if not THE most crooked coaches in the land, for crying out loud.If you live in this state or have lived in it for any extended period of time, you would have to be living in a cave to not see the vitriol or hatrid that a large faction of UK supporters have not only for UofL as a university but MAINLY CRP. You see/hear it talking to their fans. You see it in the media. Take a stroll over to Facebook sometime if you want to get a real person to person gauge on what the many UK supporters think of CRP. They have not let it go, his swapping of schools, and they damn sure don't like it that we are winning "their" championships. They would like to see him gone at all costs. You've got their talking head Matt Jones saying as much in the media on any given day. These people are not living in a real world with this crap and know NO boundaries as to where they will go to take out CRP. I really believe that in my heart. Pull em aside one time and talk to them. THIS, my friends is exactly where this latest line of BS originates no question in my mind. Is Katrina Powell a scumbag? A resounding yes, but there is somebody behind this whole ordeal with a HEAVY UK connection. NOW. Any more questions?