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What, exactly, is involved in renouncing your fanhood? Does there need to be a ritual sacrifice of some sort?
He's a more casual fan, so I actually believe it sticks. I think the casual UL fans not calling in or posting on message boards is sick of this crap and a lot of them will just switch to UK or stop caring.
I'm guessing you get hammered and steal the mascot outfit of your team and go on a one night rampage. Go to every dance floor you can find in town and slide in and start gettin it. Do all the moves you have always wanted to but were too embarrassed to try. Return the mascot outfit the next day without beer stains and make sure it still smells like shit. You do that and you can renounce your fanhood.
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I think there will be pressure from within for Pitino to step down sooner rather than later. I think Ramsey's statement was telling- although I can't understand why Jurich gets a pass. This is a toxic story that's going to hang over their heads for as long as Pitino is there. The longer it goes on the more damning evidence will come out and the more play all of the angles of this story gets on a national level a la that SI piece. At some point you think the BoT says "so sick of this you guys".
I'm guessing you get hammered and steal the mascot outfit of your team and go on a one night rampage. Go to every dance floor you can find in town and slide in and start gettin it. Do all the moves you have always wanted to but were too embarrassed to try. Return the mascot outfit the next day without beer stains and make sure it still smells like shit. You do that and you can renounce your fanhood.

What I find so fantastic about his hair, is the blond tips of the mullet. First thing I thought of was a power worm with the fluorescent tail...and let me tell you, those catch fish.
I think Pitino is already getting isolated by Ramsey/Jurich in this whole deal. I mean, he appears to be entirely clueless about everything that is going on right now.
I think there will be pressure from within for Pitino to step down sooner rather than later. I think Ramsey's statement was telling- although I can't understand why Jurich gets a pass. This is a toxic story that's going to hang over their heads for as long as Pitino is there. The longer it goes on the more damning evidence will come out and the more play all of the angles of this story gets on a national level a la that SI piece. At some point you think the BoT says "so sick of this you guys".
Jurich and Ramsey are likely tied together at this point. Black helicopters thinks it's over all that financial mess.
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Well so much for Rawle Alkins. That's really strange, he didn't even list Buffalo in his final 8.
Crawford with the ultimate fluff piece last night making Pitino out to be a victim in all of this. We should feel sorry for HOFCRP and if anyone can fight through this, it's him.

Also, it's my guess that he didn't know but anyone with half a brain knows that Pitino is a habitual liar. Just don't take his word for it while he throws ANDRE under the bus.

When will these dildos take a good long look in the mirror, quit spinning conspiracies to cast blame elsewhere and realize that their athletic department and it's culture are the real problem.

Good grief. If this disgusting shit happened in Lexington they'd be camped outside the Craft Center with pitch forks and wanting to flip through the entire basketball program for an all out investigation.
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Part of me says that Rick has no knowledge of this.

Another part of me refuses to believe that titties and booties were popping anywhere in that city and he was unaware of it.
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-To UK fans credit, Billy G was nearly fired in his 1st season for missing a Rotary Club meeting.

-It's just a kid having fun, lay off Rawle.

-Pretty much worshiping the thought of working this weekend. Love those after a crazy last 4 months.

-Little dude is 3 months. The tough part, sleep wise, seems to be fading. I'm dreading this dude going mobile though.

-What a damn week. Had to be the most entertaining week in GYERO/KSR/UK UL history on the intrawebs. Just non stop. Unless something big breaks in the next few days the rush should be over and then the meat of this stuff will start to be exposed.

-I've started thinking about basketball, I can juggle both, but I'm still not 100% in that mindset yet. Certainly not feeling a documentary on last season. It's not even just the loss. Last season was just such a mental investment from basically the Bahamas until April. Several road trips, tons of money, knowing it was our last DINK adventures, team of a life time 38-0. I'm sure in a few years I'll be able to reflect positively on the season but right now it's still pretty sore. I think that's universal though. Can't imagine anyone is pumped to watch that thing.

-I don't get too upset with general fans that bury their head and look for any positive... because they're freaking fanatics and thats what we all would do. I do find it very annoying when the media does it. Some of these dudes have given fodder for a decade over these ridiculous takes.
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dripping with irony that anyone would criticize fan for honerism. let's not forget that richie proudly and loudly carried the I HAVE NEVER ONCE SEEN THAT FINE DISTINGUISHED GENTLEMAN SO MUCH AS EVEN TAKE ONE SIP OF ALCOHOL IN ANY CAPACITY torch for billy clyde. led the parade. presided over the fan club. etc.

it happens.

also, whores.
Ice tea, man. Ice tea. If he was having late night pool parties where the pictures. Everyone has camera phones. Completely normal he hasn't signed his contract. Tough negotiator. Aw shucks.

Dr. Pepper and Fazzolis. SMDH. Shoulda chased his ass back to Texas right then.

*I was on board way too long.
Unrelated random thought:

For a man who has been given praise for his fashionable sideline attire (minus the Col. Sanders monstrosity), HOFCRP sure has outfitted his teams in garbage uniforms over the years.

Also, whores.
Are people still paying outrageous amounts for Big Blue Madness tickets or has that fad passed?
Louisville a possible Level 1 probation case per Andy Katz (that's bad). In related news, I have a Level 1 boner after hearing this news ROTFLMFAOWHORES
Level I: Severe breach of conduct
Violations that seriously undermine or threaten the integrity of the NCAA collegiate model as set forth in the Constitution and bylaws, including any violation that provides or is intended to provide a substantial or extensive recruiting, competitive or other advantage, or a substantial or extensive impermissible benefit.
ill give the play by play and color guy a break for homerism, but typical media have one responsibility, really. tell the truth. if you want to lean a little in your programs favor, that's cool. but the card fanboy media burying their collective heads in the sand = ridiculous and shameful.

that's why I still can't understand the hatred for jerry tipton outing the kentucky shame stuff. it happened. he reported it. was he supposed to ignore it and move on, in the same way richie criticizes forde for doing?
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my conspiracy theories on this scandal? they (Jurich & Pitino) have know about this for a while, way before this book began being written. it was a land mine just sitting there waiting to blow up at any second. my proof, they brought back Ralph Willard for a 2nd tour of duty this past offseason. For no other reason than to be an insurance break-glass-if-interim-head-coach-is-needed.

like Mags52 said on his show this morn, almost all this talk is just rearanging deck chairs on the Titanic. Because only 2 things are certain and matter, (1)they are getting HAMMERED by the NCAA, and (2)Pitino will leave, voluntarily or involuntarily, during or right after this season ends.
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