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btw -- richie has an AWFUL record of behaving in the exact same ignorant way that he blasts card fan/floyd st/dirty bird nation/the curious urinal for.

that's the thesis of my argument.
t minus about 2 1/2 hours for a late Fri afternoon news dump

after 4 gonna be on twitter dot com hitting refresh refresh refresh
Seems like a whole lot of folks over at UL are in CYA mode right now - the athletics program, the Foundation, the Board of Trustees. All running separate investigations. I wonder how coordinated they are? Is this a case of everyone trying to be the first to pass blame?
Just read Bozich's column on the start of the issues being 2010 when recruiting pressure started to build up- basically saying Louisville started getting looser with ethics to improve their recruiting. I get that line of thinking and it could be true, but I don't think it's as nefarious or outlandish as some think it is. I think it's a pretty simple explanation:

Pitino at Louisville has recruited a bunch of knuckleheads. There have been constant problems. When you recruit knuckleheads, they're going to do knucklehead things- especially now that their coach is getting older and not the complete control freak he once was stalking the dorms. Plus, the culture in the entire athletic department is complete shit.

I don't think Pitino knew about this shit. I think his grip has loosened with his own personal issues and his old age. That has coincided with his program being littered with entitled idiots who have no respect for anything.

Now, that doesn't make Pitino any less culpable. What works against my theory is the fact that McGee is for some reason setting up recruits with whores even when doesn't work there anymore AND the fact I doubt he's spending his own $$$.
btw -- richie has an AWFUL record of behaving in the exact same ignorant way that he blasts card fan/floyd st/dirty bird nation/the curious urinal for.

that's the thesis of my argument.

WTF are you trying to prove? In a situation like this, we NEED Richie entertaining us by bashing Floyd Street, not defending himself against your bullshit.
I think the Pitino/Jurich relationship took a big hit when Jurich brought back Petrino. If anyone wants to bother to go back and dig up some of Pitino's quotes from back then, it was apparent he was not a fan of that decision. Pitino had to know that bringing Petrino back would open up his past indiscretions for scrutiny again, which he absolutely did not want to revisit and plus I really do think Pitino felt like a guy who had been so disloyal to the athletic department should not be brought back into the fold. It also probably bruised Pitino's ego that he held no sway at all in the process.
There's no way Jones would be in denial if this shit were happening in Lexington.

With football? I agree. I think the question is much more interesting with basketball. I wouldn't say denial but think he would treat it like he treated the BCG non-sense... ignore it for the sake of access/not wanting backlash from fans and then crush him once it's obvious things are too far gone and a move will be/needs to be made.
Pitino at Louisville has recruited a bunch of knuckleheads. There have been constant problems. When you recruit knuckleheads, they're going to do knucklehead things- especially now that their coach is getting older and not the complete control freak he once was stalking the dorms. Plus, the culture in the entire athletic department is complete shit.

Yep. In order to get a top level recruit he had to take a scratch and dent model that Kentucky and Duke really didn't want.
Rick got over the Bobby hiring very quickly.
If you want to build a powerhouse at a Memphis or Louisville, you have to take some chances on character guys. BUT, you better be prepared to be on those dudes and keep them on the straight and narrow. Pitino is over that BS. He's only about coaching now, and, to be honest, he's still really good at it. He obviously doesn't command the fear and respect he once did, and he doesn't care as much about it. #HOTTAKE
Everyone is ignoring the obvious and easiest answer here. Isn't it possible that McGee just knew these women or was dating Katina personally, invited them over as eye candy and chance to meet some recruits but never paid them. Isn't that possible that they were "not working" when the recruits were around.

Maybe McGee was a young assistant and was just trying to show the players that he had connections with women and was cool. Maybe it was just an ego thing for him to show he knew and could get pretty ladies to the dorm. After all, he is still what 27 or 28 ?I know they are prostitutes, but they are normal people and likely were interested in meeting high level "ballers". They may have even dreamed of hooking up with a star, becoming a baby mama and being taken care of.

What is the difference in schools who have a social and inviting some coeds to mix it up and give the recruits a flavor of college life without "paying" for it. Would there be an outcry for investigations if McGee invited some white sorority girls over to meet the recruits or players ? How is that a violation ? Serious question.

These groupie types don't have to be "paid" to show up, I am sure. I played college sports and women throw themselves at you on campus, on recruiting visits because you are a "celebrity". Society does it. They may have very well done it voluntarily and McGee was just trying to show he had "connections" to pretty ladies. Maybe he was dating Katina.

As a friend, maybe he gave her tickets to games, but not in return for sex or prostitutes. I have friends connected with UofL and I have gotten tickets many times to games and sat behind the bench. I didn't have to get paid or have sex with recruits to get those tickets. I just knew someone. I may have a less than desirable occupation but does that mean that I used that to get the tickets ? What is the difference ?
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With football? I agree. I think the question is much more interesting with basketball. I wouldn't say denial but think he would treat it like he treated the BCG non-sense... ignore it for the sake of access/not wanting backlash from fans and then crush him once it's obvious things are too far gone and a move will be/needs to be made.
The Billy G stuff - at least at first - was a whole lot of undocumented rumors and "I heards." I can understand not throwing that stuff out there in detail because it would've been hard to substantiate (at least until the Dana O'Neil expose). But a book backed up by hard evidence and subsequent investigation? That's a different deal entirely, IMO.
I've lurked here for around 7 1/2 years, and I have to say this thread has recently grown from my time-killer to thing I check religiously throughout the day in order read your guy's take.

So for my first post ever, just wanted to say thanks to all the regulars who keep this going strong. Keep up the great work. Also whores.
I think Rick had a pretty damn good idea what was happening. His head couldn't have stayed in the clouds for 4 years. Based on his results, he was a driven maniac to get to that mountain top again. He had his finger pressed forcibly into the pulse of that program to get himself one more run of self-glory. There wasn't anything done without him at least having some knowledge. I have no proof, just gut instinct.
I think Rick had a pretty damn good idea what was happening. His head couldn't have stayed in the clouds for 4 years. Based on his results, he was a driven maniac to get to that mountain top again. He had his finger pressed forcibly into the pulse of that program to get himself one more run of self-glory. There wasn't anything done without him at least having some knowledge. I have no proof, just gut instinct.

Yeah, you may be right. I could be incredibly naive.
I've lurked here for around 7 1/2 years, and I have to say this thread has recently grown from my time-killer to thing I check religiously throughout the day in order read your guy's take.

So for my first post ever, just wanted to say thanks to all the regulars who keep this going strong. Keep up the great work. Also whores.

gfy. fag.

in other news.....what will all of these antics do to the value of 73s kids' teddy bridgewater autograph collection?
Pitino definitely didn't know the details, and definitely left no evidence trail back to himself (besides the word of McGee), but come on - the dude knew. He was either complicit or incompetent, and we all know Rick's only areas of incompetence are in telling the truth, monogamy, and modesty.

He's a control freak who demands everyone do exactly what he said. No way he hadn't given his blessing - at least in general.
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Adidas had to temporarily suspend production of Louisville football jerseys in order to meet the unexpected surge in demand for Behanan Booty Shorts.
Is there something wrong with UofLSheriff? I mean if there is I'll quit making fun of him. There has to be something wrong with him.

It’s important to remain steadfast, together, and with eyes forward on how to make things better. Because that is what a “Louisville Man” does. A “Louisville Man” does not turn his back on other “Louisville Men” in hardship, but there are certainly times when someone can lose the honor of distinction…….but until that time, we remain together. Who better than to lead Louisville now than Rick Pitino? A man who knows precisely how to rise from the ashes burned either by his own hand or by the hand of others…….. “A Louisville Man”.

I'd be shocked if Pitino knew these parties were getting 7th st hookers. Granted they've turned a blind eye to guys that held up Mini Marts, guys that eat weed, guys that beat up old dudes, gals the film soft core porn at the stadium, drug addicts, Kevin Ware/Chain, Chris Jones, heroin addicts. So who knows what was all ignored.

Someone else knew something and that's what's really being missed. If/when Blakeney talks, that confirms this was setup well after McGee was gone. That rendesvous is the one with the most evidence, a current player, a receipt, text messages to both McGee and players ALL while McGee is out of the state and has been for over a year. So who made that call? Someone mentioned it earlier but probably a "how'd it go last night... everyone have a good time?" *winkwink*

The Lyle thing opens the case up for the NCAA to really put pressure on Blankeney.
Blakeney probably already admitted it as well in his interview, but since it's LSU basketball, no one even knows who the kid is to go up and ask him about what he said.
I just used your own smell-test, WCC. That's all I have to go on.

DeCourcy seems to be all-in that Rick knew nothing, quoting Mick Cronin. Cronin is also going on 93.9 today to give an interview.

So glad I didn't go to his coaching clinic now!
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I always thought the Pitino/Petrino issue had much to do with Rick's lack of self-awareness. Rick thinks Bobby is a sleazeball and thought he and Jurich were of the same mind. I don't think it occurred to him that Bobby would make his job any harder or bring unnecessary attention from the NCAA, just that he looks down at Petrino for his mistakes while thinking his sins with Sypher aren't anyone's business and that he's the victim. I think he thought Jurich only kept "Good guys" like him around and made him less special when Tom brought Bobby back.
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Just astounding to read someone's insanity spewed out in a free flow

We’ve all heard it before, what it means to be a “Louisville Man” or a “Louisville Woman”.

It’s a source of pride. A “Louisville Man” does the right thing. He’s honest. He does what he needs to do. He loves his family, he takes pride in his work, he attempts to make himself better EVERY DAY. A “Louisville Man” has integrity, he displays his ethics, he is honorable. A “Louisville Man” is not perfect, but he strives to be.

Also being a “Louisville Man” means that when you mess up, you pay up. Louisville’s fan base is not “Win At All Costs”. In fact, we are a quite patient as a group….another quality of a “Louisville Man” we don’t live in a microwave society.

As a c/o 2004 University of Louisville College of Business graduate I take a great amount of pride in my school. Like many of you, I’ve spent a great deal of time, effort, and energy following Cardinal Athletics and supporting the school’s efforts to become one of the nation’s preeminent universities…..and as an alumnus we don’t deserve this. But sometimes bad things happen, people make bad decisions, people we love sometimes disappoint us. But we aren’t “Louisville Men” without forgiveness and the ability to evolve & learn. We’ve been here since 1798 and god-willing we’ll be here another 217 years…..better than ever.

This is our school…….but people work here. The University of Louisville’s leadership is chosen by us and we’ve selected the best. James Ramsey & Tom Jurich. Neither are Cardinals by birthright or diploma but they’ve built the foundation of success that the Louisville Alumni and community at large have enjoyed at Louisville over the past 13-18 years. They are “Louisville Men” now as they ever were.

Rick Pitino coined the term “One Day Contract” with an emphasis on making every day count….even bad days. It’s important to remain steadfast, together, and with eyes forward on how to make things better. Because that is what a “Louisville Man” does. A “Louisville Man” does not turn his back on other “Louisville Men” in hardship, but there are certainly times when someone can lose the honor of distinction…….but until that time, we remain together. Who better than to lead Louisville now than Rick Pitino? A man who knows precisely how to rise from the ashes burned either by his own hand or by the hand of others…….. “A Louisville Man”.

As for the piling on. This is a tough time for UofL. News outlets, radio shows, magazines, bloggers, and rival fans will take full opportunity to use this time to take their shots…..justified or for sport. It’s important as “Louisville Men” to not reduce ourselves to the lowest common denominator or to become reactionary in a microwave, headline-driven society.

The University of Louisville has come through a great many of challenges and the principles remain the same. As ever Louisville Men pay their debts, take their medicine and move forward with honesty, pride and character.

Louisville Athletics, We’re Focused on Ourselves and “We’re Still Miles Ahead.”

Louisville First, Cards Forever.

Oh and I'm pretty sure noone has ever said "Louisville Woman". Like, ever, anywhere, anytime.
Louisville Athletics, We’re Focused on Ourselves and “We’re Still Miles Ahead.”

Focused on yourselves with a shot at UK in the same sentence. Got it, Louisville Man.
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