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Damn. He really might not survive this. All the local hacks are piling on now. Now I'm curious as to whether or not they have Jurich's blessing to run with all these pieces.

Of course they have his blessing. He's been pulling the strings with the local media for years, no way they would go against him now. I'm convinced they are all in CYA mode and Tomma holds all the cards.

I fully expect to see a press conference within the next few weeks where good ole Jurich stands in front of the cameras and says something along the lines of "Today Coach Pitino has offered his letter of resignation and it is with a heavy heart that I have accepted it. We, along with President Ramsey, feel like this is the best course of action in order to move forward from this unfortunate situation. I'd like to personally thank Rick for everything he has given to the University during his time here and wish him the best going forward"........the whole time smiling on the inside because he won't have to take any responsibility because the President doesn't have the balls to clean house
I wouldn't hold your breath on that. In the past 15 years, he has demonstrated that he doesn't know a thing about dignity or selflessness.

Rick Pitino believes the world revolves around Rick Pitino. The laws, morals, ethics and standards that others must abide by just don't apply to him. As usual, he believes he's the victim in this whole mess.

Your absolutely right about Pitino, but anything from UL right now including Pitino is planned and they are aware of what each other are going to say. Crisis Management is in place, and they are saying enough to go a couple different directions depending on things they aren't sure of yet.

A price tag has been agreed upon if worse case Pitino has to be fired to end this onslaught.
I'll tell you who the biggest idiot is, McGee. His attorney is the attorney for the university of Louisville. He might think he has the same vested interest as UL, but cox is going to tell him what to do based on what's best for UL.
He needs other representation other than one of Jurichs cronies.
I'm definitely getting my hopes up for some serious retroactive and future punishment for UL. They probably will get something similar to Syracuse, but I can't help but imagine a serious Lack of Institutional Control ruling with a banner coming down. Unlikely, but it sounds so good

To piggyback off of Chase, if anyone seriously investigated UL's athletic department finances there would nothing off of the table as far as punishments go
I'll tell you who the biggest idiot is, McGee. His attorney is the attorney for the university of Louisville. He might think he has the same vested interest as UL, but cox is going to tell him what to do based on what's best for UL.
He needs other representation other than one of Jurichs cronies.

Had that same thought earlier. Even looked for the video of Deangelo asking for his own lawyer that Stringer wasn't paying but couldn't find it. As long as he has local counsel paid for by Louisville, he won't give the NCAA shit and Louisville still has some control over him.
I'll tell you who the biggest idiot is, McGee. His attorney is the attorney for the university of Louisville. He might think he has the same vested interest as UL, but cox is going to tell him what to do based on what's best for UL.
He needs other representation other than one of Jurichs cronies.

That is exactly like when I was going through my divorce and my ex suggested we use the same lawyer to "save on expenses". What the eff ever. I used my own attorney, LegalBeagle, and came out smelling like a rose. Good god McGee is stupid for someone with a Masters (according to Rick anyway)
I'll tell you who the biggest idiot is, McGee. His attorney is the attorney for the university of Louisville. He might think he has the same vested interest as UL, but cox is going to tell him what to do based on what's best for UL.
He needs other representation other than one of Jurichs cronies.
Yeah. Probably so. The whole city has already turned on him. Which probably isn't a wise decision. That dude could blow that whole place up by linking Pitino to it. If he talks... absolutely no one is safe over there. Pitino, Jurich, Ramsey.

BTW, IU just kicked a frat off campus today for almost this exact same stuff.
Of course they have his blessing. He's been pulling the strings with the local media for years, no way they would go against him now. I'm convinced they are all in CYA mode and Tomma holds all the cards.

I fully expect to see a press conference within the next few weeks where good ole Jurich stands in front of the cameras and says something along the lines of "Today Coach Pitino has offered his letter of resignation and it is with a heavy heart that I have accepted it. We, along with President Ramsey, feel like this is the best course of action in order to move forward from this unfortunate situation. I'd like to personally thank Rick for everything he has given to the University during his time here and wish him the best going forward"........the whole time smiling on the inside because he won't have to take any responsibility because the President doesn't have the balls to clean house
No. He's not having Bozich put out articles accusing the culture of the program starting in 2010. They are going to focus on this being a recent issue and 1 rogue coach. Again, they're not going to to do anything they can help that might tarnish 13.
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Honestly, why wouldn't McGee talk at this point? His career is over anyway, and he's been thrown under the bus by HOFCRP, and every Louisville fan in existence hates him. If he can point the finger higher up in order to take some heat off of himself, he's going to do it. No one falls on the sword when the person they are being loyal to is trashing them.

The only reason he may not talk is so that he doesn't incriminate himself and manage to get charged with a crime.
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No. He's not having Bozich put out articles like that. that's accusing the culture of the program starting in 2010. They are going to focus on this being a recent issue and 1 rogue coach. Again, they're not going to to do anything they can help that might tarnish 13.

I'm not so sure they are worried about '13 because the NCAA has shown before they won't strip a banner (Duke, probably UNC) but I do think they are all in CYA going forward.

I think at this point they are more concerned with what do they need to do going forward that will cause the least amount of pain as far as the bb program is concerned and because of the allegations it won't be some low man on the totem pole like McGee that will have to take the fall. I think Rick is going to the odd man out between the big 3
So what other cases did they have locked up like this that involved a title? KU x2, UNLV, Syracuse. Really the two KU were the worst. Those happened pretty close to the title. Stripping a title 10 years later is pretty weak and this coming from a dude that wishes biblical shit on Syracuse. UNLV was after the season or after the title with the picture.

I mean if they implicate Behanan or he's the one talking... what choice do they have?
Also, it's not just Bozich. The Underdogs today pretty much were calling for Rick to resign on 790 if any of this came to light. Terry Meiners, a self admitted friend of Rick's, hit him pretty hard today on 840 and I'd bet Jurich wouldn't have let that happen if he didn't want to with both stations

As long as we're posting video clips, I've been thinking about this one all day. The three amigos are having fun firing their guns in the air, riding around, just like Louisville fans with their jilted lover and hacked phone theories. Then Steve Martin getting shot is like the Lyle report.

"Umm... This is real."

"What's that?"

"This... All of it... This is real."

(Everyone immediately starts weeping openly.)
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Last post iI swear

McGee will say as much as he needs to not seem a liar and to save UL as much as he can. For that reason Cox is the best attorney for now since UL is not supposed to talk to him.

As UK fans all we need is more recruits to come out causing the NCAA to keep digging. Eventually a stone will be turned with some filthy dirt under it. But McGee won't give it up because for now he is only going to say what he absolutely has to in order to cover him and UL as much as possible.

There is a lot of dirt and it isn't all going to come from McGee, and if the flood gates open McGee isn't even necessary so that's why he isn't telling all.
So what other cases did they have locked up like this that involved a title? KU x2, UNLV, Syracuse. Really the two KU were the worst. Those happened pretty close to the title. Stripping a title 10 years later is pretty weak and this coming from a dude that wishes biblical shit on Syracuse. UNLV was after the season or after the title with the picture.

I mean if they implicate Behanan or he's the one talking... what choice do they have?

You are right in that if the NCAA is going back +/- 10 years then no they probably aren't and haven't stripped one. If Chane is found to be a part of it, or even Montrezl, then of course they would have the ability to take it away but if getting a loan 100,000 necklace isn't enough to do it why would a cheap hooker be enough?

Don't get me wrong, if the allegations are proven, and it involves players from the 13 team then of course they should have the 'ship taken away. I just don't see it happening
Does anybody else think that Tomma's relative silence the last few days speaks volumes? No coming out in defense of his coach or the program?

The president comes out with his "statement" and basically shields Jurich but no one on the Administration side has said anything publicly regarding Rick? Writing on the wall?
Shew. Rutherford cleared it up.

It was just girls dancing in bathing suits.... that got kind of naked... that the players threw more than $100 at... but then they just went out like a normal night... but McGee never paid "her" and if this is true WHICH IT IS... this is all much to do about nothing... only happened this one time.

Glad that's all cleared up so we can focus on Auburn week.
So you guys are saying just because she dances go go, that DOES make her a ho, yes?

Whoah. Gotta go rethink some things...
The people selling this UK documentary* are the real winners of this situation. Is there anything that can put any bad feelings about a 38 win, Final Four season into perspective better than a major, ridiculous scandal for your biggest rival?
Also, whores.

*still not buying it
McGee's career is over no matter what and the whore financiers will provide hush money severance as long as he stays in line with their lawyer's instructions.

A payoff and jail is better than no payoff and probably still jail.
I'll tell you this much, I don't know all the details, but I know God is behind all this. First off, even Gyero couldn't make this up, and secondly, the best part is the slow death angle. Everyday a little more comes out. Each day is a new gift.
I'm waking up with more vigor than BBDK at an above ground pool convention. Please Lord make tomorrow as good as today.
The most telling thing here is that none of this is surprising. It's not like the cops finding a bunch of bodies under some dudes house and all the family, neighbors and friends say stuff like:

"I can't believe Bob did this he seemed like a really great guy, family man, a pillar of the community. I'm just shocked that he would murder all those whores."

Nah this is like the dude who drives around the neighborhood in an ice cream truck all the parents tell the kids to stay away from, lives with his mom in a run down looking shack who is a nice little old lady who mysteriously no one has seen in some time and he looks a lot like that one dude from the Burbs:

When the cops find the bodies at his house everyone says "I KNEW IT!"
A nice read for a Friday :100points:

The University of Louisville has a serious problem. It is bigger than any potential NCAA sanctions, and far more disturbing than the prospect of Rick Pitino getting suspended. The school’s athletic department is teaching its male athletes that women can be used and discarded.

That’s not in an official handbook, but look: The basketball program’s former director of operations, Andre McGee, has been accused of setting players and recruits up with prostitutes. The school can try to paint McGee as a rogue employee acting on his own, but let’s remember who coaches the football team: Bobby Petrino, who was fired by Arkansas for hiring his mistress, then lying about it. Most schools would not go near Petrino. Louisville welcomed him home.

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