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Damn, made my last post without reading what preceded it. Sorry to interrupt the Saturday Night Blitzkrieg with the pleasant upside of marriage.

Also, I guess I wasn't aware of the backstory, but it was fun to read.
Marry a girl who, 26 years later, notices that Spinal Tap is on cable, records it for you, then watches it with you.

If doesn’t always work. My son took to sleep training, dream feeding, and my wife set subsequent longer timers to nurse him, wait, rock him, wait, pat his back, and he was trained no problem.

We’ve done all the same stuff with my daughter, you can set all of the scientifically ideal timers you want and follow every action and philosophy to the second. We don’t go get her anymore she just screams and we have a white noise machine cranked in our room, I have Bluetooth sleepmask, and if the house burns and we all die so be it.

We went over this the last time you criticized my modestly-sized 1920’s home and you always take the bait. So here’s a refresher: You chose a women’s profession. Failed as a provider for your family. And your father-in-law had to step in and make sure his daughter and grandkids were provided for by setting you up with an assumedly inflated salary to manage the cleaning of human shit and death for a living.

If your FIL lurks GYERO and wants to criticize my home, income, on track college funds, zero debt, and furniture choices: Please help him login and I’ll take it in good humor.

Otherwise, you have no standing to criticize any man, let alone a GYERO man.

Stick to contemplating what it means to not be the man of the house in your own home and keep my furniture choices out of your posts. TIA

The reality is that you eventually give in and do absolutely whatever they want if it gets you a decent nights sleep. Let them into your bed, sleep in your recliner, sleep on the roof...whatever, just let me have 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
I picked a good day to visit. I usually get anywhere from 30-50 pages behind, and only catch up on the last 4-5. Bravo, Joey. That was scathing.

I would wish everyone well, but this is GYERO, so everyone is doing amazingly well, fully funding their retirement plans, keeping their cars maintained and tires rotated, taking a nice vacation every few months, all the yards look crisp, jobs are going well and we’re all rolling in dough, etc. Keep it up.

I’ll see my way out for another month or so.
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I picked a good day to visit. I usually get anywhere from 30-50 pages behind, and only catch up on the last 4-5. Bravo, Joey. That was scathing.

I would wish everyone well, but this is GYERO, so everyone is doing amazingly well, fully funding their retirement plans, keeping their cars maintained and tires rotated, taking a nice vacation every few months, all the yards look crisp, jobs are going well and we’re all rolling in dough, etc. Keep it up.

I’ll see my way out for another month or so.

Lemme know when you wanna go burn up the roads in that new Porsche of yours:100points:
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My favorite part was that it was preceded by parenting advice.

" the ice will sooth the teething pain and give the child a sensory stimulation that helps with frontal lobe development. Now that being said, let me direct my attention to my friend Bucket over here. Ahem... FIRST OFF, F*** YO B*TCH AND THE CLIQUE YOU CLAIM...
-Just really have it all dialed in right now and it feels good. Up at 6:30, gym at 8, yoga at 10:30, poolside staring up at the sun between the palm fronds while the DJ is playing some relaxed tunes now before I head into work in a bit, sling a few drinks for few hours and call it a night. Scavenger Hunt is going to crush this week Friday and Saturday, slip maybe 3 bar shifts in there, that’s a solid week. Good groove right now.
If doesn’t always work. My son took to sleep training, dream feeding, and my wife set subsequent longer timers to nurse him, wait, rock him, wait, pat his back, and he was trained no problem.

We’ve done all the same stuff with my daughter, you can set all of the scientifically ideal timers you want and follow every action and philosophy to the second. We don’t go get her anymore she just screams and we have a white noise machine cranked in our room, I have Bluetooth sleepmask, and if the house burns and we all die so be it.

We went over this the last time you criticized my modestly-sized 1920’s home and you always take the bait. So here’s a refresher: You chose a women’s profession. Failed as a provider for your family. And your father-in-law had to step in and make sure his daughter and grandkids were provided for by setting you up with an assumedly inflated salary to manage the cleaning of human shit and death for a living.

If your FIL lurks GYERO and wants to criticize my home, income, on track college funds, zero debt, and furniture choices: Please help him login and I’ll take it in good humor.

Otherwise, you have no standing to criticize any man, let alone a GYERO man.

Stick to contemplating what it means to not be the man of the house in your own home and keep my furniture choices out of your posts. TIA

Earlier post withdrawn.
It was a good post but most of it was factually wrong.
-Advanced Placement teacher with a pass rate well above the national average. Department chair.
-Moved on, have been fighting since 2013 to keep a family business alive after a general manager embezzled a million dollars and almost shut the company doors. We employ around 30 full time employees and provide a lot of income to many more tradesmen. The nasty stuff is just a small % of the business.
-Joey is 36 and looks 46 and is pretty much the only one in the thread that constantly reminds people of his profession (Boat doesn’t count).
-I’ve got a 4 year head start on him but have already funded one kid into college and the other one won’t have to worry either. He is right now pretty much where I was when I was 30. But hey, one day he can get out of the $200K house and move on to bigger things. More telling that a mattress crack was able to set someone off.
Queen Bed because I was newly divorced when I bought it for the house I just bought and was furnishing, and thought King was just overkill. So, #TeamJoey.
-i honestly want all my internet friends to be successful in life. Dogging people for stupid takes/shitty taste/idiosyncrasies is funny. Talking down to people about your perception of their "station" is bullshit. Besides, there is always someone out there with a bigger paycheck/trust fund...worrying about that stuff is toxic.

-nice lil over 40 pickup basketball tonight. I miss playing sports.

-ruby's soft opening last night was cool. The dude is way over-the-top and a bit too bombastic for my taste...but having the vendors/contractors in for a free dinner was really kind/generous. Ive built a lot of restaurants and this doesnt happen often. Enjoyed watching my guys who had never experienced such a place get the perk.

-happy easter.
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So your wife actually uses the rest of the bed? We really only need full size as the rest is just keeping up with the jones, and space for the kid.
-i honestly want all my internet friends to be successful in life. Dogging people for stupid takes/shitty taste/idiosyncrasies is funny. Talking down to people about your perception of their "station" is bullshit. Besides, there is always someone out there with a bigger paycheck/trust fund...worrying about that stuff is toxic.
I'll agree with that, but what we saw was what happens when a guy with a plastic knife makes a move on a guy packing a semi-automatic. The other guy made the first move.
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Looking back on it, I would probably trade living in the greatest city in the world for eight years with getting a solid start on the home ownership ladder of metro Louisville, KY. And carrying a mortgage we can easily afford on a house we like isn’t worth it. The pot shots from The Jones’ are too much to bear.

And, if I were a failed AP teacher/department chair (?) or custodial manager: I wouldn’t remind people of my job either. So, I get that.

Finally, the mattress crack didn’t set me off. The poseur making it set me off. I like to get things “apples to apples.” In this case, almost all of us are “apples,” and I won’t stand for be needled by an “orange” who’s not even in the arena.

BTW: My daughter slept through the night last night, 8pm-8am, longer than our son ever did.

Happy Easter!
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So when are you guys going to meet up and fight? If I can’t be there in person, I’m going to need one of you rascals to film it, in landscape of course.
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