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Sleep deprivation can be scary, especially if you’re like me and always got a solid 8-9 hours per night before kids.

After my first child was born I used to “snap out of it” and be somewhere that I don’t even remember going. Like I’d be in a room and not remember going into, or even be at work and not remember leaving the house.
We have caved with everyone of our boys and just let them sleep in our bed. I’ve considered buying a second king size for the spare room and just “give” them our room.

Deal was if they sleep in our bed then don’t bother me at all because I was against it and offered to get up every other time or night if they stayed in their crib.

Getting the other 2 out of our bed at 3 wasn’t so bad either. Placed a mattress in the floor for 2 weeks then moved them to their room.
Shout out to dads in safari hat, cargo shorts and Keens at the National Mall. Those guys are next level dad.
The San Antonio Spurs are just :joy:

They have 2 players I have ever heard of that start, and some cast off bench players. Still they are up 2-1 on a 3 seed that is one of the highest scoring teams this year, or at least are known to explode offensively.

Popovich man! That guy is flat out a genius basketball mind.
I’m playing some tunes on the portable speakers and my wife comes in from the other room and asks if I was playing a George Strait song. Nope honey, that’s Cody Jinks.

I was laughed outta the thread last summer for suggesting their voices are similar. . . and I should have been - they’re sound is wildly different from each other.

But that’s just weird that someone else heard “something” that sounded like George. They’re both baritones I guess? No idea.
I recently paid a trainer 3 figs to come to my house and tell me to growl at my furchild.

Also was told we should not let him sleep in bed.

Lass cried, when I tried to implement and now he sleeps on our heads.

My daughter (just turned 2) wakes up every night to scream for a bit (angry, not sad - sounds like her throat should be bleeding) somewhere between 12:15am and 1:30am. She goes through rounds of calling out for people to come get her: my wife, my mom, me, my dad, etc. She’s skipped maybe 15 days of doing that (all-time) until the last month or so where she’s gotten better.

So, I go to bed around 1:45am every night, after she’s back asleep. Otherwise, if I go to bed around 11pm and she wakes me up screaming like that after an hour of sleep, I am very, very pissed and definitely want to toss her crib into the creek out back. I think it makes me the most viscerally angry that I’ve ever been. It’s a “fool me once,” situation.

Then I wake up multiple times between 4am-7am as the kids and my wife get up. After they go downstairs, I essentially take a nap around 7:15, wake up at 8:15, and head into work fresh as a daisy around 9am. Haha.

I have a four year-old, two-year old, terrier, and a wife that doesn’t have any “court awareness” for her “half” of the bed. But at least it’s a Queen, so we’re pretty set.
Yeah, King bed is a necessity. 100% if you cohabitate, maybe even for those who don't.

Wife and I started out in a Queen bed for a few years, and seemed fine at the time. Now if we're at a hotel or staying with friends and have to sleep in a Queen, it might as well be a lily pad.

I thought my daughter was a bad sleeper because she’d wake up wanting a bottle twice a night until she was about 9 months old. Makes me a little nervous for the second one. I can’t imagine having a kid sleeping in our bed or waking up screaming regularly.
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My boys never really had issues sleeping in their rooms. My daughter tho. She usually falls asleep in her bed but makes her way down to my room around 3am every night. But it’s cool because she’s so pretty and my favorite
My daughter (just turned 2) wakes up every night to scream for a bit (angry, not sad - sounds like her throat should be bleeding) somewhere between 12:15am and 1:30am. She goes through rounds of calling out for people to come get her: my wife, my mom, me, my dad, etc. She’s skipped maybe 15 days of doing that (all-time) until the last month or so where she’s gotten better.

So, I go to bed around 1:45am every night, after she’s back asleep. Otherwise, if I go to bed around 11pm and she wakes me up screaming like that after an hour of sleep, I am very, very pissed and definitely want to toss her crib into the creek out back. I think it makes me the most viscerally angry that I’ve ever been. It’s a “fool me once,” situation.

Then I wake up multiple times between 4am-7am as the kids and my wife get up. After they go downstairs, I essentially take a nap around 7:15, wake up at 8:15, and head into work fresh as a daisy around 9am. Haha.

I have a four year-old, two-year old, terrier, and a wife that doesn’t have any “court awareness” for her “half” of the bed. But at least it’s a Queen, so we’re pretty set.

Jesus ****in Christ.

Where's the text embedded link to some shit no one clicks on or gives a shit about?
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I can’t imagine having a kid sleeping in our bed or waking up screaming regularly.

That’s the point, they don’t wake up at all, at least not to the point of crying and screaming because you are there whether you wake up or not. They feel you there and go right back to sleep.

To each their own because as much as I fought it and complained, doing that one thing has avoided several sleepless night or any sleep deprivation at all.
That’s the point, they don’t wake up at all, at least not to the point of crying and screaming because you are there whether you wake up or not. They feel you there and go right back to sleep.

To each their own because as much as I fought it and complained, doing that one thing has avoided several sleepless night or any sleep deprivation at all.
If doesn’t always work. My son took to sleep training, dream feeding, and my wife set subsequent longer timers to nurse him, wait, rock him, wait, pat his back, and he was trained no problem.

We’ve done all the same stuff with my daughter, you can set all of the scientifically ideal timers you want and follow every action and philosophy to the second. We don’t go get her anymore she just screams and we have a white noise machine cranked in our room, I have Bluetooth sleepmask, and if the house burns and we all die so be it.


Queen size bed?
We went over this the last time you criticized my modestly-sized 1920’s home and you always take the bait. So here’s a refresher: You chose a women’s profession. Failed as a provider for your family. And your father-in-law had to step in and make sure his daughter and grandkids were provided for by setting you up with an assumedly inflated salary to manage the cleaning of human shit and death for a living.

If your FIL lurks GYERO and wants to criticize my home, income, on track college funds, zero debt, and furniture choices: Please help him login and I’ll take it in good humor.

Otherwise, you have no standing to criticize any man, let alone a GYERO man.

Stick to contemplating what it means to not be the man of the house in your own home and keep my furniture choices out of your posts. TIA
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