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- The idea of Pitino being completely surprised by finding out about not one, but the two most egregious scandals in college basketball this millennium just cracks me up. How flabbergasted he must have been. Oh how he must have looked deep inside himself questioning three bad hires in 5 years. If only he would have NOT hired morally bankrupt rogues who were hellbent on running his program into the ground. Poor Rick.

- Cards fans are buying Pitino’s bullshit hook, line and sinker shockingly.

- Adam Silver can GF. For how super smart he’s supposed to be, his OAD commentary is absolutely bogus.

And these CBB fans who want the end of OAD, oh yeah, it’ be awesome NEVER getting to see the likes of Davis, Wall, Durant, etc in a college uniform. Would really help our game.
Kentucky fans, for all of our stupidity, would at least understand if we had to fire Cal for something similar. Now, plenty would say, "IDGAF I still want him...but I know why they had to fire him."

Louisville trash is full on North Korea. "Glorious Rick Pitino and TOM bring record breaking bountiful harvest for 1000th year in a row! Also 18 holes in one!"
Ricky P being in situations enough times in which he needs to take a polygraph, that he has his own polygraph guy, is a portion of the story that needs more attention.
Like having your loyal assistant marry the woman you knocked up and he had to drive to the abortion clinic? <---- How that gets glossed over is amazing to me. The most psycho disgusting thing he's ever done.
Adidas going to file a 3rd Party complaint against Coach 1 and bring him in?


Or motion to dismiss for failure to join indispenable party, and make Rick bring him in?
Generally not a Chris from Richmond guy, but his call to Deener this morning was exceptional. :clap:.

Also, a mentally stable UofL fan called in and shared that while watching his interview last night, he found himself not believing Pitino anymore, and for the first time he realized how everyone else saw/heard him over the years. He couldn't believe how detested he was by him and just how full of shit he actually was. I imagine there's going to be a lot more of that moving forward.
And these CBB fans who want the end of OAD, oh yeah, it’ be awesome NEVER getting to see the likes of Davis, Wall, Durant, etc in a college uniform. Would really help our game.
The faux moral outrage of these people is moronic. The real reason they want OAD to end because they mistakenly think that without it Kentucky and Duke would stop getting the best players available.
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Fall is Life Randos:

-The Wu Tang album is indeed awesome -- sounds like it was discovered from a lost crate from '1993. Easily one of the best hip hop albums in years.

-Boogie/Davis combine for 61 & 28...and they lose. Expect to see that a *bunch* this season, but I think they'll figure it out.

NBA has so many loaded (or fun) rosters this year.

-Making my world famous gumbyfied knocta-smoked Chili this weekend for a little cook-off. Assuming the judges aren't simpletons, I will coast to the Grand Prize.

-New :golf: whip being delivered today, finally getting rid of that big red monster.


Thinking white or black seat covers.

-The Jurich news was breaking on TV last night at the club bar before Men's League. It was like a funeral in there. Good times tho w/ all the UK fans winking, smirking, nodding to each other in amusement. Split is probably around 65/35 up there if I had to guess, but we have a solid group of Blue.

-Vegas in 2 weeks [cheers] Plan to hit the Westgate SuperBook for the kates/rebs, still never made it over there.

-Pumped about a Football Saturday at home w/ UK playing, followed by some prime games. 1st (and last) of the season.

-Finally got to see Actors Theater's Dracula last Saturday, and it was great. Solid little date night if you haven't seen it yet. Always amazed at the scope of what the smaller productions are able to do with such a small stage.

-Underrated Life Annoyances that *really* piss me off, Vol 8 ----> When you get a shitty gas pump that keeps clicking off. :uzi::uzi::uzi:

-This weather is the absolute shit :fire::fire::fire: Hope some of you are miserable, depressed, and freezing to death.
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He hasn't said anything other than his bosses made him apologize back when he was pulled off the air.
Steve Spurrier is awful on TV and radio. Biggest disparity between my expectations for a former coach/athlete in media and their actual performance.

He makes me want to take a second look at this CTE stuff
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Ricky P being in situations enough times in which he needs to take a polygraph, that he has his own polygraph guy, is a portion of the story that needs more attention.
My favorite part was Pitino's claim that the polygraph examiner somehow ran the show and refused Pitino's request to ask a question about cheating to get players in the past. Ummm, no Mr. Pitino ---> that's not how a polygraph service works. Since you're the paying customer, generally you get to dictate which questions are asked.

Also, nobody ever really "passes" or "fails" a polygraph. I'd bet a shiney dollar that it took the polygraph examiner several rounds of asking the same set of questions before they were able to get answers that didn't show signs of deception.
It’s not the written report that’s good about a polygraph exam, it’s the video recordings of the pre- and post-test interviews where you find the real gold.

And those don’t exist in this case since it was a private test for a client.
If there is an out of order pump at the station it is a mortal lock that is the one I will pull up to first.
Coaches' poll...

1 Duke
2 Michigan St
3 Kansas
4 Kentucky
5 Arizona
6 Villanova
7 Florida
8 Wichita St.
9 North Carolina
10 West Virginia
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