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Asheville was fine enough. Lots of breweries in walking distance of one another. Cherokee casina right down the road. Negative: only skrip club in town is in a pole barn and that's probably the nicest part about it. Ended up in Greenville, SC at 1 AM.

10/10 would go again.
Appreciate the rec Rogue, guess it was an off day. Ish happens.

I didn't have big expectations going in. Have never really been a fan of the Carolina way (vinegar based sass.)

Nothing has ever even sniffed Franklin's in Austin for me. That place is holy ground.
Cannot wait to get back to Nashville next month. Anyone heading over to the Vandy game with an extra let me know, my 2 buddies I'm going with have no desire to go to the game so I'm rolling up solo.
- Had a fun long weekend in the Wilmington area. I normally openly protest all weddings but it was good for the lass to spend some time with her family she doesn’t get to see much. Solid people. Add in a half day at the beach followed up by the evening on the Riverwalk and it was a solid trip (live band playing 90’s grunge covers on the river made things even better).

- Did cause me to miss my 2nd home game in the last 18 years. Weird feeling not being there. Didn’t like it.

- On the way down I stopped at a gas station outside of Knoxville… where a total stranger approached me as I was pumping gas and asked me to watch her newborn baby while she went in the store. Knoxville is weird.

- Very much on Chad’s side when it comes to sports media. The ability to criticize/analyze/pass judgment on others while having zero self-awareness is astounding.

- 5-1
I'm visiting the greatest place on earth tomorrow.

I'm leaving the high falutin north suburbs of columbus and driving south through Dayton on the way to sweet Lexington. It's our annual college reunion trip. Former roommate and good buddy bought the Paddock after we all graduated so I'm sure we'll be drinking heavily there wishing our buddy bought a bar that had hotter chicks. Friday is a rally and all day fest at keeneland and wherever at night, and then Saturday we'll all hate ourselves and feel like death by about 8 PM. Can't wait. :cool2:
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


A relatively rare, but dramatic, side effect associated with trazodone is priapism, likely due to its antagonism at α-adrenergic receptors.[29] More than 200 cases have been reported, and the manufacturer estimated that the incidence of any abnormal erectile function is about one in 6,000 male patients treated with trazodone. The risk for this side effect appears to be greatest during the first month of treatment at low dosages (i.e. <150 mg/day). Early recognition of any abnormal erectile function is important, including prolonged or inappropriate erections, and should prompt discontinuation of trazodone treatment. Clinical reports have also described trazodone-associated psychosexual side effects in women, including increased libido, priapism of the clitoris, and spontaneous orgasms.[28][30]
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-Just found out my bank doesn't offer construction loans. Any good reasons for why a bank would take themselves out of that market of business?

-Last week on vacation I lost my only set of keys to my work truck at some point some where. After getting a quote from the dealership of $200 I found a spot in Middletown that cut 2 keys for $50. A cheaper locksmith is the name of the company and I was legit surprised at the amount of business took place in the 20 minutes I was there.

- Per cub fans: Arieta sucks for the Cubs and this series is going five. [eyeroll]

Maybe, but a run scored on an error by the shortstop would be the reason.

- Soluna Massage in Fern Creek has been fantastic the 4 times I've been there.

- If Louisville landed a NBA team now, would UK fan support it if Cal accepted an offer to coach them?
-We talking happy ending massage places?

-my step-daughters boyfriend of 2-3 months got himself killed while motorcycling. Thank god she had a tonsillectomy last week or she could have been on there (though I would forbid her to ride on the back of a motorcycle but you can't stop kids). So that has made for a horrible fall break.

-SAE...find the Aaron Franklin brisket videos on YouTube. Pick up a prime brisket at Costco. Knowing how to trim a packer is one of the biggest challenges.
Speaking of happy ending massages, Lexington police must be cracking down on them. Over the last couple months I’ve had detectives request open records about 5 different massage parlors.
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:joy: So what areas of Louisville are acceptable for women to rub on a man who is only covered by a towel?

- Yea I get it, but considering every other bank offers them then wouldn't you need to, to compete? I left Chase for holding my paypal deposits for a full 5 days on an transfer after selling my mortgage to Stockyards, and now I'll be leaving a credit union.
Not harsh at all. Just expect those I do business with to offer services I need. They don't so I will go where someone does.

I'm in sales and I have to meet expectations or lose business.

Pretty simple, IMO!

(your an idiot, krazykats)

Well this was disappointing. Ribs were tough as shoe leather. Amateur

Smoked potato salad was good.

Should have got a salad.
Tupelo Honey. Listen to me next time you're in that area. Lived down in that neck of the woods for six years.

Wodie and UKIgnored73 still thinking I care what they think about my posting is lol.
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If you get your keys made at the dealership then you deserve to be ripped off. They mostly sub back to a locksmith anyway.
- Per cub fans: Arieta sucks for the Cubs and this series is going five. [eyeroll]

Maybe, but a run scored on an error by the shortstop would be the reason.
Like when everyone blamed Bartman when really Alex Gonzalez flubbed a routine double play? I understand though, plenty of stupid Cubs fans because they only watch baseball like 4 games a year.
Uhh I'm genuinely sorry the GOP is solely responsible for ruining the relationship with your dad but I was merely coming from what I read on GYERO.

I went to a liberal arts college and a lot of my friends are bleeding hearts. It's whatever. I can debate with them. I don't lose my ish.

Hell. Full disclosure I prolly align most with wildcatadam politically but he really sucks too so you can take your birds of a feather BS and stick it up your ass.
Uhh I'm genuinely sorry the GOP is solely responsible for ruining the relationship with your dad but I was merely coming from what I read on GYERO.

I went to a liberal arts college and a lot of my friends are bleeding hearts. It's whatever. I can debate with them. I don't lose my ish.

Hell. Full disclosure I prolly align most with wildcatadam politically but he really sucks too so you can take your birds of a feather BS and stick it up your ass.
You have friends who are liberals in real life, you identify with adam, but he sucks, for some reason you come from what you read in gyero, and you went to a type of college that has the word liberal in it. I don't know what that random assortment of vaguely related facts is supposed to prove, but [thumb2].
Pretty devastating blow for drxman, being in a foreign land for only a limited amount of time, and only one real shot at dining glory, only to be disappointed and walk away unsatisfied.

Food rec fail.
Rec harder, bro.

Fortunately Ruth’s Chris delivered a solid meal. Like an Irish pub in Europe, always a safe haven.
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You have friends who are liberals in real life, you identify with adam, but he sucks, for some reason you come from what you read in gyero, and you went to a type of college that has the word liberal in it. I don't know what that random assortment of vaguely related facts is supposed to prove, but [thumb2].
Good god, get over it man. It’s gyero. Enjoy your life. Nobody here is really mad at anyone.
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This goofy kid ever stfu? STFU, rogue.

Actually, I'm gonna be in Omaha next week, you got any rib joints you've never actually been to that I should try? Text your friends and get back to me.
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Asheville was fine enough. Lots of breweries in walking distance of one another. Cherokee casina right down the road. Negative: only skrip club in town is in a pole barn and that's probably the nicest part about it. Ended up in Greenville, SC at 1 AM.

10/10 would go again.

Greenville is fantastic and I miss the hell out of living there, but there isn’t much to do there at 1 AM...
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