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Because when a university fires an AD for cheating and mismanagement, that university's primary concern should always be how said AD feels about the guy who replaced him.

What an incredibly corrupt institution.

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We're winning ballgames.

Everything is fine.

I mean, we're averaging 100+ yards rushing yards fewer than last year so let's keep unleashing the same plodding workhorse incapable of bouncing anything outside or making those unblocked DE's miss, heaven forbid. Our offense clearly doesn't match last year's explosive capabilities and ability to quick strike... so why wouldn't you use a guy like King more with HR speed? Or Bowden in the backfield more and keep those secondaries honest? I'm just not sold on Snell being an every-down kind of guy. Sorry. He's great closer but with our offensive line struggles putting their hats on people, I think there's greater need for someone to 'get out in space' and beat people to east/west more...

I don't really disagree with anything here, but when you don't have the ability to throw up a bunch of points (we don't - for now), I think there's a lot to be said for shortening the game and doing your best to avoid 3 and outs with incompletions. And without a legit deep threat it's not that shocking to see our rushing yardage down.

I agree that seeing Bowden incorporated a little more this second half of the season would be nice. I think we will. Worth remembering he was late arriving on campus which didn't help. And I know I've said this, but with our 3 non-conference opponents (whose basketball program's didn't hire whores for underage recruits) loaded in the first half of the season I still say Gran has kept a lot in his pocket in terms of how to creatively get the ball to our playmakers in space. The meat of our schedule begins in earnest Saturday.

I mean we'll see, but I still like my team!
Between Southwest points and Sapphire's 100K point bonus, I paid for 4 flights to Orlando this weekend, and 4 flights to D.C. for Thanksgiving. Eight damn roundtrip flights saved me a shit ton of money.
Just trying to help doggy, best offer they've had.

It's only for people who like not paying to fly though, so I get the usual GYERO angst on the points topic.

-I'm over 80,000 posts, btw. What a career.
I know you like to quick jaunt to NYC. Check rates from Covington to Newark direct on United.

I still don't understand how we cannot utilize Conrad regularly. I know he missed an easy TD, but man.

He's a TE for crying out loud. That's pretty risk averse.

Why can't we use him?
Reddish and Barrett at Duke just eats me up.

Totally nutsack drag move by K.

Zion and Bol would be great, etc, but Reddish and Barrett are two future multi year all stars. And Cal *really* wanted them.
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I'm sure all you hard asses will disagree, but taking my 7-year-old daughter to Disney is actually pretty awesome, and I consider it well worth the money.

I'm leaving for Disney Sarurday morning with the lass, her daughter, the 5 yo granddaughter, and the lass's sister. They are basically dragging me along to be the pack mule and the ATM machine. T&P's would be greatly appreciated.
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Wonder if they’ve ever studied the link between girls becoming strippers and whether their fathers took them to Disney or not.

Could be big, if true.
Took my girls to Disney World. Twice. Stayed on-site both times. Also got the meal plan.

If you want to actually enjoy Disney World, stay on site and get the meal plan. YOLO. I'm as tight as can be, and it's better to just commit beforehand and get it out of the way. I would have gotten pissed at every drink, every snack, every meal, if I was opening my wallet each time. Instead, I got to enjoy the meals and enjoy the time with the family.

Same with staying on-site and the entry packages. No concerns about traffic or parking, let them worry about that. And the $100+ entrance fee per person would have absolutely drove this cheap SOB insane. Put it all in the package, and go have a good time with your family, or you will suffer the death of a thousand cuts.

Having said all that, I'm glad that the Disney World years have come and gone. Got them passports and took them to Punta Cana in April for Spring Break, and it was just incredible. Can't wait to go back.

I think the best thing about female sportswriters is that they don't take themselves or their job too seriously.

After perusing the responses to this, I've discovered that I'm supposed to be offended by being called a "female."


I've got so many missed opportunities for righteous indignation to make up for!
I don't think it calls for outrage and huffing and puffing, but I think for a woman to ask a valid question and have it turned into a reminder that she might not belong in this particular profession probably deserves an apology. It doesn't have to be either absolutely nothing or a massive catastrophe outrage. There's room in between those two. I think people on all sides tend to forget that.
I think Disney would be pretty damn awesome with your child, but maybe not for a week.

Felt a lot better about how much the lass and I are spending on the honeymoon after hearing how much it cost my co-worker to take the family to Disney.
I don't think it calls for outrage and huffing and puffing, but I think for a woman to ask a valid question and have it turned into a reminder that she might not belong in this particular profession probably deserves an apology. It doesn't have to be either absolutely nothing or a massive catastrophe outrage. There's room in between those two. I think people on all sides tend to forget that.

According to my fiancé, its my tone that’s the issue.
I actually disagree with myself on my sports sexism but really it’s just part of a larger sports snobbery and loathing of the profession as a whole (sports journalism).
I don't think women should be sports journalists, but I don't think men should be either. Get a real job, nerds.
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I just found out that one day when we are at Disney, apparently we (all 5 of us) are having breakfast with a Princess. Said Princess will basically be showing us all around the Magic Kingdom on this day, giving us all the perks. It only cost me a cool 1000.00.

Best part is that the lass and her daughter made up a shirt for me to wear that says "Most Expensive Day Ever" Which I will wear because it's all about the granddaughter having a good time, even though she had no clue. Part of being the cool Ja, I guess.

Good luck to all you young whipper snappers around these parts.
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If I'm being honest I agree with the general sentiment of WCC and Cam. I mean breaking down routes? Most likely out of her lane. Not that I'm proud of that but that just being real.

I don't really mind that in athletes. Way better than canned BS prepped answers. Scribes always want athletes being candid but then want to rail them when they're honest. Can't have it both ways, y'all.
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