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Mark Stoops looks like a furious Piglet.



Make it so, Willy
Counterpoint, their punter was arguably the biggest a**hole on the team during and after the game.
It wasn't anything GD tricky that Florida did, they simply lined up and we out-Kentuckied ourselves. The first time, I have no idea what Baity was doing, but the staff had plenty of time to call a TO and didn't. I was screaming at the TV to call a TO as I'm sure most of you were.

The second time we somehow went from 12 men to 10 men on the field and nobody covered the WR... again. This time, despite whatever PTI is going on about, Stoops tried to call a TO but the refs didn't see him. Still absolutely inexcusable.

Experience doesn't matter because after he experienced it in the first half, he did it again.

Redass aside, we are better than Florida and that is a good thing. I like the team's fight and I liked Gran's play calling until we puckered up down the stretch. Dumbass blunders aside, Stoops has turned this program around.

Even after all of that 4th qtr bullshit, our cool calm and collected QB let us right down the field for a FG attempt. Does anyone here actually believe they would've made that holding call against Florida if it was the other way around?

I still thought that touching FG was good.

Touch. It still hurts.
Not really, we have a bumbling idiot for coach.

What exactly are you trying to argue because I have literally no idea.

In the mountain of redass after the game, I've not seen one single GYERO poster claim they want Stoops gone or anything of the sort.

Instead, people are basically pissed that under Stoops we consistently make moronic errors (like not even covering wide receivers, not having enough men on the field, etc.) while at the same time respecting that under Stoops our whole program has gotten far better.

It is the easily fixed, basic things that appear to escape this staff who is otherwise punching above their weight class.
He flattened one of the guys tasked with blocking him, as a punter.

Your point is invalid.

The blocker's job was to keep him from making the tackle. Did he make the tackle? That's what I thought.

Thomas took one for the betterment of the team. I appreciate sacrifices like that. He gave up his manhood in case Whitey Walkon from St. X broke another one.
Does anyone here actually believe they would've made that holding call against Florida if it was the other way around.
Who cares? It takes a real screw up to hold on that play when we are only trying to take a little more time off and possibly get a better angle for the kick. If he just lays down and let his man go by untouched we are in much better shape but instead he held him all the way to the ground and laid on top of him. So yes I am going to say that holding would have been called.
UF's punter hurt them Saturday imo. Yeah, he boomed some kicks, but he also outkicked his coverage and let us get some good returns. It doesn't do you any good to kick it 61 yards if you're giving up a 30-yard return.

yeah kicking it about 10 yards farther than most other punters gave Charles Walker a running start. Also Moushey is a modern day Steve Tasker.
Learn GYERO. I simply insinuated we have a DC with 2 games experience and a HC with just over 4 years. Apparently, that is not possibly a reason for these mistakes to pop up. So, like PTI I'm just going to annoy the shit out of people.

Should I post a few pictures of Stoops looking like a mouth breather? That might help you regurgitate your next take.
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Was kind of funny watching Anth prance around Jordan Rogers at Tony's. I mean, he does have great hair, but don't be such a hussy Anth.
Learn GYERO. I simply insinuated we have a DC with 2 games experience and a HC with just over 4 years. Apparently, that is not possibly a reason for these mistakes to pop up. So, like PTI I'm just going to annoy the shit out of people.

Should I post a few pictures of Stoops looking like a mouth breather? That might help you regurgitate your next take.

Color me confused as to what exactly you arent getting. The mistakes being made shouldnt have anything to do with how long these guys have been coaching at this level. They would tell you the same.

Shit man. There are plenty of coaches with far less experience that arent really having the breakdowns that we routinely have.

Again, and nobody is calling for anyone's job so dont put that evil on me... simply stating that at this point- all of that shouldve been cleaned up. Which is 110% true. The fact that you keep doubling down on some odd stance is baffling, but very GYERO I guess.
So you disagree with my take? Good for you. I also feel like those dumbass mistakes shouldn't have happened... especially multiple times.

What about this picture though? Doesn't help your case.

-im an optimistic dude. Pro stoops...although the angry piglet thing is spot-on. The uncovered receiver thing is inexcusable...especially the 2nd quarter instance. My 10yo daughter saw it from row 44/section 18. A time out there(or just not ****ing up in the first place) changes the entire complexion of the game. I generally don't gripe about one play as a game is much bigger than one play. In this case that coaching error altered the entire feel of the game. UK was dominating and we let em back in on that one.

-moving forward. We were the better team, build on it. It is possible for sat night to suck a big bag of syphilitic dicks and have hope for the future. The two are not mutually exclusive.
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Maybe it happens with other teams and I just don't notice it.

But 7 men on the field against Mississippi State two years ago?

The "hidden WR on the sideline" play that Vandy ran for a TD two years ago?

Two uncovered receivers for wide open touchdowns against Florida?


The fact that we've made significant strides from a talent standpoint under Stoops is what makes this stuff so frustrating.

All we expect is competence. It's not really that complicated.
Trying not to be a touching sunshine pumper here, but without the bs 30 year streak I'm actually quite happy right now. We are better than Florida, Miss St is worse than I initially thought. Win @ miss st and we are still good. At least that's what i'll tell myself tonight crying myself to sleep.
Given our fortunate W in Hattiesburg, and our uninspiring victory over FCS EKU, I'm taking nothing for granted.

In addition, if you're a Caucasian wide receiver playing high level D1, you've gotta run perfect routes, have soft mittens, and huge balls. God bless Charles Walker.
Look, everyone can be pissed off about the colossal errors that were made (and I was, too), but we'll be 5-1 two weeks from today with 3 massive home games remaining: Ole Miss, Tennessee, and Louisville. Also a couple winnable road games in Vandy and Miss. State.

Still a TON to play for. I'm moving on.

Yea...but f that right now. It's Monday. We got 5 days to stew over this shit.

I mean, you can be pissed off at the coaching ineptitude and overall bed shitting that occurred on Saturday and, at the same time, be encouraged with the overall state/direction of the program under Mark Stoops. These two feelings aren't mutually exclusive. To the contrary, it's probably the second point that makes the first point even more infuriating.
OLD UCL: "Well, you see, Charlie, in my day football was played by humans - not the GD robots that do every GD thing now because everything has gone to shit because of GD millennials and neo-millennials and whatever you are - and the teams were coached by humans which made things entertaining because most of them were f***ing morons. And we had the dumbest coach of them all! That Florida streak that got up to 94 games or whatever was ready to be broken but our coach blew it with his stupid Piglet face and inability to count! Christ almighty! Anyway, he's dead now."

GRANDCHILD: "Grandpa, my name is Steven. And what's a 'Florida'?"
It's like Dave Shula- who apparently *got it* more than anyone could realize at the time- said after another one of his many losses as Bengals HC:

"It's a game. There's golf to be played, other stuff to do. Settle down." (paraphrasing)
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