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It sucks bc it's Florida/the streak and the atmosphere was unlike anything I've ever seen at Commonwealth.

Still a ton of football left with some great opportunities ahead. Gran will adjust some like he did last year.

Think Gran needs to use King more like he did on Sat. Bennie is not nearly as good as a feature back. He just doesn't have that homerun burst ability. A lot of his success last year was as a change up to Boom and during the 4th quarter when the D was worn out. They also need to find more creative ways to get Bowden in space. Gran is getting a ton of heat for going away from Johnson but fans are forgetting about the bad snaps and sacks when they wanted to throw it down the stretch. Schlarman needs to fix this Center problem yesterday.
TWICE they scored where we completely failed to cover a wide receiver. Both times those guys were literally going all "jazz hands" to get attention, and we still missed it.

Don't start this bullshit already, anth. It's way too early on a Monday.
I'm sure within the next 4-5 posts you'll twist and turn this into something completely different.
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I am really afraid this defense is not nearly as good as we thought.

Southern Miss train wreck on offense with two QB's
EKU a two QB system Div 1AA opponent
South Carolina team who was shutout at home for a half against LA Tech

Then a Florida team who had ONE GD offensive TD all season on a hail mary pushed us around in the run game and made play after play on third and fourth down while juggling a two QB system netting nearly 400 yards of offense.

Worst is yet to come
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Still a ton of football left with some great opportunities ahead. Gran will adjust some like he did last year.

Like he and Stoops did when they had a month to prepare for GTech and then coached like they went on vacation for 30 days? Like he and Stoops did when they had all summer to prepare for SMiss then shit the bed once more? Then the stellar game plan against EKU?

The continual coaching gaffes from this staff is mind boggling at this level. Worst ever when coming out of a timeout....delay of game, not enough players, not covering someone, etc, etc, etc. 3 and outs at crucial times are routine.

"The leg" saved Stoops ass more than once last year, then the fumble. They both are in over their head at this level when it comes to game management/preparation.

What happened Saturday was beyond justification for that.
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Stoops shouldn't be fired (I guess). But if he were at Alabama and that shit happened, he would be fired before he left the field. TS. That kind of thing happening once in a game - let alone twice - is a massive, massive red flag.
Well made a bad trade in fantasy football, needed running backs desperately so gave up the Denver defense for Jeremy Hill. My team is a big ol bag of suck.

Anyway Marcus Mariota or Cam Newton?
I like to close my eyes and imagine what the loss would of been like enjoying frosty beer and beignets in padded seating. Maybe I would of not punched the door of my American made SUV and had a sore hand today.
Probably in the minority here but I'm fine with the second blown coverage TD. It was the only way we were getting the ball back with any sort of time left on the clock. If you believe they were going to score regardless.
Big difference, Chief, between letting them score on purpose, and doing something completely f*cking stupid. One indicates questionable decision-making, one indicates mental disability.
I am really afraid this defense is not nearly as good as we thought.


Then a Florida team who had ONE GD offensive TD all season on a hail mary pushed us around in the run game and made play after play on third and fourth down while juggling a two QB system netting nearly 400 yards of offense.

Worst is yet to come
You're incomprehensibly stupid. Here, let me educate you....

Florida gained about 170yds (or 43% of their total offense) and managed 13 minutes of TOP in their last three possessions following UK's interception of Del Rio at the end of the 3Q. In UK's three possessions after the interception, they managed 1 first down, gained a total of 12 yards, and held TOP for a little over 5 minutes.

I'm just going to spitball here, mostly because I'm no expert, but maybe our defensive struggles in the 4Q had a lot to do with our HC/OC turning into giant pussies? You know, because until that point, UK's shit defense somehow managed to hold Florida to about 225yds in it's first 8 possessions (including the 45yd pass to an uncovered WR coming out of a timeout). And not that it matters, but since you brought it up, Florida was 0-8 on 3 down conversions until that point. But yep ----> UK's defense was f*cking terrible.....

Why don't you go sit in the corner and let the adults in the room have a conversation?
Lynn Bowden is going to be the next coming of Lamar Jackson for the cardinals in 2019. He's going to score 4 touchdowns on us at Kroger field and do the "suck it" motion to the faithful. This is a stone cold lock of the century write it down in blood.
You're incomprehensibly stupid. Here, let me educate you....

Florida gained about 170yds (or 43% of their total offense) and managed 13 minutes of TOP in their last three possessions following UK's interception of Del Rio at the end of the 3Q. In UK's three possessions after the interception, they managed 1 first down, gained a total of 12 yards, and held TOP for a little over 5 minutes.

I'm just going to spitball here, mostly because I'm no expert, but maybe our defensive struggles in the 4Q had a lot to do with our HC/OC turning into giant pussies? You know, because until that point, UK's shit defense somehow managed to hold Florida to about 225yds in it's first 8 possessions (including the 45yd pass to an uncovered WR coming out of a timeout). And not that it matters, but since you brought it up, Florida was 0-8 on 3 down conversions until that point. But yep ----> UK's defense was f*cking terrible.....

Why don't you go sit in the corner and let the adults in the room have a conversation?


Check back in a few weeks with me. In the meantime....

Learn football.

Florida is in the 100's in total offense and methodically did what ever the F they wanted to in 4th quarter, including averaging near 6 yards a carry with a true freshman running back against the nations 3rd ranked rush defense (LOL).

As soon as a QB came in that was capable of actually completing a pass we were totally off balance.

A Kentucky defense that held Florida to 0-8 on third down and the small amount of yardage you claim should have had PLENTY in the tank to get off the GD field against a below average at best offense JUST ONE TIME to seal a victory.

They folded mentally and physically. BOTTOM LINE.

Constantly out of position, missed tackles...etc
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So did Florida see something on tape that led them to believe we would f*** up coverage-wise in those situations? If so, NICE SCOUTING.

I can't be certain, but I'm hearing rumblings that the Florida coaches came into possession of this clip, and then, they knew.

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UF's punter hurt them Saturday imo. Yeah, he boomed some kicks, but he also outkicked his coverage and let us get some good returns. It doesn't do you any good to kick it 61 yards if you're giving up a 30-yard return.
UF's punter hurt them Saturday imo. Yeah, he boomed some kicks, but he also outkicked his coverage and let us get some good returns. It doesn't do you any good to kick it 61 yards if you're giving up a 30-yard return.
Considering we were undermanned for blocking that's impressive.

I sense a trend...
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