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I was replying to the good Dr. who is already calling him a bust like Elam.

Not calling him a bust, I'm just asking what the hell is going on. Made complete sense to redshirt him last year with Toth. But with Bunchy's "control problems" you gotta wonder why he's not taking some snaps.

They weren't scared about playing Landon Young.
So the entire Steelers team decided not to come out on the field today for the national anthem...except for the West Point grad and former Army Ranger, who went out there solo. Bad look for the Steelers.

Pretty excited to watch "Legion of Brothers" tonight at 9 on CNN.

Those guys didn't stay in the locker room.
Can you snap the ball and hit Stephen Johnson in the breadbasket? Can you stand there?

Losing to Tennessee in that 4-OT game in 2007 was more brutal to me.

Fun couple of days in Cincy at GABP to bookend the nut punch. Hot today. Cooled off in the new Scout lounge. Nice down there.

Did Bunchy get spat on in the 1st half? Is that why he lost his mind for a minute there between shit snaps?
Went to Indy for Counting Crows/Matchbox 20 tonight. I've found that making events in place of NFL football is good for the soul. Flying to LA next week for the Gorillaz 10/5 and Coldplay 10/6
Losing to Tennessee in that 4-OT game in 2007 was more brutal to me.

Fun couple of days in Cincy at GABP to bookend the nut punch. Hot today. Cooled off in the new Scout lounge. Nice down there.

Did Bunchy get spat on in the 1st half? Is that why he lost his mind for a minute there between shit snaps?

Yes, dude spit right in his face and the ref that was feet away did nothing and claimed to Stoops he didn't see it.

Also, for whoever earlier said I had the wrong guy when calling out Gran, I did not. He has total autonomy in calling plays and Stoops claims to have zero input(Stoops always accepts responsibility when it's his fault, I'll give him that). I'd pay a good bit of money to smack those stupid glasses off Gran's face. The smugness of those things drive me nuts. Very Tressel like in that regard.
There is no way stoops is not responsible for the play calling late. I believe he and Eddie understand that's how this team wants to operate. Grind it out, etc. that's the philosophy of the head coach on down. It's also obvious nobody trusts Johnson, which is fn unbelievable. We have all these damn playmakers, a lot more than I expected, and we're just saving em for the bowl game I guess. Really gonna surprise Iowa state in the dollar tree bowl.

Lynn retweeted someone commenting on Drummonds tweet about our staff not trusting the players. He deleted that RT within the hour. But he and everyone pointing out the fact our staff is pussy is 100000 correct.

We embarrassed Florida because our QB shredded them with NFL like throws and our playmakers made catches. Then we got scared and quit doing that offensively, and had a total meltdown on Stoops' side of the ball. F him. Put his spaz ass in the booth. Eddie and SJ are cool customers. They can handle it.
Thought I'd drop by to get my fill of #taeks after that giant punch to gut I experienced Saturday night.

-Most disappointing UK football loss ever, for me. We were better than Florida and it was evident. Never thought once we'd lose being up 27-14 with Johnson under center, that guy is awesome.

-For a man that constantly preaches toughness and fearlessness to his players, Stoops sure does play scared late in games. Literally my only criticism of him. Overall, he's doing a good job.

-The game was electric. Most fun I've ever had for 3 quarters. Shootbag and I were near the top hootin and hollerin', both drunker than a damn circus bear, most likely embarrassing ourselves/others around us. 4th quarter just ripped our souls out. Barely said anything after it ended.

-First home tailgate I've been to this year. Spent most of the time at the fraternity tailgates. Saw three fights, so that was cool. Sundresses :sunglasses:. Also, don't know if it's like a new thing but saw lots of girls wearing cheerleading skirts. Kinda strange, wasn't a fan. Will keep you posted.

-Even though I'm now one of the older people at the student tailgates, I plan on attending them for as long as I possibly can.

Have a wonderful Monday, gang.
You get three years to hangout with the students after you graduate. Basically once the freshmen you knew as seniors are done, so are you.
The "peeing dog" celebration will get most of the attention, but OBJ's 2nd TD catch yesterday was out of this world.

Jesus Christ, KSR- there is no GD comparison between a September football loss to Florida and the first undefeated season in 40 years and immortality going up in flames against Wisconsin.

Reign in your sorority girls, Drew.
-I hate the NFL. Just hate it. Granted 75% of that is directly tied to my self-loathing Bengals fandom but media coverage makes up at least 20%.

- I'll never understand why people care so much about what other people they don't know that have no effect on them or a detrimental effect on others, do. Want to sit for the anthem? Knock yourself out.

- How great is September? A dozen games every Saturday that still mean something. The weather is pretty consistently good. College basketball recruiting is in full swing. Then you wake up Monday morning to ten new college football podcasts reviewing Saturday.
Once you witness your favorite team blow an almost certain first time ever SB victory in the most humiliating way imaginable, it makes it easier to cope with failures like Sat night.

Yeah, I'm actually so accustom to heartbreak and failure that I was really only upset for about 5 mins before realizing that somethings like heartbreak and failure are in your DNA.
I'm moving on past the Florida game.

This is a pretty good team, and if they can stop making mistakes that a Pop Warner coach could handle, they can do some great things.

Hopefully fans show up Saturday. Yeah it really sucked but pull your panties up and get over it.

4pm kick is about perfect.

Holy crap it's almost October.
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-Randomly not to upset about the game. Maybe because I expected it. A little because "I like my team" and we actually looked like the better team on the field for 3/4.

-Young coach and we're growing with his mistakes. We see old seasoned vets making these same decisions every single week.

-Stadium was flat LIT. Fun game.

-Agree on Bowden. I'm hesitant but a little giddy at our emerging superstar being a little nutty.

-American Vandal. [thumb2]:joy: Really well done.

-Chicago all last week for work.
*Stars: Benny's house bacon and bone in strip. Melnicks wings are maybe the best I've had, their BBQ was average at best. Seinna Tavern squid ink pasta and really everything I had there. Eatly italian sausage sandwich.
*Overrated: Pequads. If that's the best, no thanks. It's ok but just way to much crust. Not some life changing event. Went in very hopeful.
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The dude who plays Dylan in "American Vandal" is brilliant. Nails that part. We had that guy at my high school and that was 20 years ago.
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I think we will see if Bowden ultimately proves the "use it or lose it" theory.

We dont have a young head coach. He's been doing this awhile now at the highest level. X's and O's are one thing- but inexcusable lapses in personnel and completely effing up scenarios coming out of timeouts isnt something you need to be a real savvy vet to comprehend.

Read option >>> wildcat.

However unfortunate, we wont see another sell out crowd for a long time. Most stadiums aren't selling out, save for a few of the major programs- so its quite an accomplishment. But even if we get by the next two games and upset MSU on the road (we wont)... a 6-1 team going into the UT game wont sell out. Just the way it is these days. Mid level porgrams have to have a perfect storm come in to get sell out crowds- and that magic got sucked out of the fan base on Saturday. Fickle, maybe- but the unfortunate truth.

For all the praise Gran gets for play calling and putting the team in position to win- he's equally guilty of pissing himself when we are in position to really extend a lead. I dont see that changing.
Eastern Michigan is 2-1 with a win at Rutgers AKA a lot better team than EKU.

Getting ready for a complete shit fest Saturday. Stoops continually plays down to inferior opponent.

Wouldn't be surprised if Mizzou takes us to the wire with a lame duck coach and an awful football roster.
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