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I’ve never seen a coach act so sheepish to win a game. That guy knows he should’ve lost. 100% lock back on the plane he and the other coaches are laughing their asses off at our coaches’ incompetence.

I’m mostly enraged by losses like this, but this one made me legitimately sad for the fans, and for the players. At some point, these guys and our fans deserve something good to happen. Especially the fans.

Charlie Brown doesn’t have shit on Kentucky football. Charlie Brown tries to kick a ball and it’s taken away at the last second.

UK football fan brings his wife roses home on their anniversary only to walk in on her getting gang banged. UK football gets the shit beaten out of him in front of his bukkaked wife and somehow manages to get arrested and throw in jail for assault after his wife called the cops during the ordeal.

Do they make those self-flagellation whips with a UK handle. Those would probably sell well in the Commonwealth.
We are legitimately a good football team. Conrad is an NFLer. Edwards is an NFLer. Both our outside linebackers could be pros. Our quarterback is some mutant badass who apparently doesn't own a pulse. Our running back is a badass. We have a decent nose tackle, for god's sake.

What the f*** was that bullshit?
If there's not some come to Jesus meeting today wherein the "staff" decides to focus on getting Garrett Johnson, CJ Conrad, and Benny Schnell the f***ing football as many times as possible going forward I'm going to explode.

F*** a big ass bunch of this risk averse shit.

We have a good defense. We are a good team. Go win some goddamn football games, dammit. It is there for the taking.
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And to end my tirade, why in the holy f*** are we not going FULL BELICHICK on this shit?

What would terrify other teams?

I don't know, maybe a f***ing mobile QB dropping bombs to an NFL receiver and an NFL tight end and a stud horse of a running back knocking the knees out of the defense to set up everything.

But by all means, let's run the f***ing wildcat one more time.

Thanks. F***er.

I actually agree with you...and, yet, we burn two timeouts on those blown coverages where there were receivers doing jumping jacks next to staff and we win probably comfortably.

This staff does a lot well, but as Jones said in the post game show, disorganization and panic in big moments have plagued them since they got here.

It's undoubtedly the worse football loss of my lifetime and that's not had everything in your nightmare of a UK football loss you could dream up. Everything.
It wasn't my "worst loss" because I knew damn well we were going to lose that game 28-27 when it was 27-14. It's like in Band of Brothers, when Lieutenant Spears tells Blythe that he needs to realize that he's already dead, and only then will he be able to do the things he needs to do.
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I actually agree with you...and, yet, we burn two timeouts on those blown coverages where there were receivers doing jumping jacks next to staff and we win probably comfortably.

This staff does a lot well, but as Jones said in the post game show, disorganization and panic in big moments have plagued them since they got here.

It's undoubtedly the worse football loss of my lifetime and that's not had everything in your nightmare of a UK football loss you could dream up. Everything.

I absolutely agree with you.

The good thing is that our portly redhead is learning on the job and I wouldn't trade him. It is a testament to why I'm so mad. This is not typical slapdick UK football. We're decent.

But still, that was a cockslap from an idiot sharkhumper. Florida sucks. Somehow, someway we've managed to be objectively superior to those bastards and we still lost.

Stoops is my man and he needs to learn how to be a f***ing badass, the surly little twat.
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It's not going to change. It's who he is fundamentally.

Coaches never change who they are fundamentally.

Which is why we are lucky to have Saint John Vincent Calipari, tbh.

Dude don't give a damn. We got three point guards. PLAY THEM.

We have 16 dudes who are 6'9. PLAY THEM.

Other than his son's tattoo, he's basically the Pope, imo. God bless him. We should pay him more.
-stoops does most of the stuff right...when he gets it wrong its spectacular. He might be missing half a chromosome or something.

-i like conservative football. But you cant do shit like leaving receivers wide the **** open on fourth down coming out of a time out. If you are gonna play close to the vest you cant give shit away.

-players and crowd did their job. Staff shit the bed. Still think we are moving in the right direction...but ****.
I still can't get over how big of a gash this staff is. Playing with house money up 13 and you completely crawl into a shell on offense.

And how did Stoops NOT call a timeout on the first defensive miscue? The play is unfolding right in front of his fat face. You see that no one is covering a receiver, your D is disjointed, burn a TO.

Never enough targets to Conrad. Guy is open constantly, catches everything in range and always gets an extra 3-7 yards out of a play. We used him twice.

Johnson was executing a flawless performance and our staff neuters him by throwing the ball 3 times in the last 26 minutes of game play. Not until that last drive did they dust off his accurate arm and ask him to move the ball.

Think I ruptured a few blood vessels yelling at the TV after we come out of a timeout with 10 men. Coaching malpractice indeed to let that happen twice on the side of the ball that is your area of expertise.
(The scene: Sunday morning, Barnhart house. Top Button is relaxing in his best cardigan and slippers at the breakfast table, sipping a latte, pinky extended, perusing GYERO. He reads Bonzo's post, and immediately picks up the phone)..."Get me Stoopsy's agent, we need to re-negotiate."
It's remarkable how my two football teams (UK, Bengals) can so often find ways to snag defeat from the jaws of victory.

I'm livid. Same exact feeling I had when the Bengals lost to the Steelers.

And we got by the officials, too. F those guys.

They were who we thought they were and we let them off the hook.
I can't add anything that anyone else has. You expect it but it I'm still shell-shocked this morning. 100% on the coaches, not burning a timeout on two plays cost us the game, not the holding calls, the high snaps, the missed FGs. I don't think I'm as old as the clown but I'm 47 and this one is near the top as the worst because it set the table for beautiful possibilities. A 6-0 start with a high-ranking and Ole Miss as our west opponent at home and Atlanta was a real possibility and now it's just wishful thinking. The 2003 losses against UF and LSU we were staring down the barrel of probation taking it all away anyway.
I honestly didn't think we would lose up 13 with 10 minutes to go.

It's crazy to think about each of the plays where anything goes different and man we beat UF:

1- 3rd and 8 UF throws a screen that we have covered up with 2 defenders and looking like we are forcing a punt until Edwards overplays it and then Westry left on an island is just flat footed. #4 gets a 1st down drive is alive and leads to a TD

2- WR wide open on the goal line is truly an amazing playcall

3- The Charles Walker catch. Hindsight is 20/20 but if we just kick it from there we probably win.

4- The hold on what was a perfect playcall to set us up with a 40yd FG instead of a 50yd FG

5- Burning a timeout before running the last pass play in stead of waiting until the play in case over the middle was wide open. A prevent guards deep and sidelines but not over the middle which could have led to 10 yds vs 5yds

Ultimately I'm numb to this outcome here and as long as McElwain is coach next year we got a damn good shot then to beat them.

We are a really good football team, and I think Lynn Bowden as well as Conrad should be used more.
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Moving on......

This team has a great shot to be at least 8-4 at the end of the season. I can dream about some other possible records but not going to put them out there for fear of karma.
I was probably Wisconsin 2015 mad last night (or worse)....

....and all I got for my effort this morning is a wicked headache, a very soar throat, a wife who won't really talk to me, and two dogs that are scared to come within 5ft of me.

I started to vent about the game again this morning, and was promptly told to STFU.

It's going to be a good day...#UKFootball
I was sitting near the UF section and, at least when I was leaving, their fans were keeping fairly quiet. I think they knew there was a legit chance they would get their asses kicked if they acted too happy.

I wanted to fight. Never really had that feeling before. Ran into the UF band leaving as we were leaving. Wanted to fight them too.
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